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Creepy (103)

1 Name: Hyoten : 2014-05-30 16:56 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

what does it mean when you feel like none of this is real like it's a dream an when you do dream you dream of a person hugging you an the next night you dream of your face comeing off.pluse when i look at myself in the mirror it feels liek that is not me.

2 Name: Jessi : 2014-05-30 17:44 ID:Y87e8Hyn [Del]

I read that it's a type of anxiety and we shouldnt worry about it (but thats what the governments WANTS you to think...)

I get this A LOT and sometimes feel like my real place is in my dreams, i feel much more alive there. Actually, those kinds of thoughts mean that you're very intelligent and not only just living in this world, but analyzing it and feeling it.

as for your dreams, they can fluctuate a lot. actually its funny because last night i had a dream that a monster wanted to rip off one of my friend's face! Dreams mean things...

When you look in the mirror and feel it isnt you, that's pretty strange. Ive never had that but that's definitely interesting!

I'm interested in you now~ What other things do you feel and think?

3 Name: Hyoten : 2014-05-30 19:47 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

umm i'm sorry that's a little odd about what you said but umm hmmm.the person i saw in my dreams had a orange shirt i dream about things that happen in the future,

4 Name: Hyoten : 2014-05-30 20:17 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

an befor ya get any weird ideas i'm a dude jsut throwing that out there.i took my classes an know what can happen online.

5 Name: Jessi : 2014-05-31 01:01 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

*laughs* seriously? I'm a teenage girl and even if i was a creepy stalker, I'm way too lazy to do that right now. Anyways, I meant I'm interested in the stuff you're experiencing. Actually, no one else I know has ever said anything about experiencing that and this is like one of my favorite topics of discussion!

So, it is unusual but also somewhat common to hear of people with pre-cognitive dreams. I have only had one, but some people like yourself have it many times.

Have you ever fallen asleep while watching TV, but for some strange reason, your body seems to jerk awake before something on TV makes a loud noise? Like your mind races ahead for a moment...

Some people have a sixth sense where they can see future events in dreams, even experience alternate dimensional travel in dreams. Some dreams can just predict something small, like a conversation or a series of events in a day.

Some of them, however, can predict something a lot larger... Watch out for reoccurring dreams of course because theyll tell you a lot.

There are websites where you can look up common dream symbols such as falling and loosing teeth and things like that, but there are also some things that only the dreamer themselves can understand.

It's a really awesome thing to experience things like that~ especially if you dream about an individual who constantly shows up. This person you saw wearing an orange shirt, what did they say and do? Have you seen them before? Was it clear, and significant enough to be more than just a random image, but a symbol of some sort?

6 Name: Hyoten : 2014-05-31 10:02 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

that's good to know no creepy for the time being i;m a it to everyone not a girl or boy unless you know me offline.*smile*it's how i role.well umm.i don't really know if there just symbols or not but i remember this person an it was the first time i had a dream about that person but it was in my school.but school is over for summar break.but in the past i've had constant dreams of a guy who was first the same age as me an said don't ever forget.then another night he appeared in some like older version of japan an like vanished in to gold dust but he said "i'm sorry"the night before he vanished he protected me from this guy with white hair an he looked younge an wore a black suit.then another night we where just at my school.buut then it just stopped now everynight i dream about zombies an red eyes in the that's a litle odd for me.

7 Name: Jessi : 2014-05-31 12:25 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

That definitely does sound strange...the fact that there is repetition involved means that there is something important that your sub-conscious is trying to tell you. And, well, even if you dream of a place you haven't been to in a while, it isnt exactly a big thing since places are incorporated into dream by memory...

Unless it felt incredible realistic and the layout never changed there could be a chance it was another dimension of some sort.

Ive been to what i really believe is an alternate dimension, because i have been there 14 times and the layout never changes.

Anyways, if youre having repetitive dreams about these red eyed zombies... I dont know what that could mean. Monsters or anything that scares you in a dream can mean you are running from some sort of confrontation in your waking life and may need to solve it.

If not, then it would only apply to your dream life, and the only way to get them to stop is to confront them. "Hey! Leave me alone, why are you watching me?" Something like that.

Just as long as they arent actual demons or ghosts in your room.

So this person, youre convinced it's the same person? Sometimes a figure in a dream can represent your alter ego, or how you picture yourself, how you wanna be, etc., depending on what qualities they have... What he said was strange, i think you should definitely pay attention to these dreams and see if they correspond with anything right now~.

