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Your Own Dream or Parents' Dream? (15)

1 Name: Tierza Chase : 2014-06-03 12:42 ID:ZjZu4sf/ [Del]

I'm going to tell you guys a story about me. As you can see, I have a problem with chasing my dream. Ever since I was a kid, I always dreamt to be an athlete - badminton athlete to be precise. Ever since my dad taught me how to play it, I've always liked badminton. Right now I'm 14 years old, and I always panicked when I thought I was too late to start training as an athlete. So I told that to my parents. I said "I want to be an athlete". They always answer the same thing: Athlete doesn't have any future. And because of that they don't let me train. They always say "You'll become a businesswoman and dad will teach you about taxes and everything you need to become one". I even begged them so they'd let me train, but they just wouldn't let me do it. I want to use this summer vacation to train my hardest, and I told them that. Unfortunately (again), they said that they didn't want me to become an athlete. I even said "I'll help you pay the club", but they just wouldn't listen.
So I'm hoping some of you guys can answer this. I've told my friends, but they just said that I should hear my parents.
What should I do?

2 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-03 13:29 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

I understand what this is like and i say do what you want

3 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-03 14:30 ID:V67AIVr4 [Del]

Don't put up with that. You'll leave your parents in four or so years; are you really going to let them determine what you can and can't do in your future? They think they have your best interests in mind but are overstepping their boundaries.

To be an athlete, you need to start young. You can't afford to lose these four years to them. I say you stop talking to your parents about it and just do what you need to do on your own. If you need their signature for a paper and they refuse, sign it for them. Make sure you put your own cellphone number down for clubs and sports whenever possible, but:

My #1 suggestion is that you try to train on your own or with a friend first. Avoid joining any clubs or sport groups until you're 16-18. It's hard to hide it from your parents before then. Also, still listen to what they teach you about academics; it's actually very useful to know how to do your taxes and write well and have good decorum, even in sports.

Get a job so you can pay for the equipment and training you want and save up to GTFO as soon as possible. If your parents are keeping your money in their own bank accounts or managing your saving account, get a family member or friend you trust over 18 to cash the checks you get from work, and tell your parents you're trying to focus more on school or something and not working. (Or if you're getting paid weekly, just tell them you're paid bi-weekly and have them cash a check once every other week.)

Etc. Just play it smart.

4 Name: Tierza Chase : 2014-06-03 20:53 ID:ZjZu4sf/ [Del]

The only problem without my parents is the transportation though. If I have to do it, I have to ask my friend (I highly doubt it) or I have to go by taxi. And the crime here can't be tolerated.

5 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-04 06:09 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>4 You'll never get to do something without your parents if you rely on them for transportation. Try to get your friend to drive you or save up money for taxis. I assume you can't walk anywhere because of the crime? Are there no 'safe streets' you can take?

6 Name: Tierza Chase : 2014-06-04 07:59 ID:ZjZu4sf/ [Del]

>>5 No I don't think so. And yes I've been thinking about walking to the place, but it's actually far. And taxis are not safer than the streets either. That's why I've always talked about it my parents.

7 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-04 09:09 ID:fNg7HtlP [Del]

>>6 Then save extra and use a reputable taxi service :I

Either that or learn to practice in your room. Exercise regularly. Study it whenever possible. Maybe buy a piece of plywood to put over a wall to practice against? Etc. Otherwise, wait until you're old enough to protect yourself.

8 Name: Tierza Chase : 2014-06-04 09:18 ID:WK+sD5OO [Del]

Yes I sometimes practice at my own room, but only for the stamina. And if you say that I have to wait until I'm old enough, then I'd be too late to practice and become an athlete XD
Pretty crazy situation I have here

9 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-04 20:15 ID:9eWl0UXL [Del]

>>8 It's not crazy at all tbh. You just gotta do what you gotta do. If you're serious about it, then take the risks you have to. If you're not willing to do that, then you should wait until you're mature enough to make the appropriate decisions, regardless of whether or not you're a bit late to the party.

