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I need some advice, what should I do? (4)

1 Name: lelz : 2014-06-13 13:12 ID:UNZbxhaW [Del]

First, I should introduce myself to make things easier: I'm 16 years old and I live in Switzerland. The first 14 years of my life were pretty normal. My father owned a big company and he earned enough so my mother didn't have to work (Although I have 2 sisters and 1 brother). 2 years ago he got ill. First he couldn't talk anymore. After a few months without being able to talk, he was diagnosed with severe depression, burn-out syndrome etc. . He was at the mental hospital for about 1 year. Since this incident about one year has passed. He can't work more than 2 hours per day, he earns much less than he used to. I don't really care about him but about the impacts of his illness. Don't get me wrong, he's angry very often and he makes us feel as if we were the reason for what has happened to him, he always tells us that were just dumb and that we should just shut up because he's the boss etc..
I was planning on spending 1 year in the USA (as an exchange student), I already know my host family. I really want to improve my english skills(like really really). But I want to go to Japan as well. I've always loved this country (although I've never been there). I don't want to go there because of Anime and Manga, I've started reading Manga/watching Anime 2 years ago(or so). I'm afraid that, if I go to the USA this year, I can't go to Japan after finishing school (practical placement/ going to university for 1 year). I don't know what to do. I probably just want to go away and don't want to be bothered with family problems, I don't know and I don't care as well. Maybe I'm hoping to find somebody who loves me, people he don't seem to like me that much (I don't know why, I try to be nice to everyone), I know, my familiy loves me and I love them as well but that's not the love I'm searching for, I want to be loved by somebody who doesn't have to love me. Life just seems like punishment to me.
There are people whose life is way more difficult than mine, I know, but people can get lost in smaller problems as well. It makes me feel so much better to just write down what I'm thinking haha. Well, I just need some advice, thanks to everyone who read this.

2 Name: GirlontheMirror : 2014-06-13 15:18 ID:rEokcSrJ [Del]

Maybe you should try to understand your father's situation too. Remember, he's been the one supporting your family for such a long time. All the stress from work must have piled up on him. As the person supporting your family, it must have been hard for him to know that he got ill. Being in the hospital for such a long time without being able to work must have gave him negative thoughts. He should be the one supporting you, not the other way around. Well at this point, some will say, 'of course he's my father it's natural' but then try to put yourself in his place.
Working for less than two hours a day could have put him into so much stress, thinking how useless he is for his condition. Without knowing, he vented out all his anger and stress put up into your family. If under pressure people could become like that too when they find themselves in an unstable thinking. Like how you'll react when your mad and then some random person annoys the hell out of you.
I'll probably advice you to either take a day off and try to cool yourself down. Spend a day off for yourself and try to enjoy the things around you. You might want to go to a book shop, a cafe, a park or even a secret hide out. Anywhere as long as its peaceful. Whenever your father becomes mad try to go to this places and might as well grab an English book. If you feel like suffocating, you could always scream facing your pillow. But if I can't really convince you, a year as an exchange student in USA might help you.
Even if I tell you that I might as well call it running away, that decision is yours to make. If your looking for love, your friends are always there to cheer you up. You could also try chatting with the people here at the site, with this I hope you'll be able to atleast ease yourself.
here's a quote for you:
"You might be able to do it if you try. But you'll never be able to do it if you don't"

3 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-15 07:15 ID:isCkudKa [Del]

"I want to be loved by somebody who doesn't have to love me" - I may sound like a prick, but really, if your parents were awful enough, they'd make you go to work now. Because I have a friend in your country who was forced to drop out from school at the age of 16 to support his father, after the mother ran off with another man.

Parental love shouldn't be taken for granted.

But like >>2 said, if you can't hold it anymore, and if you're capable of taking care of yourself, go for that student exchange programme. Japan can wait when you're successful and can travel.

4 Name: lelz : 2014-06-15 09:59 ID:UNZbxhaW [Del]

>>3 I already have 2 jobs but you're right, I should be glad that I'm still able to go to school.