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Help (4)

1 Name: donnie : 2014-07-11 20:56 ID:km6MQrgW [Del]

How do I convince my mom to let me date a 20 year old when I'm 16. I love this girl with all my heart but my mom doesn't understand. She saw. Something on Dr.oz that some girls will trick guys inro getting them pregnant when that is not true at all. I. Really want to be with. My girl and I dont want to lose her. Please help

2 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-07-11 22:13 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

>>1 keep trying to talk it out, that's all you can really so for now. You could always wait until you're of age too.

3 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-11 23:13 ID:Ba/hqyfJ [Del]


Love is a funny thing. Not that I question how you feel about this woman. But you have to take in the fact, in most areas, it's considered illegal when you're underage. That is probably how your mother sees it. In which, I agree with her, you're 16 and you just told me, you "love this girl with all your heart." That right there, tells me nothing. If one dare says age in just a 'number'? I swear, Imma slap you so hard you'll be another race. It's clearly a WORD. All kidding aside, this is a situation where age factors in your relationship, so to speak.

Donnie, I'm going to be straight up. This is no hopeless romantic drama where you think you're in love with a girl whose 4 years older, in college(if not, she better know what she's doing), and you on the other hand are about to be what? In your 3rd year of high school? The era where you're gonna have to worry about SATS/ACTS, college applications, college essays, basically figuring out what the hell you're gonna do with your life, not about some love fantasy. Is she gonna be there to help you? To support you? Or is she going to pull you back? Is this relationship going to affect your grades, your future decisions? I'm only asking because you haven't exactly provided much detail on her, so I'm gonna have to presume the worst. This is me being harsh on you, giving you the truth. The truth on how our current society will view it as it is.

BUT. Yes, there is a but. If you believe, and I mean BELIEVE; taking how you FEEL out of the equation, that this relationship will help you in the long run? By all means, go for it. Keep it a secret and try to avoid all the problems you'll end up going through from your mom, your friends, your teachers, and everyone on her side as well. They will tell you what I just did and persuade you to drop her. If you can persevere, great. The other option, one you'll probably end up doing..maybe, is talk to your mother again, tell her you want to bring this woman to meet her and see for herself. ONLY do this if you are absolutely certain she feels more than how you do towards her, positive that this woman is a responsible adult, confident that she is not one to use you, rely on you for God knows what, as well as that she can SHOW not 'say' all this to anyone who will question the relationship's intentions. If you are not prepared for all that? You need rethink what you got yourself in.

All in all, if it does work out between you two and you guys decide to have sex? Use a fucking condom, no joke. She tells you it'll be okay? Stop, and drop the hoe, 'cause you want no babies when you ain't even in college. Have you seen MTV's 16 and preggo? That shit ain't pretty, my friend. But you're smart kid so you should know the basics of how it goes.
Doesn't work out? Don't sweat it. It's HIGH SCHOOL; mad girls probably wanna be all up on your sexy ass. "Plenty of fish in the sea." P-L-E-N-T-Y. Give it time, with time, comes experience. And you, Donnie, have not acquired that necessity. So goodluck and take care.


4 Name: Akagami : 2014-07-11 23:48 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]


Actually there ARE girls that will trick men into making them pregnant so they can sorta trap them. That's what my mom did to my Dad. Pretty sure there's others who would. Not to imply that this person you like is the same but I just wanted to mention that it is a thing some people do. But I never thought of it as something that should be commonly feared either.

I don't see the age difference as being too big of an issue aside from the legal side of it personally. I know of a certain relationship that has like a 10 year age difference. Granted I believe both are legal? Anyway If you two are meant for each other, surely even if you have to struggle for a few years till you're 18, it'll last. Maybe if you keep pressing the issue and assure your mom that you won't have intercourse until you're legal (Do this for the girl's own good. She'd be the one who'd get in trouble)