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I'm Dumb (6)

1 Name: A Day to Forget : 2014-07-11 02:34 ID:T26EefqQ [Del]

I screwed up and fell in love with my best friend's girlfriend. The two of them have been my best friends for the last 5 years, and I really don't want to do anything that would ruin that. Nobody knows my feelings for her (that I know of) and I've done my best to control my actions around her because let's face it, we all act differently around people we have feelings for. Please someone tell me what I should do....

2 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-11 03:02 ID:Ba/hqyfJ [Del]

Ask yourself, do you value your friendship? Are willing to risk it over a girl? If you think that girl is so important, the one you believe is the "one," enough to destroy what you guys have? By all means, go for it. But I'm telling you, suppress those feelings/urges and it will pass, you will find someone else I promise you. A friendship for 5 years is hard to come by, that is something you can't afford to throw away. If the chance they break up, you have to consult with your friend and ask his permission or at least let him know how you feel before you want to pursue her. I don't know how old you are but rest assured, you have a long life ahead of you; you will find someone for you, in fact, you'll find many. You will find new loves and plenty of heartbreaks but eventually you'll be okay. It's just a way life. The "falling in love" you feel is not love until it is reciprocated. You're frustrated and you want her to be yours, I know, but persevere. Please. It'll be painful, although, it will also pass. You may doubt it now, but you gotta believe and keep your head up. She is but one fish in the vast ocean and you, my friend, are one hell of a sexy fish. So swim, find, explore through the seas, you'll find her.


3 Name: Roxanne : 2014-07-11 17:56 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

A 5yr friendship is heartbreaking it's not worth to ruin. You would be a good example of a fucked up person b/c you destroy the "trust" the "love" as a family besides friendship. Just protect her if anything but don't have your way. There's going to be a nice young lady for you but don't ruin it for your personal feelings. Tell your friend you need help and you feel lonely and can't stand being single any longer and want a nice girl friend like his. I'm sure those 5yr of friendship they'll be gladly to help you.

4 Name: Akagami : 2014-07-11 23:54 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]

Maybe try and distance yourself from her until the feelings go away because odds are, all that will happen is both will feel awkward towards you and that can damage the friendship. I assume she wouldn't leave her BF even if you confessed. And if you did confess it'd be kinda backstabbing towards your other friend.

I was in a similar situation kinda where I liked my friend who was already with someone. But you just gotta suck it up and bury your feelings and try and act like everything is fine. And if you can't do that try and distance yourself and distract yourself with other things.

I think no matter what it'll be hard but I think dealing with it alone and holding it in will be end up the least damaging overall.

5 Name: A Day to Forget : 2014-07-12 00:11 ID:8oRGdt2A [Del]

I would never jeopardize our friendship by going for her, it's just been really getting to me because they've broken up a few times before because of stupid crap he did and I've been the one who got them back together

6 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-12 01:01 ID:Ba/hqyfJ [Del]

If that is the case, you need to ensure him to never let go of the girl he has because she's one of kind, one that does not come around frequently. Just make sure to not get carried away to point where you're basically confessing(keep it as a friend helping both of his friends). From that point on, you will know if he is worthy of being with her based on his answer/actions. Since you say he is at fault for the break-ups. I do want you to be there for both of them if it comes down where they are officially broken up, but you should already know not to pursue when one is at a vulnerable state. That, has consequences and is a poor foundation of a relationship.

So all in all, restrain yourself, you wild tiger. Search for other women, you have to open yourself to this world you pushed away; blinded by a superficial affection(no offense). Because I honestly don't want you growin' up having to feel regret from a dumb decision you make, therefore, losing one or two great people in your life.
Life is short but it's also pretty damn long too(if that makes sense). But you get only one.