8 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-01 21:09 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

well hmmmm.i don't think i'm running from anything.but here is i idea i have maybe your soul is a half soul it means:one who can travel throw spirit worlds.but just my thoughts.anyway but i can't say Hey leave me alone becaues i-i can't controle myself in my dreams.but it's odd when the man turned to dust i cried thinking he died.i yelled out his name i think it was saito or raiko.but i woke up in tears.od these monsters in my dreams are odd.i think.but here is a time i had a dream of this girl who looked just like me but was doing a head stand in my liveing room with no eyes just black holes an a smile but it was black like hollow.when i talk about her it's like she's behind me.but i yell leave me alone!but it's nothing to much jsut creepy.

9 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-02 01:05 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Well that does sound pretty weird. Last night I dreamt I was demon-possessed, eeep!

Well, I'm one of those people who believes its possible to go into other dimensions if you reach a relaxed-enough state. Some dreams are just all too real. For a dream like this to impact you like this and always stick in your mind, it must be more than just a dream.

Being unable to control oneself in a dream is pretty annoying but other times it can be somewhat interesting, like watching a movie, watching things unfold and realizing this is happening to you.

And then the monsters... They're crazy looking, it would make sense if these dreams were happening in another level of life. Some things we just cant make up. Like how would someone be a virgin yet have had sex in a dream and felt everything normal. I got tazed in a dream once, in the morning i read what it feels like to be tazed and it was spot on.

Another cool thing- have you ever heard music in a dream, like an original piece that has not yet been made into a song? Its easy to forget them in the morning but we always remember them to be amazing. Something like that cant just be all in the mind...

How good are you at lucid dreaming? And also... What does this Saito/Raiko person mean to you? Have you ever...felt an extremely close connection to someone in a dream? And I don't mean like you wanna make out with them, I mean just a general strong feeling of just you wanting to be there for them, and to see them, and know they're okay?

10 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-02 17:02 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

i don't know what a lucid dreaming is.i don't really know what he means to me, an ya i've felt really close to him like he is just a hand grab away an when i am able to get him i can't an woun't let go, i guess it's called wanting but the odd thing is i don't feel him as human like a ghost or spirit or a demon like people say demons are evil spirits.he may be a demon but i don't feel any evil in one night i dreamed i was with him an we where is this weird forrest it was perfect an like there was this werid mushroom in the middle of it like in my dreams for a secon time he waas at my school but we where both older.each dream we get a little looking in the futur.but now that i think about it raiko an saito don't really feel like they connect with him like when you hear someones name is mark but he looks like a that.

11 Name: Joe : 2014-06-02 17:23 ID:Rtng4a5P [Del]

This all could be a very good movie, or book. I'm sorry to get in the middle of the thread, its just this was very interesting to me, for lately i have been on the subject of dreams, Through articles in both magazines and online things ( Wikipedia, yeah i know, who believes that?) . But all i can say is that, if you want to look at it in a less, supernatural way, you can look at dreams as being a some up of current and past events. Many things alter your dreaming such as where you are, by that i mean, what are you seeing everyday, other things in technology such as TV, videos, games, the screens, you know? But i do feel as if dreams are more than " Common science " I have had dreams in places that i do not know, seen people i do not know. I bet we all have. It is also interesting how ( for me ) i know the events happening in the dream, i know the area and people, even if not seen before. ( sorta as one of one you said ), what if this is like another part of us in another world, and we see it in our dreams? AND THE OTHER US SEE US IN THEIR DREAMS!.....
I personally think we may never find out whats the case with dreams.

12 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-02 18:20 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

I agree with Joe!!!

Also, lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming and you know you're dreaming. Like, you look around and say "hey I'm dreaming!"

The whole dream situation sounds really interesting you should write it all down. I understand what that's like because I too have dreamt of someone i have never seen before and yet feel so close to them.

There is a lot more to dreams than we could ever understand...

13 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-02 18:28 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

Joe.>ww< please!

14 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-02 18:29 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

wait something happen sorry

15 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-02 18:34 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

like i was trying to say.
Joe.You undeerstand.

Jessi. i think i can i know the awnser to your dream person.maybe it's your past life ya know.

But that can't be for me because i umm i well uu ya see i feel connected to this person alot i mean it's a deep connection like umm how can i say this.-////-

but like joe said we should like write a book or something wait scrach that see what i've learn is that where helping each other understand are dreams an there meaning.So i have a idea how about we do reserch on these things an report back on what we find.

