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Any advice? (7)

1 Name: Ryu : 2014-06-18 00:31 ID:jzwE62Bp [Del]

Hey I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me some tips on how to be more confidant. I'm really shy and at school I have 1 friend, but she's not in any of my classes. I try really hard to be likeable and I think I'm nice except people still don't like me. One day my best friend just decided to stop being friends with me and then everyone stopped talking to me.just ignore me. I know some of them feel bad for me but they don't want their friend groups to get mad at them and that is completely reasonable and I'm not mad at them. So I thought rather than sit around I should try and build my confidence up, I mean I need it, I don't even have enough confidence to do really anything on social media. I still haven't built up the courage to go into the dollars chat room. I'm a huge wimp and I know I sound like a whiny bitch but if you could give me any advice I would hugely appreciate it :)

2 Name: Crow : 2014-06-18 01:36 ID:3zwHMfIP [Del]

Honestly as terribly cliche as it may sound be yourself. However when that fails and it seems like people are leaving you left and right maybe it's time for a change. By changing I don't mean you have to alter yourself in any way merely adapt. Try doing things you have never done before. If you are really shy one thing to do is maybe engage with other people you know/see that are also awkward and shy they may be looking for someone just as much as you are. It would help if I knew your personality a bit more to be honest but this is general advice I suppose. By the way if your friends stopped talking to you because they didn't want their other friends to get mad at them or whatever they are honestly not people you should be with let alone call them friends. Good friends don't give a shit about anything other than maintaining the relationship they treasure enough to call a friendship. Either way appearing more confident is honestly half of where confidence comes from. If you feel confident in the way you look you'll be more confident in expressing yourself. I would def try out the dollars chat. People are generally really nice and can be great practice for building confidence in talking to strangers :).

3 Name: 悪くない : 2014-06-18 14:04 ID:4sQ4OXzk (Image: 680x480 jpg, 28 kb) [Del]

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Hey, I know its hard to make new friends, but don't be hard on yourself! It has always been easy for me to make new friends. But, I also have a lot of introverted friends as well. Some of my friends tend to make new friends by being different. For example, one of my male friends carried a cherry umbrella around with him that has laces on it. He got a lot of smiles and worked his way up from their. It kind of melted the ice he had and he was able to start going up to those smiling faces. On the topic of your friend I agree with CROW. Friends are the type of people who stick by you and honestly don't care about trivial things like that. I am very extroverted, but like I said I have VERY introverted friends. Its all about respect. I hope I helped you!

4 Name: Ryu : 2014-06-18 14:25 ID:B/cZ8Vpo [Del]

Thanks so much this really help and I'll try doing different things to stand out and put more effort into my appearance. I really appreciate this so thank you :)

5 Name: 悪くない : 2014-06-18 15:30 ID:4sQ4OXzk [Del]

glad I could help you!

6 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-06-18 20:41 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 stay a kind person. That is incredibly important. Those 'friends' don't deserve you either.
Now I can relate, in middle school I had a similar situation, I tried so hard to fit in and have friends but for whatever reason, people didn't like me, I've been treated as an outsider for a long time. I became introverted and shy.
One day in junior high, I became friends with a girl that I never talked to by being kind and inviting her to my house to ditch a photography class (skipping class is bad! Don't mind me!). She got me into anime and we're still best friends. After a lot of anime series my inner fangirl needed to fangirl so I started discussing anime on facebook pages and soon after I made a lot of internet friends, the chatting and discussing made me more confident and now I can confidently talk to others, I'm crappy at speaking but I try...
My advice to you is to start out small. Confidence is a skill so it's something that needs to be worked on until you're good at it. Take a deep breath and say something to the person next to you, talk about the weather or coffee or something! The worst thing that they can do to you is reject you. Rejection hurts but you can't let it, tell yourself "I'm a good person, anyone would be lucky to be my friend, that person doesn't deserve me." and move on.
It's easier to chat with people of the internet, since if they reject you all you have to do is click the exit button or find someone else to talk to. Don't psych yourself out and keep trying! Just be careful with the internet and strangers.
I hope that this helps :3

7 Name: Decas : 2014-06-19 08:17 ID:KiKmYyhk [Del]

Well friend, I think you should start improving yourself. when I meant "improve" I meant that you should spend more time enjoying yourself and doing hobbies rather than trying to make people like you. Enjoy what you have and don't let anyone stop you. If you want to go make some Friends then go out there with a smile n make them laugh. The only problem is that are you ready to get rejected? Trust me when I tell you that not everyone you meet will be your friend or want to be your friend, what you gotta do is just keep finding friends, never give up , and keep pushing through your comfort zone. Just keep developing yourself and without you knowing it people would like you. My main advice for you is that you should... BREAK THROUGH YOUR COMFORT ZONE *_*