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I'm a horrible daughter. (4)

1 Name: Keiko : 2014-07-06 23:44 ID:VNXeauJT [Del]

Ok, I am a horrible daughter. But not the kind that constantly get into fights with my mom or anything, I just realize the things I do and the ways I act is utterly putrid. First of all, my family's situation is already a little complicated. To give a basic background, my mom and dad are divorced, my dad has a child and wife that I have never met before. But this thoughts doesn't bother me at all, probably because I grew up away from him as a child. (Seeing him only once or twice a year in the past few years of my life.) The thought that bothers me about him is that he makes very little money, and is giving his best to try and support his family (My side and his side.). However, despite his daily endeavors to try and make both sides happy with the little money he makes, he buys me clothing and things that I have mentioned to have liked before. I am immensely grateful that he is buying these things for me but I feel so guilty. I want him to put that money towards things for his wife, or his child, or to my mom, not to me! And also, I recently found out that just in the house I live in (With my brother and mom.) we spend around 4000$ a month. And my mom is just making enough to scrape by each month. (And my dad is supposed to send us money, but he has enough struggles on his side.) My brother is also a problem child (High functioning autism) and I am extremely mean to him. He is 14 and when he comes in my room I scream for him to get out, I ignore him a lot of the time, and get really annoyed by him. (Although he tries to annoy me I wish I just don't have to shout at him and make my mom hear the two of us bicker.) My mom is a saint, she always smiles, she doesn't yell much, and she respects me and my wishes. Yet I never practice piano (Which she is paying 25$ a week for lessons.), I don't help with chores, and I'm a brat. I always ask for things that are much too expensive. And despite the struggle with money, I have my own laptop, ipad, iphone, and many other things that are costly. And I only recently realized how much of a burden I'm putting on my mom when I ask for these things. For example, recently, I asked for a pair of Birkenstocks. They are very expensive, and she said "no" because I had bought a pair of converse not so long ago. And I am now so upset with myself for feeling devastated when she said I couldn't buy them. I also don't take any kind of jobs, (Babysitting, pet sitting, lawn mowing, etc.) I'm 13 btw. So I don't make any of my own money for shopping, so I'm always spending her money. I also don't do things when she tells me to and I get so annoyed when she lectures me. Such as when she tells me to wash the laundry or sweep the floor, I won't do it. In fact, I am very disrespectful, I usually only grunt in reply or something of the sort. In addition to that, I am a spoiled brat! I know the difficult situation my mom is in yet I still want to ask her to buy me a new swimsuit and Homura cosplay. (The cosplay is going to cost about 138$ total...) I feel so horrible for wanting this even though I never do anything around the house or earn any money. I just don't know what to do anymore, can someone give me some ways to deal with my bratty self? I don't want to be a horrible daughter.

2 Name: Keiko : 2014-07-06 23:47 ID:VNXeauJT [Del]

Sorry my post is so long. But thanks for reading... :)

3 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-07-07 00:56 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 you've realized that you're not the best kind of person and that right there is half the battle. You're honest. Most importantly, you're honest with yourself, you realized your faults and are wanting to essentially fix them. Not not all faults are easy to fix but that doesn't make them impossible, there are actually a lot of things that you can start doing that will gradually make you into the better person that you want to be. That's really wonderful of you to want to do at your age.
For your dad, he is a really good person, thank him repeatedly, tell him that you understand his financial situation and that he doesn't have to buy you nice things to keep your love. He probably feels bad that he's not in your life as much as he should be so he tries to make up for it with gifts. Just tell him that you'll love him always, with or without the gifts.
For your mother and brother, apologize to them. Tell them sorry and that you'll work on being a better daughter. Get a part time job and start paying for things yourself, and ask for less things from your mother, invite your brother into your room sometimes he probably annoys you to get your attention.
Just keep working on bettering yourself. No it won't happen over night, it's a gradual process but keep doing nice things for others and in time you'll truly be a better person. :3 I hope that this helps!

4 Name: Cleru : 2014-07-07 05:50 ID:cK9v1ptp [Del]

I say, go with @neko-tama.

But as for me, my advice for you is, you are the only one who can change yourself from being a spoiled-brat, that is, considering the fact that you have your own opinions and all. Pretty much as @Neko-tama said, thank everyone for these people who had helped you to give these material items, helped you understand what is your life going to be, giving you advice and such. I say, you thank those people, firstly to your dad, secondly to your mother. As for your brother, you should help him to get out of his "autism", it may be hard, but you can do it!

And as for you, help your mother by do chores.etc Once you learn these, you will consider the results in no time. Toodles. ~