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Regretting Life Decisions (7)

1 Name: Omega : 2014-07-13 20:59 ID:EkQD/ZVE [Del]

Hello, I am a new member here. I have joined this site a week ago, but this is my first time actually posting (other than the Introduction).

I am an introverted person. I like to spend hours alone in my room: reading, writing, and thinking are about all that I do.

My mom is pushing me to do more activities and told me that the more reclusive I am, the more she is going to force me to more extraverted.

Now, there will come a time when we lay on our deathbed reflecting our life. Our decisions, regrets, accomplishments, all of that stuff. My mom tells me that I should do activities and make friends because this is the only life I have.

The thing is that I am not interested in socialization or doing sports or other activities. This got me thinking, if an introvert is on his or her deathbed, would the things they regret be the socialization and public acceptance?

I often think that if I were to die today, I would not regret anything, even though people try to make me feel guilty about it.

What do you think?

2 Name: Random-potato16 : 2014-07-14 00:00 ID:672JgGZu [Del]

I'm the same, and people try to get me to do stuff too, but I say it's your life. Live it how you want to. If you feel no regret from being an introvert, then it's completely fine! Just live the way YOU want to. As your mom said, It's the only life you have. So do what feels right. Hope I could Help!!

3 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-14 02:03 ID:Ba/hqyfJ [Del]


Hey, I'm new too; like 4th day here. And I'm also an introvert, at heart. Not exactly the type to step out of my way to meet everyone and become friends in a matter of seconds.

Being introverts and extroverts is just part of who you are. It doesn't affect "decisions, regrets, accomplishments, etc." That's all on you. How you succeed or get through life does not depend on who you are, what you are, nor where you are. It's on what you do, or so to speak. Anyone, anywhere, can accomplish something; can fulfill one's life existence. Doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's important to them enough to feel that they did something they've always wanted to do.

You said you like to read, write, and think. The 3 perfect things to write a book, novel, or poetry for that matter. If you don't want to, that's fine. But if do? Do it. If someone tells you, you can't? You tell yourself you can't? That is false. Are you telling me you've already given up before you even gave it a shot? By all means. But honestly, you have the opportunity to create something amazing to show the world. And that doesn't require socialization or public acceptance, so what are you afraid of?

Although, I will say this; if what you want out of life is in the 'outer' world(things that require being interactive and such), you have to decide whether you want it bad enough to put yourself out there or unless you genuinely think you'll be content to live without it; no regrets or dissatisfaction. That is your choice, and your choice alone. No one can say otherwise. Do you.

I'm telling you now, you're not gonna die today, or tomorrow, the next day, week, year.. I don't give a damn if some idiot pulls up the statistics on the death rate of Earth. You ain't dying! You have a very long, long life ahead of you. Thing is, it's just one.
Someone on their deathbed; introvert and extrovert, reflect on what they brought in for this 'universe', not those superficial activities. A reader's happiness? New technology? A new way of living? A specific culture? World peace? A new life? Lives? Something you did for others, instead of yourself. So all in all, it's about what you want to contribute. How you do it is insignificant. I don't care what your mom, that nosy neighbor, your sibling says, or that look your dog gives you 'cause he's already bored of being around you(kidding..excuse my bad sense of humor). You show them what you can do, and do it fucking good. Let 'em know.

Goodluck and take care.


4 Name: foreversigh : 2014-07-14 05:37 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

I don't think regret is the right word for this. An intravert on their deathbed might regret not being very social but I think that it will be a bit differently in some cases, yours specifically. If you're content with the way life is and the choices you made then you'll probably just wonder if you missed something and that you might have discovered new/better things if you were more social. I probably worded that wrong or something but I think it will just be a thought and not a regret. Simply wondering.

Hmmm...I'm really curious now though. I think I'm going to like you. So if you're not into lots of "normal" things is that because it seems pointless to you? When you say writing do you mean stories? And when you say that you do a lot of thinking I have to ask, what about? Are you the kind of guy who questions everything and likes to find interesting ideas and theories about the mechanics of life and how it works? Or are you the creative kind of guy who likes to come up with interesting ways of going about things and strange things to think about? Okay, I feel like I'm asking too much now so feel free toignore me if I'm making no sense and am just being a nuisance. I'm just looking for a certain kind of person...But anyway, if you write stories I'd be curious to read them.

I probably came across really weird but I guess we never know what we look like in others eyes. I don't tend to talk much because I tend to be...I'm not sure what word to use but I think it's best for me to just stay as an observer...or something... See ya

5 Name: Omega : 2014-07-14 08:20 ID:EkQD/ZVE [Del]


I am the kind of person who likes to contemplate the mysteries of the Universe, but people have told me that I am very creative as well.

I have a couple of short story ideas, yet I lack the motivation to write them.

What most people seem to enjoy: socialization, outside activities, going to parties, all seem pointless to me. I have attended a few parties or banquets, but I was never the social one, rather I just observed everything that went on while I was there.

6 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-07-14 13:05 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 okay from my own values and experiences I may be able to help. I'm more introverted and I like to think that I live with no regrets, or I at least try my best not to regret anything and act accordingly. Now your mom has a point, humans are social creatures and while introverts may not desire a lot of human contact, they still need some amount of human contact. A lot of "memorable" experiences are ones made with other people, like love and marriage and support and fun times. Sports aren't for everyone but there are a lot of other activities that you may find interesting. Research some that are near you and try something new. Join a club, go swimming (my preferred activity because there usually aren't a lot of people).
Just because you're introverted doesn't mean that you have to shun all activities, it's important to try new things, do the things that you love, and meet new people. Just make sure you're safe about it. Good luck and I hope that this helps! :3

7 Name: foreversigh : 2014-07-14 20:05 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>5 Yeah, I never understood why people liked that kind of stuff either. I know the feeling of having ideas for stories but not having the motivation. I keep telling myself and others that I want to be a writer when I grow up and have written a few stories but I am very lazy or unmotivvated when it comes to writing. I got a lot of really good and detailed ideas in my head and one of my major stories has litterally been there for more than a year. It's just one of those things that's hard to start but once you get into it it gets really cool.

But anyway, I think I'm a lot like you because I like to think about lots of things as well and I do like to write and also am not interested in the the kind of things that others are. If you want we can talk about different interesting ideas and things we've discovered as well as read each others stories. Feel free to email me at