An for anyone else reading this a few word i can say YOU CAN HELP!!!Please you can tell use your dream problems an we can help.wait that sounds like a great idea.(me in my head:that is a great idea)shut up.(no way) where not doing this here.(fine). so ya.

16 Name: Amie !sV.HJVcWzs : 2014-06-02 18:44 ID:Co2mk9xG [Del]

All I know about dreams, (paradoxical dreams : those you can remember) is that they are EXTREMELY influenced by the last things you saw, did, thought before going to sleep. They are like an echo in your mind, when you are asleep. And usually are guiding your dreams.
One example (only one there is much more) a night I went to bed at like 4AM after studding and programing all night. And all I dreamed about was data table. Uncompromisable successions of letters and number in tables. Horrible >.<' I wake up so much time but each time I finally get asleep I was waking up hours later because of the same thing. Like I said this is only an example. But really. Care about what you do before sleeping.

17 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-02 18:57 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

What if you don't do anything befor you no Tv no computar no nothing just lay down an sleep? -.-

18 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-02 22:25 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Im the kind of person who very rarely dreams about movies ive seen, books ive read, etc. the day before i have the dream. I always dream something different than what i did during the day, like even if i was watching fireworks then at night ill dream about something else like being at a lake or something.

I live an hour from the nearest city but ive dreamed of huge cities before even when i havent gone recently. And what about when we see things in a dream and years later we see it in real life?

A color exists in my mind that isnt anywhere in our spectrum, its a very beautiful color that ive seen in dreams. Its strange because i cannot physically see this color, i can just see it somewhat with my mind and i know its a color unlike any other and maybe it exists after death, i dunno, but how would you explain something like that?

19 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-03 10:50 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

it's quite see when people sleep there souls/spirits whatever leave there bodies an that's how we see things that we may not really know about like some people can go between world some go to the future some go to the past some meet up with the souls of others old friends, family, lovers, futur lovers or family or friends.that' my theary on the color you see it maybe the color in the univers that we don't know about but your soul was able to connect with.

20 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-03 12:14 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

I believe that but just slightly different. I think that there is a certain part of our souls that is able to leave the body to travel in time and dimensions and things but not the entire soul, because then nothing would be left to watch over the body.

And only some people can achieve that sort of thing, like they have to be in-tune with the energy of something and just be balanced and stuff because i know not everyone can do that, especially ignorant people.

But i do know that its possible to meet with others because then how to you explain people having the same dream together? Time doesnt exist in the dream state thats why we can go to the future or the past and sometimes you might meet someones future self in a dream and ten years later that person will have had a dream that they saw your younger self in the same dream, it's amazing how that works.

There are a lot of colors we havent seen whether theyre just super-amplified and hard-to-explain colors that already exist or just different ones all together, like when you close your eyes and rub them you see this really really bright greenish brownish yellow color and sometimes theres this blue or violet. The color that i see is like a mix of purple and green but it's not too bright or dull, sorta like an orange, but it's really hard to explain, yet its incredible.

Theres all sorts of dimensions or perhaps its just one big dimension composed of infinite realms all belonging to the same level of energy as vast as our own universe and perhaps even larger if that's even possible, but how can we prove it isnt there when there is more evidence in favor of its existence that against it

21 Name: Holena : 2014-06-03 12:16 ID:+AWNRa0s [Del]


22 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-03 13:30 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del], but I myself have been.

23 Name: Joe : 2014-06-03 15:28 ID:Rtng4a5P [Del]

Interesting...... I mean like i said, we might never find out, but the theories and creativity behind dreams is cool. Either it be our souls leaving our bodies or us in another life. Right now i just pictured how it works. In the day, our eyes see it all, or see most. Then as we sleep, our brain mixes every picture and object in our head to form something entirely new, its like we create our world, by mixing the world we see and live in. I just kinda thought of this right now. But that kinda just explains the dreams that we have that occur in places and have people, which we have never seen before. To me, there are a variety of different dreams, maybe having there own meanings. This subject is so cool.

24 Name: Joe : 2014-06-03 16:11 ID:Rtng4a5P [Del]

And no, i dont but i wish i had dreams where everyone's naked, cuz then i would feel comfortable to be so.....

25 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-03 16:50 ID:26zNINrA (Image: 320x240 jpg, 15 kb) [Del]

src/1401832232644.jpg: 320x240, 15 kb
i don't really think i've had a dream where everyone was naked btu i forget my dreams sometimes.
i know by now alot of us are freaking out thinking about life an that me one time i looked in the mirror at myself holding my sword.NOTHING has felt the i don't think anythign will feel the same aging but let's all calm down an look at this pic.i drew it online myself.

