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Bored with life (13)

1 Name: Note !j.dNMdxAQo : 2014-07-04 16:07 ID:AmCZvQ+H [Del]

Hey guys it seems like lately I've just been incredibly bored. It's not like the normal "oh it's summer" or whatever boredom, it's the kind where everything in life just is no longer interesting. I guess I am just longing for some kind of adventure or something. But I don't know. If you guys have any advice it would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

2 Name: Summer : 2014-07-04 17:30 ID:oKd/UZjm [Del]

I have the same problem too, everything is just boring and I couldn't feel anything its like everything is meaningless.

3 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-04 18:54 ID:tpoPpNyh [Del]

Work ladies and gentlemen, work. Then you'd be too tired to feel bored. If you need help, I have appointments in drrrchat, come if you like :)

4 Name: Note !j.dNMdxAQo : 2014-07-04 23:39 ID:AmCZvQ+H [Del]

thanks mask i may talk to you on that because ive been trying for two years and i haven't got one.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Extispicer !KOEpxeIGfQ : 2014-07-08 09:30 ID:0BfD+NyT [Del]

That's because you guys are entrenched deep in your comfort zone. Try to contemplate what and where is your comfort zone and think about how do you go about starting to get out of it. Explore . . . the universe has so much to offer.

7 Name: Lena : 2014-07-08 22:26 ID:mjBdfVOb [Del]

A good way to stop that, take the metro or the bus, go in a place were you've never been before(bit still in your town) then explore, talk to people to oriente yourself and try to came back in a different way than you first came, I have already did it It's amazing how you'll discover so many things! It will totally kill your boredom! (It's even better when, like I did, you really got lost and start asking everyone for a way to your street XD) You should really try it out, but don't go to far at first ;)

8 Name: Xavier : 2014-07-08 22:32 ID:qS4cTkQk [Del]

Maybe you need to go on an adventure with some friends to a totally forigen land. A backpacking trip to the middle of nowhere XD get lost, and use your intellect and senses to navigate around........I've been playing to many open world games.

9 Name: Hidden !yxSN/bs2A2 : 2014-07-09 14:53 ID:Ms8g11SE [Del]

I feel the exact same way dude :/ I also read all the replies and sadly none of that is exactly possible for me to do due to restrictions by my parents, or other things like that... I don't have the money to do anything either... Note, one advice that lets me deal with this kind of thing is to go out with friends, or try learning a new skill... I've learned card tricks, joined a RP site, found games to play, etc... just do something new, I really recommended learning a new skill or something, because it's a challenge, or just hanging out with friends and do weird stuff like wave at a bunch of strangers, or trying to see how many people you can get to shake your hand... something stupid yet fun

10 Name: ChildofLight : 2014-07-09 16:30 ID:7Ii17IFX [Del]

Go somewhere, anywhere, where you can meet new people and make new friends! That's always an adventure in itself. You could also try taking up a new hobby or skill, or maybe getting a job if you don't have one :) Sorry if that's not much help, but I thought I'd give a few suggestions

11 Name: Xavier : 2014-07-09 22:38 ID:qS4cTkQk [Del]

It kind of sounds like maybe you are lacking a companion in your life. Someone you're really close to. Because that is an adventure in itself (:

12 Name: MONTA : 2014-07-10 14:56 ID:8o53zQlK [Del]

And everybody loses their minds. I mean, recenty got the same thing. 'Bored with life' , 'What am I supposed to do with my life?' I can't believe people keep doing this. For god's sake! Do something! (apart from posting fool thing here) It applies to me also. Well, fuck...

13 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-10 16:47 ID:Ba/hqyfJ [Del]

Imma be straight up with you, life ain't boring; your interests are. People who claim they're "bored with life" are, in actuality, "bored with boredom." You are the one makes your surroundings, your environment mundane. Question is, are you honestly looking for an adventure? Are willing to go the distance to find that spec of fascinating bliss to fulfill the emptiness in your body, mind and soul? Because I'm telling you now if there's a will, there is a way. You can get there, if it's a matter of money; find a part-time(if you're in school), save up. Or if you have no one to spend the experience with, explore, go to events, meet your friends' friends, create these bonds and relationships, and hey, you might even get lucky yourself with a significant other in the mix; so win-win, right? There are countless things to do here on Earth(even off of this planet, if you're that bold to go to space). Have you been to another state? Country? Half way around the world? 'Cause seeing/tasting exotic cultures of these foreign places can be captivating. Ever tried to live dangerously? Racing with some of the fastest cars man has ever created? Jump off a cliff and experience the thrill of base-jumping? Go through the rush of rocky rivers with kayaking? Hell, go surfing through the cool summer waters or snowboard in the blazing winter snow. And it all can be competitive, if that's your thing. Those are just some few examples. But if you're not there yet, and want enjoy the simpler things? There are even more activities you can try out. Find the right people to do it with, the ones with similar curiosities, the ones who have your back. You can do just about anything you want; paintball? Fun as hell. Go to anime-cons, raving(raging), partying, getting high/drunk, have lots of sex(be safe though). Yeah, people will say those acts will screw your life up.. But it's really; screwed up people with screwed up friends screw up their life instead. Just know your limits. Find what's right for you and your companions. Figure out a way to get there step by step. When you do, take it all in and scream, laugh, smile. And you'll realize the destination was cool but the journey was something else. You stepped out your comfort zone, met these great human beings, planned this adventure together, and took off to the unknown with no expectations. That, my friend, is one of the greatest offers life can give you.