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Socially Awkward (23)

1 Name: Kuro : 2014-06-21 09:30 ID:w6gn6ep+ [Del]

Hello there, it's my second time posting here but this time it's more of a personal problem of my own.

I'm a socially awkward person, an introvert, and i don't really have much friends in real life. I'm not always like that, this started around a few years back, when i started out in a new education level. Something happened at that point of time (which i'm not comfortable to tell here, sorry..) which made me insecure, gradually growing more and more uncomfortable towards people around me, constantly worried on how they would judge me and i get anxious and nervous easily. I did manage to somehow find out the problem which that incident might have seemed to trigger a forgotten trauma from the past.

In school i'm pretty much 'invisible', only chatting with those close to me. Now i'm slowly becoming better, but i'm still socially awkward.. I'm growing apart from some people who used to be close to me, and i'm afraid of not being accepted.

I'm hoping to know how to be more 'interactable' to others and making more friends.

Thank you for taking time to read this, it means a lot to me.

2 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-06-21 12:48 ID:vAgp71RR [Del]

I'm kinda socially awkward too, but much less than I used to be. I found that if I just act really happy and friendly, people actually really like me. Plus, I found out that if I just say things when I want to instead of holding stuff back, people don't judge me like I thought they would.

3 Name: Rorrun : 2014-06-21 14:00 ID:W2JApUEx [Del]

Hello Kuro. I am an introvert as well, I would liek to hear about your problem from closer perspective if you would allow me to. If you would be interested, leave me a message at
I will be glad to help you with anything.

4 Name: Jay : 2014-06-21 23:23 ID:nz3rpj9z [Del]

I used to be extremely introverted as well, but I found that putting myself out there a little bit at a time helped with that. I still go through spurts of extreme introversion, but it's easier to get out and do things because I had exposed myself a little at a time.

5 Name: Kuro : 2014-06-22 00:00 ID:Wk8CptzC [Del]

Thank you all for you advises and help, i will try to follow them and continue to do my best and hopefully things will turn for the better. :)

6 Name: Lindsay : 2014-07-01 23:22 ID:oA2YWYvz [Del]

Hey i'm also a really socially awkward person! im glad im not the only one.
I agree with whats been said so far. A way that i've found to cope with it is to be friendly whenever you get the opportunity, and to try and not think of social consequences, but more of social benefits. ^.^
i'm no expert but i hope i helped.

7 Name: Random Potato : 2014-07-02 20:06 ID:cgvIsy3r (Image: 189x267 jpg, 13 kb) [Del]

src/1404349609550.jpg: 189x267, 13 kb
I am actually the same as you in this case, and there is nothing wrong with only having a few friends, or being kind of invisible. It may not be the best situation, but I understand that your afraid of being judged by those around you, but it's good that you're trying to become more social with those around you! Don't worry if they don't like you, because the only opinion that really affects you, is your own!

8 Name: Afro : 2014-07-02 23:06 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

It's the same as me. But I make up for it by being a social floater.

9 Name: Afro : 2014-07-02 23:06 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

It's the same as me. But I make up for it by being a social floater.

10 Name: storywriter_1001 : 2014-07-03 17:15 ID:ICfIYYd+ [Del]

I am a socially awkward individual as well

11 Name: Pain The Third !LrPdKmPXN2 : 2014-07-03 23:28 ID:94bhcZkl [Del]

Don't worry, it happens to a lot of people, including myself. The people that appreciates who you are, are the ones who will be at your side making the world a better place.

12 Name: Era : 2014-07-05 15:27 ID:R0TwISlG [Del]

It was the same for me during grade school... people used to be really mean to me, and now I have problems with feeling comfortable with people I meet... I lacked self confidence, and I was mostly alone. But everything changes when I entered high school, I became more social (to say so) and I made really great friends. However, I still have the same problem when I meet someone new. I just can't talk to them normally, because I get nervous. The only problem now is that I don't have any friends here where I live, so I'm mostly alone... But I still hope to find someone nice with whom I'll hang out...