26 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-03 16:52 ID:26zNINrA (Image: 320x240 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1401832370777.jpg: 320x240, 9 kb
>>25 that is what my hair color is aan what i look like.i like drawing myself in diffrent versions.
Jessi you want to know what raiko/saito look like here it raiko/saito.

27 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-03 18:45 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Wow that's really interesting. The boy that I see has red hair and wears a long coat, about 5'7" or so...

One theory that i also have is sorta similar to what Joe said. Like, since all of the dimensions overlap eachother, we cant see it physically and perhaps our subconscious picks up on it and we can see images of them in our dreams and sometimes go there.

I formed that theory by looking out at the stars at midnight on the way back from Vegas numerous times where there are no lights to interfere with the sky so you can see millions and millions of them. It's truly beautiful. Eventually as I kept looking, it was looking more and more like a giant city... A familiar city, perhaps even the one from my dreams.

So its like these things are all around us at all times but we just dont pick up on it normally unless we really pay attention and are seeking it. Sometimes even when we don't seek it.

But the weirdest thing is still dream sharing, which is when two people dream the same thing. How do you explain something like that? It only happens to people who are very close and their energies or souls are connected deeply and so they both enter the realm together. It happened to my parents, they dreamt they were at a party and they were both walking around the place and when they woke up their dreams were exactly the same even down to the conversations they had with one another.

It makes me wonder if some of the people walking around in our world are dreaming in another.

28 Name: Joe : 2014-06-03 19:46 ID:Rtng4a5P [Del]

Never heard of two people having the same dream, thought it was only in the movies, btw nice drawings.

29 Name: Joe : 2014-06-03 20:00 ID:Rtng4a5P [Del]

I still think that our brains are putting things that we experience all together to make something whole. In my dreams, even though the places and people i see, i have never seen, its like some parts i have. ( example ) You could have a dream where you are walking in the woods, and you pass an ice cream stand, which you've seen before. Then the dream goes on, in the woods,and you see other things, you do not recognize.
What about this: you are dreaming of something, and then you're mind blurs out of random and you're in another area, do something entirely new, and you probably dont realize it for awhile. I CALL IT SCENE SWITCHING!

There is also questions on recalling dreams, its said we have dreams every day, but we only remember them 20% or so of the time. Since this subject of dreams, when i wake up i try to remember the dream, and get fragments, but as about 5 min go by..... i cant remember, WHAT I JUST REMEMBERED a few moments ago.

There is also other things like, "IS this dream a message?". I mean there can some freaky dreams of things happening ( or even you doing the freaky stuff ) that is not pleasant. Does this show how a person is, or at least it shows it to themselves. Do your dreams work on what type of person you are?
So many questions....

30 Name: Joe : 2014-06-03 20:02 ID:Rtng4a5P [Del]

Reminds me of the movie, "Inception"

31 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-03 20:02 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

jessi i have a idea on what you said at the end.i say it more like this thou "A monsters dream is your reality an your dream is are reailty.(i have no idea how to spell sorry ^<^)maybe this guy i dream of is dreaming of me.i only hope.(looks up at sky) i know it sounds chezzy but i wish we can find each other someday befo rit's to late.
Arigatō Joe.

32 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-03 23:51 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Yes, I think that sounds great. For all we know our entire level of existence could all be one big crazy dream. Even if just for a brief moment, we exist. So on a much smaller scale, the place that we are when we dream does exist... And it houses people and creatures and things. Even if it is made up of things we have seen, it could just be that it exists in the other world and we are connected to it because we have seen its counterpart. Or something.

We probably think its strange but notice how most people in dreams react very calmly to things that seem crazy for us?? Like someone turning into a dragon and breathing flames. It could be a normal thing there and theyre probably surprised at the fact that our realm doesnt allow extraordinary feats.

Hyoten, this is incredible. I never thought I'd ever meet anyone who was so connected to a person in a dream as I am. I mean, I knew I wasn't the only one but I didn't think I'd find anyone this soon... Every night I pray that I can see this person in my dreams but its very hard. I want to see him, im very worried about him, and he is all too real.

Just like you and Raiko/Saito. This guy that I see is named Baron. I feel very strongly that he is my significant other. Perhaps Raiko/Saito is yours?

We're in this together ^^ I mean, very very few people understand this or even take it seriously... Oh, and does he have a story? Baron has one; a pretty sad one.

