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I am about to F**King lose it (8)

1 Name: Shiro W. : 2014-06-18 09:12 ID:BzaVKN2x [Del]

my sister was missing when we woke up today, we managed to track her down to the local park and find out that she is pregnant. it turns out her and her boyfriend have been sneaking out every night. when my cousin and i learned this we were prepared to kill. normally i am level headed person, but at the moment i was ready to kill him and my mother had to make curtain that i wasn't planning anything because of the police station next to the park. normally i try to keep calm and not be effected by this sort of thing but i don't know if i will be able to hold back if i see the bastard again, he knocked up my 14 year old sister and managed to keep a smug look when i say him today, so i came to ask the dollars what i should do, and weather i should beat him as bad as i want to.

2 Name: Shiro W. : 2014-06-18 09:19 ID:BzaVKN2x [Del]

*saw him today,

3 Name: DEATHDEATH!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-18 10:02 ID:zKLTa81D [Del]

I think you should kick his ass!!...but not too much, cause he's the babys father you know, but beat that look off his face then make sure he becomes a good dad and treats them right! And if he doesn't then kill the fucker!

4 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2014-06-18 11:07 ID:gaDbDjjz [Del]

14 and pregnant?? I would probably rip his neck off. But not actually.
I suggest you to stay calm and cool. Beating him won't mean anything to him. You need to make sure he stays with your sister if she decides to keep the baby.
She needs to know that if she abort the baby, she will not be able to have kids anymore. And that is pretty big decision.

They should have known what it meant to have sex. They are too young for this sort of stuff.

You need to stay calm and think this throughly. If he is a Casanova it will be hell for him to raise a kid. And you can torture him by forcing him to stay by her side. How old is he? He sounds like 15-16.
I'm sorry they were so irresponsible about this and I hope everything will turn out okay for your sister.

You can give him a punch. Just one. But hard enough XD I would be forever grateful. I can't imagine this happening to one of my sisters. Perhaps I will cut off his tallywacker, but I don't suggest you to do that.
Good luck :)

5 Name: Shiro W. : 2014-06-18 11:18 ID:BzaVKN2x [Del]

thanks guys, it means alot.

6 Name: Systematic : 2014-06-18 11:31 ID:97Saa2wk [Del]

At the risk of sounding crass, he's not your major concern here.
I would have thought it would be clear that instead of focusing on what's been done, focus on what's going to happen. You can't make it so she never got pregnant and besides, she played a willing part too for the sounds of it.
The only thing you should be concerning yourself with now is ensuring that your sister has the means to make an informed decision on what she can do next. I don't know if abortion is an option wherever you live but her options have to be considered. It's your duty to help her make the right decision for her and support her whatever decision she makes.

7 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-18 11:55 ID:Xs81nHNn [Del]

You can't *just* blame him. She got pregnant, too, and should be held responsible for her actions. You also need to back the fuck off. Your sister is not your property. It's not your job to pass judgement on who she dates and what she does with her life. If she wants him beat, she'll beat him her damn self.

I doubt he's going to stay with her, but you being obnoxious towards him also won't make that any more likely. You need to support both of them if she chooses to keep it. You're just going to ruin the one chance her kid has at a dad for your own selfish reasons otherwise.

8 Name: Systematic!fE6/BiRrRs : 2014-06-18 14:39 ID:IkSqNewe [Del]

Barabi raises some good points. If you want the child to not have a father, antagonising him is a great way to go about it.
What you feel isn't important. What they feel is.