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Oh god I don't know what to do (11)

1 Name: Y : 2014-07-13 10:19 ID:rhlICNxA [Del]

I am so stressed out and pressured right now. I feel really stupid because I feel like I am going to get a low score on our exams and it is driving me nuts. My teacher and classmates will really make me feel like I'm stupid because one person in our class almost got a perfect score on our Physics and Algebra exam. I lost 5 points because I thought you should convert joules to ergs. I feel like killing myself right now, I don't know what to do I felt bad on the examination day, plus I am really annoyed with my father. He doesn't even try to look for a decent job to support me and my brother, he just says that my mom's second husband is rich. I am so ashamed because the food that I eat is payed by my stepdad and he has his own family too. My stepdad really works hard, and I really envy his children because they've got a father who works hard in order for them to have a bright future or atleast eat three times a day. And please don't tell me that I should be content with my father, he prioritizes his mother and siblings and doesn't want to look for a job because no one will help manage their business. And my mother also thinks that the reason he doesn't want to go find a better job is that he wouldn't be able to control his own time. He always relies on the sweepstakes to have money. I wish I could change his mind, but he wouldn't budge. He just likes to have fun and all. It's pissing me off because my mother works hard too. How am I going to change his mind? I tried talking to him to find a better job because he doesn't give financial support, and I really pity my grandma and grandpa from my mother's side because they also help pay our bills. My father doesn't pay for like anything, he makes his siblings pay my tuition fee. My mother is the one who provides money for school, and I am really shy to ask her for anything more.

2 Name: Chreggome : 2014-07-13 10:52 ID:D92q5oQr [Del]

Maybe if his whore wife didn't leave him and let another man father his seed, your dad wouldn't be in a rut.
Marriage is sacred, so says The Lord.

I feel kind of bad for your dad, but I agree with you that he needs to get back on track.
Help him find Jesus.

3 Name: Y : 2014-07-13 11:18 ID:rhlICNxA [Del]

They broke up 7 years ago before my mother re-married. And even before my mom and stepdad got married, my father always relied on my grandparents(mother side) to pay for our food, etc. I won't tell you off for saying such horrible things about my mom. My religion is different, but I respect the Bible, understanding what the Bible says is a matter of perspective, I guess? Please stop glorifying Jesus when you say horrible stuff with it, you're ruining your own religion.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-14 00:20 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>understanding what the Bible says is a matter of perspective

>you're ruining your own religion
I'm actually following my religion to the letter.

Anywho, your father does sound lazy, and I hate a lazy man more so than I do a harlot.

But, I can see how the world breaks some men.
Cut your dad some slack, I'm sure his life isn't fucking easy. :)

5 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-14 07:50 ID:Ba/hqyfJ [Del]


Yeah, school and fam; few of the biggest factors of stress. And if a relationship were in the mix? Yikes!

Here is what I’m gonna tell ya. Drop everything back at home and focus on school; work on those grades, study for exams and avoid procrastinating. Otherwise, that is gonna build up an amount of stress, no human can endure. You always have the option to go to the school for assistance, or rather, the academic advisers. Let them know this is important to you, and you don’t want to fail due to personal matters. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, it’s what they’re paid to do. This is the bullshit no one should ever have to put up with, and I’m sorry that you are in this position.

On the other hand, organize a schedule between school and out of school, put in the time and try to follow it. You don’t want to feel as if you don’t have control over your life. It gets pretty hectic once you start feeling at a lost from all this. Perhaps pick up a part-time? Since money can be another tricky factor. Only if you can, please don’t force yourself. Although, from what I've read, you seem like one hell of a strong-willed gal/guy. The cash you earn; for food and part of tuition. Personally, I try not to take handouts 'cause I don't like the feeling of guilt, which I’m going to assume that's how you see it as well? I also recommend not spending it on superficial items that isn't beneficial. But it’s your money; your choice.

As for your pops? He is the only person who can help himself, for someone bearing that mindset. You have the ability to talk to the ones close to him, having them speak in your place. But for a stronger approach, I would really like for you to talk to him, but this time, genuinely let him know how you feel about the condition you’re all in. It may or may not do much, but at least it’ll be etched in the back of his head, more or less.

Also, mad respect to your mommadukes, step-pops, dad’s siblings, and GRANDPARENTS(?)! Wow..
Your mother was smart for finding a way out of a lost cause. No offense to your father. But to prolong the manner for that extent? It’s not even a habit anymore, it’s actually how he lives.

On that note. Really >>2? Stating their mother is a whore based on..? If he/she don’t tell you off, I will. The fuck is wrong with you? And telling someone to find Jesus? Are you for real? Yo, I’m not in any way against Christianity, Catholics or all related to the Bible, but pushing religion onto a person who is currently going through some shit in their life? Irrelevant. I’m certain, “The Lord” don’t choose who momma is a whore, sacred marriage or not. That is just you being ignorant, and it’s bloody absurd. I don’t usually go out of my way to put someone on the spot. But quite frankly, it was damn disgusting.

Now I've got THAT out of my system.

So all in all, drop all your worries, it’ll be okay. The universe has a tendency of working itself out, or so they say. Figure a way to pass with the school’s help and prioritize what’s imperative in your agenda; if possible, find some work. And one last hard nudge at your dad. If he doesn't make a drastic change in his well-being? Well, you can decide what you want to do/say from there. I’m positive; you’ll resolve it for the better.

Feel free to leave w/e concerns you got. Goodluck and take care.


6 Name: Chreggome : 2014-07-14 09:30 ID:D92q5oQr [Del]

>>5 lol don't even, man.
My opinions are my opinions.
I agree with your advice that OP should just do his own thing, your opinions are as irrelevant as mine though.

>pushing religion
I didn't, really.

>pushing religion onto a person who is currently going through some shit in their life
That is actually the best time to push religion onto someone.

>"The Lord” don’t choose who momma is a whore
Yes, He does.

>I don’t usually go out of my way to put someone on the spot
I bet you do.

>But quite frankly, it was damn disgusting.
Sorry I upset you so bad.
OP seems less mad though, so props to OP for not being a whiny baby. ;D

7 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-07-14 12:53 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 your parents' problems are not your own to deal with. That annoys me so much sometimes. Like others already said, worry about yourself and focus on yourself. Now I understand where your stress is coming from regarding grades and schooling but you can't properly deal with your stress when your thinking about your father's problems. Now what he's going through is a result of his own life decisions and he'll deal with it how he can, it's his life and not yours. So focus on yourself okay?
Chrome may also have a valid point, maybe religion will help your father, it seems like he needs purpose and when, sadly, family isn't enough, religion may be the answer.

>>5 people who get mad at Chrome make me laugh.
>>6 lol

8 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-14 15:17 ID:p0a9GtXB [Del]

>>6 My favorite part is how you are clearly pushing your opinions onto Y while YITMAS is simply expressing theirs. That definitely does not have to do with the fact that you brought up religion.

>>7 I understand why they do, though.

9 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-14 16:37 ID:Ba/hqyfJ [Del]

>>6 *facepalm*

Agree to disagree, yes?

10 Name: Y : 2014-07-14 18:47 ID:M5UNRc8M [Del]

Thanks for everyone. I'll just focus on my studies,so that I could go to a good university. I feel much better :) And there's no reason to fight over anything, just stop :)

11 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-14 19:36 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>10 Aww, but that kind of bickering is the livelihood of the site D;