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need advice....please... (10)

1 Name: Aidenz : 2014-06-30 21:02 ID:gXJJxWl8 [Del]

i need advice

recently, ive been helping a friend deal with the loss of an ally. shes has depression and this loss just made it worse. she started cutting, shutting herself in, she wont even eat. i wanted to help her, but im not a therapist and didnt want to say the wrong thing, so i gave her a suicide hotline number. it helps her...but only till she gets tired of hearing the same bullshit.
recently she tried to overdose and i managed to stop her. we had a talk, and now, she doesnt cut anymore. she eats, she walks around, and shes happy...

but now shes clinging to me.

its to the point where i get messages every where. fb, email, her friend and im glad shes ok, but i cant be with her 24/7. if i miss a message my phone blows up with calls, or my email or notifications. there have even been incidents between us where she has pulled out a knife and threatened to start again if i dont i give in.

that was my mistake..she constantly slips it in to convos to get me to stay, and now...she says that she loves me.

i dont love her.

i dont let her kiss me, hugs are barely there...and i just feel trapped..i wish i could just bring her to the hospital, but she would only go by force. she sees i dislike it but she keeps on doing it...she keeps up with this act..

how can i help her?and how can i tell her the truth...


2 Name: Castor !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-30 21:12 ID:9L8m7OGW [Del]

tell her frankly.. tell her that cutting herself wouldn't help to make you stay all the time. she needs to know how to deal with her own problem... how to deal with it without the help of others. make her understand that you don't want that way... she really needs to know that all you've done is just a friendly gesture.. nothing more nothing less... (sorry i don't think that I helped :3)

3 Name: Aidenz : 2014-06-30 21:17 ID:gXJJxWl8 [Del]

ive tried that but she just acts up more. i feel as if she wont get it till something bad happens..

4 Name: kanra : 2014-07-01 00:52 ID:g+/0aW+s [Del]

She is going through the stages of depression. Bring up that you need your personal space evryonce in a while, be nice and quiet about it to.
Do you guys go out? If so take her out somewhere fun to keep her mind of things. Soon she might get over her loss but I dont know if she will ever stop clinging to you.
If you really want personal space you need to make her not want to be near you. Also the fact that she held a knife to you isn't any good she will try to keep you for herself be aware of that to. I should also mention not to be to forceful either he could end up comiiting sucide.

5 Name: Castor !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-07-01 02:29 ID:40hq/k+6 [Del]

Btw, where are her parents? You should talk about what's going on with their daughter.. I think that would help... Or if her parents werd not around why not try to cinvince her psychologicaly.. You should try that. :3

6 Name: Aidenz : 2014-07-01 16:14 ID:3tMe4nP9 [Del]

Her parents arent around, she lives with her gairdian and he doesnt do shit.we go out to like parks and stuff but no dateing, but even that is annoying. Shr compares herself yo everyonr there and then its just an episode all over again. I talked with her yestetday and she just pulled the "its ok, no one cares, im used to it" line. And now she just clings more. Would it be wrong of me to just call the police?

7 Name: Castor !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-07-01 18:53 ID:+UT97t7Z [Del]

Nooo... don't call the police yet.. that would just make it worse... unless she tried to lock you with her or stuff like that..

8 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-01 19:23 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

Were I in your shoes, I would speak to her guardian. Ask him to try to suicide-proof the house with you when she's away and to have a proper discussion about it without mentioning your name too many times.

If he refuses to take it seriously, then go to the police and tell them that she's been suicidal and has hurt herself prior, but her guardian refuses to take action to get help. Tell them she needs help and to be somewhere she can't hurt her self. Make it clear that she has cut herself before and often carries a knife with her. She's a ticking time bomb ready to explode on herself or someone else, and someone that's got power needs to take it seriously.

You also need to step back. What you've done so far is great, but she's taking advantage of you and manipulating you using these habits of hers. She may not even be legitimately suicidal, but calling the cops will scare her enough that she should leave you out of it (if they try to help her). If they don't, then she's going to harass you worse and try a stupid stunt like hurting herself worse or doing a half-hearted suicide attempt to make you feel guilty, but you can't buy into it or else she will never get better. You're going to have to take the heat and a little pain to help her in the long run.

9 Name: Aidenz : 2014-07-01 22:56 ID:gXJJxWl8 [Del]

thank you all for the advice. i did tell the gaurdian earlier today . he said that shes just looking for attention. he decided to help me though so were gonna have a talk with her tommorow. and if things dont work out during, were gonna call the cops. hopefully it all works out

i managed to say no to her today too and although she looked devastated its still something..

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