10 Name: Tierza Chase : 2014-06-04 20:32 ID:ZjZu4sf/ [Del]

>>9 Hmm.. I guess so. Taking the risks now is appropriate it seems

11 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2014-06-05 08:49 ID:5DgOx4TY [Del]

I would say to talk to your parents and do both. Have you tried this one?

I remember I wanted music school. Really bad. I wanted to be a compositor and I was best even among the musicians. But my parents said: No, you can't waste a brilliant mind on something like music. - Which is what your parents tell you now.
And they got me to study Math, Physics. I hated them for a while. And I became really good at those two. And now I'm old enough to decide: no more math and physics and go for IT PhD.

My parents let me study music home. With a teacher. So I got okay with it. Because it was better than no music at all.
I still play music and learn how to play different musical instruments(on my own), but now I understand why they wanted me to study math and all those advanced classes. Because it was best for me.

So talk to them and ask them to let you do tennis on your own. And at school study whatever they want.
It is a fair play. It is the best you can get.
Because if you don't do as they say, they have the power to change things around you so you can never ever play tennis.

Tell them that you will do what they say if they let you do what you want in your free time.

12 Name: Tierza Chase : 2014-06-05 09:56 ID:ZjZu4sf/ [Del]

>>11 I tried talking about it with them, but they just wouldn't listen, and changed the topic. If I insist talking about it, they'll get mad and scold me bla bla bla.
Yeah I'm also good at badminton, people always say that I'm one of the most athletic girl at school. That's also the reason I don't get why my parents forbid me

13 Name: paranormal : 2014-06-05 13:19 ID:jyeS0NBN [Del]

well, i don't have any good idea. but the only thing i could say is this is really a thing about how you communicate with your parents. i used to have really similar situation. then i just talked to my parents and they listened. so all i can say is good luck. just never give up your dream. sorry i know what i am saying is useless, but i still want you to feel better. there is always some shit happens in our life, but all we can do is keep moving.
good luck :)

14 Name: Ignis : 2014-06-05 14:15 ID:LkPFMxk7 [Del]

Does your school hold inter-school competitions for badminton? I don't recommend tearing the civility with your parents for this. If you are passionate about it, prove it by letting them see that even with just your surplus time, you can achieve something for badminton even if you're just practising on the side.

My parents wanted me to be an engineer when I was your age, because it was the best path for my generation where I currently live. They wanted me to stay as far away from poverty and elastic wages as possible. What do I mean by elastic? It means you can't even tell if your salary is fixed; one day you could earn a whole wad, and the next day you could be scraping by.

That's how parents are. They care - but sometimes they're too neurotic about your future, so much that they become .. materialistic.

Sweep the medals and trophies in the competition, join a club, even - just make sure you can balance between that and studies. Think of it this way .. "I'm at least learning something that can be of use when I'm retiring as an athlete."

Keep your badminton skills sharp; when you finally get your freedom to decide your life career, you don't want to conjure your limbs on the court and realise that you should have spent more time into training than being depressed in your room.

About your friends; it's given. Unless they're rich enough to take you in, none of them would really dare to advise you to get into a feud with your parents, because .. if you reach a point of no return, who's going to fund you until you're 18?

(Yeah but it will be too late when I'm old enough!)

If you have what it takes, you're never "too old". Yeah But Disease is a silent killer to dreams.

15 Name: hohorei : 2014-06-09 06:39 ID:OGZF/MiT [Del]

I'm sorry I'm not much of a help, You and I have different opinions and perspective in life.. I've given you my advises, and I don't know if they(my advises) really helped.. I always say I'll support your decisions, that I'll always be here no matter what *but its true I'm already your no.1 fan!*. but thinking about it again, I don't help at all. Regarding your parents.. I don't know.. its hard dealing problems with your parents. I'm always bad with handling arguments with older people. but I'll say this again, I'm maybe annoying but please bear with me, I'll always be annoying in the future too, but "if" I ever get rich, I'll snatch you from your parents. lol (I'm so lame)

-crazy onee-chan
p.s you probably already know who I am.. *v*)~ *just passing by~*