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What Do? (10)

1 Name: SilverCrow : 2014-06-11 23:26 ID:T26EefqQ [Del]

So. About a year ago my dog died. He was my best friend and I've honestly never gotten over it. Ever since then there hasn't been a single thing that I want to do or a anyone that I want to see or talk to. I don't want to go back to school, I don't want to find a job, just talking to the people I called my friends pisses me off, and I just want to disappear half of the time. I don't know what to do because I know this is bad but I just don't know what to do :P

2 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-12 00:58 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

I have gone through this exact situation 3 times before. I know exactly how you are feeling. The way you feel right now is very common. And it's okay. Go through the grieving process no matter how long it takes, but most importantly, don't get another dog in his place until you are completely over it (which you aren't).

Cry and let your emotions flow, go running, sit in solitude or talk with your parents or someone you trust. Writing also helps. The good thing is that now all schools are on summer break and you don't have to worry about added stress.

The thing to know is that whenever you lose someone, nothing seems to matter anymore. At this point some people may be blinded by sadness and take their lives... Don't do that. Really. I don't know if you ever thought of that but basically, just don't.

The loss of someone is a really hard thing to deal with, and to you a year may seem like a long time, but remember, the closer you are to someone, the longer you'll grieve; now, I'm not saying to stay away from people. Some people grieve for years and years but the good thing is that it gets less and less hard.

Try not to stress yourself out and if you don't want to be crying constantly, set aside a convenient time (daily, weekly, as much as you need to) to cry and think. If you try to forget about it and ignore it, it'll be even worse for you, so you have to instead acknowledge that you want to cry, and if you can't cry at the current time, then tell yourself you'll do it later.

I wanna help as much as I can so ... Have you tried any of these methods? Or, what do you do to cope with this?

3 Name: SilverCrow : 2014-06-12 17:52 ID:T26EefqQ [Del]

I've been kinda losing myself in videogames, just to kinda be a part of another world you know? In guild wars 2 my character has a pet that i named after my dog and he looks just like him and i modded one into Skyrim too :P But usually it's just been blasting music and playing videogames, and most of the time i can't sleep when i need to either but it's not always because i'm thinking about my dog

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-12 18:05 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Awwww :'( I'm so sorry for your loss... Well, do whatever makes you feel better but don't ever stop remembering him. It'll take a while for you to start feeling better but what you're doing now is good.

Are your parents supporting you?

6 Name: gin : 2014-06-12 18:12 ID:1IJoiEII [Del]

They said dogs are man best friends, aren't they?

7 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-12 19:12 ID:rbgAGajU [Del]

To begin with, lay off GW2 by reducing the amount of time you spend on it daily. Communication devices and tablet computers with self-luminous backlit displays can cause melatonin levels to drop, making it much harder to fall asleep. By spending more of that "I can't sleep" time on gaming, you'll only worsen your sleeping pattern and trap yourself in that vicious cycle.

If you bothered to post here, it reflects your desire to live and become better. So do yourself a favour by picking the pieces of your life back up starting from your health. As for your friends; either take a change of environment by hanging out with people with slightly different interests (I've changed from hanging out with jocks to hanging out with "the nerds" to improve my attitude towards studying years ago).

Traumatic events force us to go through changes sometimes. Fighting it off will only increase the magnitude of how bad it is for you. Relent but don't wallow so depression can't become who you are.

8 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-12 19:14 ID:rbgAGajU [Del]

>>7 either take a change of environment or don't force yourself to interact with them at all so you don't end up aggravating yourself "out of obligations/courtesy".*

9 Name: SilverCrow : 2014-06-12 19:15 ID:T26EefqQ [Del]

i don't really talk to my parents much, and yeah, dogs are mans best friend

10 Name: SilverCrow : 2014-06-12 19:17 ID:T26EefqQ [Del]

>>8 I stopped hanging out with them already, i don't really talk to them much either... it just got to the point where no matter what i couldn't be around them