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What am I supposed to do with my life? (4)

1 Name: Hibiki : 2014-07-10 13:43 ID:6HYliVn6 [Del]

I'm fourteen now and I know that I have about my whole life ahead of me. I have only about four years left under my parent's rule and I don't know what I'm going to do after that. I spend a lot of time doing pretty much nothing when I'm at home so I thought I would do something now that would help me with my life later. The problem is that I don't know what I want to be when grow up. I know that I want a job that pays well but I don't know what exactly, and no matter what, I can't think of any job that I would like. So, any ideas?

2 Name: MONTA : 2014-07-10 14:51 ID:8o53zQlK [Del]

Hey Hibiki. Don't be that indefinite. Everybody have something to live for. If you actually don't know what is it just wait and that thing will show up. I mean, I'm still older than you two years but the same question never went through my thoughts. If you really, really have no idea ask the people who close to you. That helps often.

3 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-10 15:40 ID:Ba/hqyfJ [Del]

Hibiki! I was 14, 6 years ago. And I've been in your exact same position.. In fact, 85% of high-schoolers are dealing with the same thing. Trust me, don't worry about it; the more you worry, the more likely chance you might end up throwing yourself into something you'll hate or regret. So loosen up. Enjoy the upcoming 4 years, because in that time, A LOT can and will happen. But here, think about your interests or rather develop one; what you like: You like helping people? You like making tons of cash? You like the beauty of games? Or the thrill movies give you? Because there are all jobs related to everything. When you find that thing you love and you really want to contribute, look for ways to get there, through the internet, teachers, or like MONTA said, the people close to you. They will offer a guideline/road-map. So build a sturdy foundation and work your way up. In 4 years time, I'm willing to bet you'll find something fascinating in life.


4 Name: Hibiki : 2014-07-10 17:31 ID:6HYliVn6 [Del]

Thank you guys. That's really reassuring to know. I look forward to what the future has in store for me.