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How to tell if a naturally playful person likes you? (5)

1 Name: hips : 2014-06-20 06:15 ID:Ix7lrqHJ [Del]

Hey Dollars, it's been a while. Some of the 2013-era people might know me as someone else, but that's in the past now. Anyway, I was having a bit of a situation so I decided to ask you guys for advice. Yes, it's yet another love advice thread ~_~ but what can you do? haha

Well anyone who knows me knows I'm a real joker, I love to mess around with people and joke around and that's cool. I'm really into this girl who is totally the same way.

I've known her for about 7 years now, but just recently over this month we've gotten to become really good friends! On June 8th we just happened to have to wait in the same room for about an hour and so we had a long conversation that was pretty personal, so I feel like we really connected. Despite that, about 90% of our interaction is having fun and making fun of each other or pulling pranks on each other, it's really fun.

The thing is, I really like her as more than friends and I *think* she might, but I'm not sure. If any other girl acted the way she does around me, I'd know that girl likes me for sure, but the problem is that this is just her personality. She's just naturally flirty and fun like that. And on the opposite side, as I said earlier, so am I. So it really is hard for *me* to give her a sign that I like her. She did have a lot of nice things to say about me, that I was very fun, witty, full of personality, and approachable, and she did say she admired some of my decisions for my future, but I don't know if that means she is necessarily *attracted* to those things, know what I mean?

What I am thinking of right now is something like...try to tell her secrets that I wouldn't tell anyone and tell her that I trust her with them. I'm thinking this will make her feel like I can confide in her more than others and therefore know she is special, I guess? ?_? The problem is though, we don't really get the chance to have many long conversations, she's usually busy or with her friends. That one time on June 8th was a rare occurrence.

Is just telling her or asking her out the only way to find out in this case? We've only become close recently, and normally I'd just let things take their natural progression but in this case I feel a bit rushed: she's moving away for college in a few months. Although she'll still be in the same state, she won't really be around as much. I don't mind having a somewhat long distance relationship but I need to find out before then.

Thanks anyone who read this wall of text, love you guys!

2 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-06-20 12:38 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 if it's another love advice thread then maybe you should have put it in the Dating. Problems. Thread.
That aside, I'll try to help you out. Confess. You don't want to always wonder "what if?". Ask her out to a movie or something like that, tell her that you really like her and that you'd like to become more than friends but if she doesn't feel the same way then you'll understand. By the way that she's acting, she might like you back as well.
If she says no it can be for a number of reasons that don't have to do with you personally. Long distance sucks and it's brutal. On top of that she's going into her first year of college which is supposed to be really stressful, a relationship on top of that may even make it harder. She also could be interested in the college experience per se, I don't mean the parties and that kind of thing but meeting new people, people who share her own life goals. I hope that this didn't discourage you, that's not what I meant it to do, I just was considering her possible situation right now as well as yours. Personally I think that you should go for it and confess! I hope that this helps :3

3 Name: hips : 2014-06-20 15:24 ID:PLkkK1ve [Del]

Sorry, I didn't see it. Haha, that's kind of embarrassing ^^;

Thanks for the advice though (Chimera told me you'd show up, haha), I guess that's my only option. I'll see if we can do something next week...but is it bad to ask someone out through text? It seems to me to be kind of cowardly but maybe it's not really seen that way anymore...?

4 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-06-20 17:32 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>3 lol! I should visit the IRC more often X3
Well I don't think it's necessarily bad but I think it's more romantic and meaningful if it's done in person.

5 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-06-21 03:16 ID:89tf6xHL [Del]

>>2 I was *gonna* personally harass him for making an extra thread next time I saw him but I guess I don't have to now.

hips, like I said before, my advice in this area is uh...shaky. But since you're intent on becoming another me (seriously "I like this girl but she's going off to school" come on man why do you do this to me?) I will tell you what I wish I had done differently.

Do not wait for the opportune moment. Go for it while you can. Don't settle for an everlasting maybe. Make your intentions clear and see what happens.

Also >>4 "I should visit the IRC more often"
