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Internet friends? (5)

1 Name: Just a random person : 2014-06-12 03:10 ID:g8nrX5W2 [Del]

Well... I was wondering if it's bad to have internet friends. What's your opinion of internet friends? I have internet friends and they are very nice people. I sometimes do enjoy talking to them more than my real life friends.
But, this is the part where I'm questioning myself. Well, because I have internet friends I've become more antisocial in real life. I question myself to why do I talk to them, if I don't know them in real life. I'm a very shy person so, in real life it's difficult to be social. But, on the internet it's so easy to be social. So, here's my questions. Do you think it's okay to have internet friends? Do you have internet friends? If so, do you like to talk to them more than your real life ones? So, that's all I have to say. Thanks for talking your time to read this. ^_^ Well, bye now

2 Name: Sid : 2014-06-12 03:49 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

Yeah I think its okay but it is really easy to talk to people over the internet, or just text. It is a lot less pesonal since you are not face to face. You only see a little bit of someone through words but don't see the facial expressions and how they act. Its fine just keep in mind it has its limits.

3 Name: Torao : 2014-06-12 12:17 ID:ejIO/eQ/ [Del]

I think it's fine; I mean, I have few friends in real life (my best friend I met via internet, then we found out we actually live like few km from each other! :P) as well as internet friends. Actually, three years ago I met this girl on drrrchat. She's from the other side of the world, literally. She helped me out of a strong depression, and we've been best friends ever since. We talk on skype, so I know her face pretty well. I treat her like a sister actually.
So no, I think it's not bad to have internet friends XD

4 Name: Roorando : 2014-06-12 13:10 ID:W2JApUEx [Del]

It is not bad, how could have such a thought even cross your mind? :)
Friends are great, whether it's online or in real life.
My own opinion on this is that, people put on imaginary masks in real life, and they put on the mask called internet to run from responsibilities. I have worded it quite badly, but well, I hope you got my meaning.
I am able to open online more than real life, depends on the person too. So most certainly, it is a good thing.

5 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-12 18:26 ID:rbgAGajU [Del]

Most people say this: There's nothing wrong it it.

Reel back and ask yourself another question - do you want to keep it permanently "online" since you prefer text over face-to-face conversations? If so, are you willing to spend the rest of your life behind a computer? Again, if so, what about the other person?

I'm a cynic who can't 100% trust someone I met on the internet. Maybe 90%. :haha: Unless I've spent a long time with them online and offline. There are some sick, twisted people who are willing to spend months to bait your trust before they get you into some serious trouble. Yes, pessimistic, but humans aren't the kindest species out there.

On a final note, maybe I'm going to be shot for admitting this, but, I tend to prefer keeping people who can help me in life around. Whether emotionally, psychologically, financially. If the online friend gives you peace of mind, why not? But don't neglect RL friends too because if you end up in the dumps, chances are, your online friend can only provide verbal comfort. It wouldn't help you get out from the bad situation you've fallen in, whatever it may be.