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Help? (7)

1 Name: Vira : 2014-06-03 16:19 ID:NKtFAVPZ [Del]

So I just got accepted onto a colorguard team... and I'm the newest and youngest... I feel like I suck. This always happens, whenever I get into something new my confidence seems to implode on me. I start getting all shaky and nervous, then I suck even worse, then I feel worse. I don't know how to deel with it and I don't know who to talk to about it. I felt like you guys would be able to help since that's what the dollars are about. So does anyone have any advice on how I could deel with this?

2 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-06-03 17:00 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 this is a result of our current society's take on success. People oftentimes don't try new things or some don't even try at all because they're afraid of failure. Don't be so afraid of failure okay? That's the best was to deal with this. If you fail? So what. Get back up and try again. Everything takes practice and effort, you can't just be good at something, you have to be bad at it or just okay at first, with practice and effort you can be the best. Just be patient. Don't second guess yourself. And don't lose hope.
So if you suck, just keep doing it and you'll get better, everyone makes mistakes and everyone sucks at first :3
You can do it! Good luck!

3 Name: HonestNobody !yGETiiZ07U : 2014-06-04 23:11 ID:7OuBx1fv [Del]

I wanted to ask what kind of color guard? Military? Drum corps? Marching band?

4 Name: Vira : 2014-06-05 00:36 ID:NKtFAVPZ [Del]

marching band

5 Name: HonestNobody !yGETiiZ07U : 2014-06-05 02:34 ID:7OuBx1fv [Del]

My best suggestion is to go watch some Dci videos look at the guard and the type of league you should be aiming for I marched for phantom regiment as a bass in their battery back when Paul rennich was a tech. Point is at least give it a summer.. the things you'll be learning and accomplishing with your guard will surprise you. The best feeling is probably going to be on a late night bus ride back from a game or a competition in which there is a comfortable silence that is cause by fulfillment or just everyone eating because the show took everything out of them.

Your legs will probably hurt to much from jazz running anyway to feel any kind of nervousness or doubt

6 Name: Vira : 2014-06-05 03:04 ID:NKtFAVPZ [Del]

thanks, I will try my best!

7 Name: HonestNobody !yGETiiZ07U : 2014-06-05 08:33 ID:7OuBx1fv [Del]

You'll do fine