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14 Name: Haruna : 2014-07-05 18:30 ID:aNN3ykLi [Del]

Oh damn... I LITERALLY feel the same way too!Like we had almost the same life! When I was in high school I was bullied and it "ate" most of my confidence. I refused to talk to a lot of people and I only talked to those who were quiet in school. But when I entered college, my craziness took over! Like I wasn't a quiet little creature before. Then I have been a little close to my classmates, but I am mostly close friends to my two friends who are REALLY quiet in school. I was the only noisy and crazy girl among us three. Haha

So just be who you are! People are inevitable to be judged by other people. But we don't care about that, right? 'Cause we know who we are. They're just pulling our personality down because we are at the TOP and they're at the BOTTOM. Wahahahahaha

15 Name: Coal : 2014-07-06 17:57 ID:T5lg0lh6 [Del]

You don't know how much I relate to this. I've been extremely socially awkward for a long time. Now I even try to force myself into being "normal" Creating these different sides does more harm than good, I see now. After a long time you lose your sense of who you are and it worsens your socially awkwardness, not knowing "who" to be.

16 Name: TheTiger 虎 : 2014-07-07 18:51 ID:WqDTOQsB [Del]

I'm somewhat like this, I have few friends that I actually talk to. It's very rarely that I'll ever look up from the floor while at school. It's not that I'm afraid of what people I don't know will think of me, I just get anxious when around people I don't know (don't even try to get me near a crowd of people, I loose my cool faster than a soda in a microwave)I'm also scared I might lose the friends that I have, I'm afraid they think of me as boring because I don't talk often and I have started to studder when talking to people. In the past my grades have been great but this summer has started to take a toll on my vocabulary and ability to pick out certain things about my surroundings. sorry if this is a bit long but I figured I would put this here rather than make my own thread.

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18 Name: Kurooooo !zcCpnseF8w : 2014-07-07 22:11 ID:FSdwG2An [Del]

I'm like this too, except that I feel invisible because my friends are all older than me. I happen to be the youngest and they are all in college already so i feel like it would be really freaking awkward for me to hang out with them all the time. They try to tell me i'm not a burden, yet their actions are completely different. I really don't know how i should approach this issue.

19 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-12-17 15:07 ID:AToW+yE0 [Del]

I'm pretty socially awkward myself. I've always been a quiet and shy person, and I can't really hold a proper conversation with someone else. It started getting worse when I got bullied, and it makes it hard to do everyday things like ask for help, talk to my parents, take phone calls etc.
Uhm if anyone wants to walk about some issues they have with being introverted and quiet, or if anyone is willing to listen to me vent my problems, my email is if you wanna contact me c:

20 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-18 03:33 ID:OJRVd5SP [Del]

Ah, you and I are much alike~(≧∇≦)
Although I must say, most people would experienced the same thing as well. After all, humans are alone when they enter a new environment. There's simply nothing wrong with having few friends, I'm also the same...I have less friend but it's actually doesn't really bother me.

But if you wanted to interact with many people so badly and wanted to make friends, I suggest you to become more friendly and a little bit extrovert ^o^
I realize that some people dislike a person with an introvert personality, because they unable to know what you think or you could say for them you had this mysterious aura around you that makes other cautious to approach you.

Start by a simple greeting~
Like hello~ or good morning~
That way their cautiousness might decrease a bit after knowing that you're a quite friendly person (^.^)

That would be my advice^_^

21 Name: dmdm : 2014-12-18 07:18 ID:yA8vfQp1 [Del]

Anyone else have piss bottles and shit bags here?!?!?!

22 Name: cat : 2014-12-18 17:48 ID:X3W020Rf [Del]

I'm going through the exact same situation! I just started high school, but my best friend now goes to another school. At the beginning of school, I started failing tests and stuff, and that really made me insecure and got down on my self esteem.

I'm a total introvert, and most of my friends are extroverts. They are all really loud and get along really well, and I don't know what to do. People say, "well just become more of an extrovert then!" but it isn't that easy, is it?

23 Name: Kuro : 2014-12-18 23:04 ID:7VeHSjGq [Del]

Thanks for the support guys~! I have tried to follow your advise and have thus found a lot of friends, though they say they miss me when I'm gone I'm the last person they choose to talk to when I'm there. It's weird and I've started talking to myself again, and whilst I'm fine with insanity I kind of want a human to comfort me when I need them. So now I rely on internet friends which I know can be good but again that encourages me to stay indoors more and I really just want to go back to the balance I had as a kid, minus the crushes.