33 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-04 09:41 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

*smirks* your right where in this togeather.
i never thought i would find anyone who thought like me as well.
raiko/saito i can't really remember is he has a story but i just have this connection to him that i can't break.
i'm scaried that when i do have another dream about him he will turn in to a diffrent person an hurt me where it counts.i'm scaried he may make me feel sad.
i also pray to see him aging.just one more time is all i to know if he's real.
WAIT WAIT WAIT you ever hear of the crow man?!

34 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-04 16:46 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Hm, yeah I know that feel... I feel like I need to know he is real, even though I already know he is. The strangest thing though, is that a few days before i first saw Baron, I had a dream that a man came up to me and told me that I had a calling, and I needed to fulfill it. He then handed me a device that allowed me to travel to an alternate dimension. And this dimension... Is the same exact one where I met Baron. And I have been there 14 or 15 times...

I have never heard of the crow man, but that sounds very interesting~. Who is he?

35 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-04 18:21 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

if you summon him he'll grant any wishes you have maybe he can tell you the truth about things.

36 Name: Darasuum : 2014-06-04 22:35 ID:i6Rj/M07 [Del]


welcome to a life of surrealism, Science fiction that turns out to be reality and a great deal of time doing nothing but questioning and thinking. I'm all about that life.

37 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-04 23:07 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

I don't think he's that kind of a person... ^^' but I do know he can tell me about a lot of things.

And yep, this is the life~.

38 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-05 00:20 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

>>36 i don't want that life.i want to be stupid i don't want to think i want to be noramel!

39 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-05 01:01 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Normal? Why do you wanna be normal!? You're basically saying that you don't wanna stand out or be unique or do anything great, you wanna be just like everybody else???.... Eeh~ sorry I'm the complete opposite ^^

40 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-05 12:08 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

no not like that.i gust don't want to think like i do,i hate it the feeling nothing is rel all the time then my body feels weird an i start thinking on how i'm breathing or seeing an other stuf

41 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-05 12:50 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Oh, yeah i understand it that way. In that case i wanna be normal too. For years ive suffered from a sort of anxiety that when i think about my breathing i feel like i cant breathe and my lungs hurt, and seeing starts to overwhelm me... Then i think about existance and i get scared. :(

42 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-05 19:46 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

i know i hate that over welming feeling i get.i wish i could just think noramle.i try to tell my family but my mom sayes "you can't do anythign about it" my dad brushes me off an i feel's harder when you are the middle child an left out of everything

43 Post deleted by user.

44 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-06 02:03 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Ah, well whenever I begin to think like that I just remind myself that awareness of the world around is a sign of intelligence... We arent just living, we're actually analyzing it. We are understanding it and acknowledging it. So it's a good thing to be aware, just tell yourself, "yes, i am seeing, and breathing and living, and it's wonderful!" that helps me. ^^

And, I wouldnt know much about lack of attention, sorry, I'm an only child whose brother passed away so I get a lot of attention to every little thing that happens to me... ^^'

You know another thing that really helps? Go onto microsoft word, and just open up a blank page, then type. Type what youre feeling but dont push it, just let it flow. Talk to yourself if you have to and reason with yourself. It works for me ^^

45 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-06 02:53 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

sorry to hear that,an i'm not being mean or rude but this is what it's like talking to myself in my head.
Me:what's up?
2:shut up.
Me:you shut up.
2:or waht?
2:i'll kill you.
2:whatever i still hate you.
an that' show it noramley ends weird i know right.but she's stupid.
2 :no i'm not.
Me:we have to stop this!

46 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-06 14:36 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Mm... Well it looks like the problem here is that you have low self esteem... If you have low self esteem then you wont be able to fix anything else D:

Youre gonna have to try to work things out with your, well, other part. Try to accept yourself and have a good conversation! Or imagine that your other voice is Raiko/Saito. What would he say to you?

Unfortunately, the people who care about you wont be available all the times you need them, so when you feel alone, you have to be your own friend. Whether its you or Raiko/Saito, you have to be accepting of who you are, it's you!

