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Lose it or not?: Virginity (16)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-15 00:50 ID:j9pwd+lH [Del]

I'm a normal Human being, like you, who is craving for sex, but I'm having a BIG debate with myself whether if I should lose it or not.... Please state your opinions, comments, or statements, because I want to hear them , I know its base on my decision, but I still want to hear what you think...

Thank You

2 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-06-15 06:24 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

>>1 honestly, I get how you feel and so do a lot of other teenagers. And maybe I'm just old fashioned but I think that you should wait until you're with someone that you're comfortable with and care for. But sex is natural so I at least am not going to judge your possible decisions, just make sure that you're using proper protection. There's always masturbation too. I hope that this helps!

3 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-15 06:49 ID:isCkudKa [Del]

I dislike the generalisation of how "normal human being" is perceived as one who definitely "is craving for sex".

As >>2 suggested, there's masturbation. If you're unsure, chances are, you'll probably regret it. There's the whole "if you're comfortable with that person" argument, but if you're under 16, wait it out. And if you do intend on dropping the V card regardless of our persuasion against it, then for the love of God and cheesecakes, bring two condoms with you at all times. Not one. But two.

4 Name: Chreggome : 2014-06-15 07:01 ID:HZXuMsjp [Del]

>>3 shut up. Humans are animals and animals breed. Get off your fedorahorse, fgt

OP, you will regret your first time no matter what you do. Everyone does, it's not magical and it's not even very fun.
But, do it only if the spontaneity feels right or else it will be even worse.

5 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-15 07:07 ID:isCkudKa [Del]

>>4 Trust that you know that so well. ;)

6 Name: Chreggome : 2014-06-15 08:13 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>5 I trust you have no idea what I would or would not know.

Also, stay mad fag.

7 Name: Rorrun : 2014-06-15 12:15 ID:W2JApUEx [Del]

I don't think that my reply is even necessary, but I agree with Neko-Tama. "Don't do it with anyone." Would be the simplest way for me to tell you.

8 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-15 12:41 ID:PUEmDkHc [Del]

>>6 So you answer things based on imagination and not knowledge? Cute!

9 Name: Chreggome : 2014-06-15 15:36 ID:6ysabhVl [Del]

>>8 ...alright.

10 Name: GundamPilotGao !FnjuX8xqi2 : 2014-06-16 08:00 ID:4El45WQR [Del]

Whatever you choose just make sure it feels right. I gave my virginity to a girl when I was 16 and we had a relationship for more than a year, but by the end I wish I had saved mine for someone else.

11 Name: toanyone : 2014-06-16 14:26 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

>>1 that's cute you should make sure you make love with someone you love. Ill tell you some thing from my personnel experience I my self don't enjoy sex and my first time wasn't very good. I thought it was me not being experienced in bed to feel good. but I found out my sexual organs are messed up and I cant ever enjoy sex. But I love the one im with and I feel like as long as you love him or her you should do what feel right. and also make sure you have a condom with you be safe and have fun.

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Crow : 2014-06-18 01:26 ID:3zwHMfIP [Del]

For one I agree that if you are under 16 or even 17 please wait. Seriously it's worth it to wait. I myself am 19 and have only just recently lost my virginity. I always swore up and down that I would only lose it to someone I was dating and could fully trust. Yet what I found out is that only one of those things is truly required and that is trust. I had a "friend with benefits" for about 7 months before I decided I wanted to lose my virginity to him. What I came to discover was that after all the time I had known him it wasn't about feeling some emotional connection that will make the stars aline and the a gels sing when it happens. Trust me you will be on such a sensory overload that you wont be able to remember whether it's night or day let alone how much you love the guy lol.I in fact held/hold no emotional feelings for him in the way that I want to date him but merely see him as a great friend and guy. What matters is the fact that you trust him not only with your emotional security in that moment but also your physical well being. In truth I am happier not having had those kind of attachments to him because even now if we ever lose contact as friends I will have the memory of my first time being with a good friend whom I trust/trusted and did his absolute best to make a difficult experience as smooth as possible.If in that moment you can say that you are really truly ready than do it making sure that protection is used whether you are on the pill or not. Don't worry if their is some SMALL anxiety about it because it is normal and would be weird if you didn't have it. It's a big deal and slightly terrifying to know that long pointy thing is going to be stuck inside you lol. SO long story short (and sorry this got so long really haha) if you can say you trust him enough that you know he wont purposely hurt you physically or emotionally then my advice is go for it. Your sexuality is yours to coven or let loose. No shame in exploring your boundaries as long as you are respectful to yourself, you partner, and the consequences your actions may hold. :D have fun and don't judge the first experience on sex in general ;D it sucks for everyone the first time.

14 Name: Systematic!fE6/BiRrRs : 2014-06-18 13:23 ID:cgs19pTr [Del]

I can't see why not. Assuming you are of the age of consent in your country. If you're not, I'm not going to tell you not to have sex, but you should think about it a bit more.
Also, you do not need to love someone to have sex with them. Sex is not a promise, it does not necessarily mean a relationship and it doesn't need to be a bid deal. I'm all for one night stands. Just stay safe.

15 Name: 悪くない : 2014-06-18 13:53 ID:4sQ4OXzk [Del]

My greatest fear=pregnancy...

16 Name: Systematic!fE6/BiRrRs : 2014-06-18 14:34 ID:IkSqNewe [Del]

Fair concern.
Abstinence is the only absolute way to avoid pregnancy, but generic condoms (Durex, Trojan etc.) Work out at about 98% effective when used as the sole method of contraceptive and using the standard birth control pill, less than one in one hundred women will get pregnant.
Of course these figures can only be applied when the contraceptive is used correctly. If the condom is damaged or if you forget to take the pill then these numbers vary significantly.
I can't say I have any real experience with needing contraceptives as such, if my sex life resulted in a pregnancy, biology would have a lot to answer for, but condoms at least are crucial no matter who you're having sex with. STD's are a very real issue and you're better safe than sorry.