47 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-06 16:07 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

alright sounds good.great idea but the thing is i tried thinking of it as raiko/saito but rrr when i did i then thought he's not real an i should get over it an i should not talk to him i don't talk to anyone in my head anymore.i feel lonely now but i think it's kind of worth dad sayes"your thinking like this becaues your in you rown world an the anime you watch is mesing wiht you rhead na you think that' sreal not this world.well how do yo know what i think about dad?well i stopped watching anime an nothing has to tell the truth it may be wores now.anime was my exite when i was little i was depressed seeing my mom an dad love my littl ebrother so much an then yell at my older brother so no time for me only when i got in then i saw the anime inuyasha an i felt a days it's "i want to know everything about you"well mom an dad you didn't when we wher eyounger na my little brother wasn't a they don't punish him so sometimes i think i should.but i will never hurt my little borther but my mom thinks i'll kill him!she looks at me like a monster.
sorry for getting off topic.but raiko/saito i can't speak to him anymore an the person in my head.she an me don't talk anymore we have a newtrule agreement.she sayes she a demon so when i'm in trouble in like fights an stuff my mind goes blank an she fights for me.i'm not lieing she does!then when it's over i'm back in's easy to stay mad but it's hard to not do anything while she gives me self controle when i'm mad she steps in an cools me no more fighting anymore.unless smeone hits me then it's on.:p lision to me blab sorry.

48 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-06 17:09 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Hmm, that's ..complicated...

Your dad has no right to tell you that. My dad says the same thing but I don't listen. Anime has nothing to do with it.

Don't tell yourself that Raiko/Saito isn't real either. If you do that, youre basically saying you want nothing to do with an entire part of yourself, and that is wrong. Even if he isn't real to anybody else, he is real to you. Even if he doesnt have a body of flesh and blood, he is real. You have seen him, and he impacts you, and something that doesnt exist cannot do that.

I doubt that you have a demon in your head, no matter how many times you are told that. You are probably stressed out and need some sort of reassurance that you aren't fully at fault for things. Let me tell you this. If you had a demon in your mind, you would not be able to control your body. You would be convulsing and foaming at the mouth and hissing and running on four legs and killing people, and you wouldnt even know you were. You would black out and wake up hours later with the government all around you or something.

You wouldnt even be having this conversation with me right now if that were true. I dont think you have anything to worry about. In terms of demons, i mean. You just have a strong second half that wants to come out somehow. It could be that your subconscious or maybe deep within your conscious, you just want to accept yourself but have a hard time doing so for reason A or B.

Now dont get me wrong here, you sound like you could use some counciling from an experienced person. Not to be labelled or put on meds, but just to talk. Usually, thats the root of the problem. If you dont see anyone you trust or feel alone, you cant talk to vent out your feelings and that can be really harmful both mentally and even physically.

If you dont want to tell your parents about that, then you can just come and vent here. After all, there are plenty of us here to listen. Sometimes people will just tell everything to a complete stranger and feel so much better afterwards. It can be hard to pinpoint exactly what is causing your feelings, and it could be one thing or many.

So if you just talk about everything thats bothering you then eventually we can find it and work with it. And you'll feel a lot better afterwards, trust me.

My mom is a psychologist/counselor so she teaches me a lot of these things. You can go ahead and rant to me if you like, its okay with me :)

49 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-06 17:21 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

And on a side note, i guess the reason that i dont get bothered by things as much is because my mom has been psychologically training me since i was little. She would "find my breaking point" often, until it took longer and longer for her to make me cry. Then on top of that, my dad seems to enjoy psychologically torturing me by telling me that if i dont eat enough food im gonna die, but i mean he has been telling me this since i was 5 or 6 years old and he gets all into detail and it seriously affects me. He tells me im weak, and im gonna die, and he tells me this everyday and everyday i have to ignore it...

If it werent for me being able to talk to my mom about it i would probably be a depressed, short-tempered teen from all the emotions built up.

50 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-06 18:58 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

Thank you alot.i really thank you this is calming.than you.

51 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-07 01:33 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Awww no problem ^^

Just remember that the strongest people are those with the most struggles. They are are also the ones to ask for help. If you wanna keep in touch more often, I can give you my number or e-mail address ^^

52 Name: HonestNobody !yGETiiZ07U : 2014-06-07 02:47 ID:7OuBx1fv (Image: 625x465 jpg, 50 kb) [Del]

src/1402127274191.jpg: 625x465, 50 kb
This is probably the best way I can put it

53 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-07 07:10 ID:wVLd3S7L [Del]

>>52 That cracked me up like well-handled eggs by a chef.

54 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-07 10:05 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

>>51 alright sounds like fun
>>52 >w>53 nice way to put

55 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-07 10:45 ID:26zNINrA (Image: 1046x894 png, 52 kb) [Del]

src/1402155925164.png: 1046x894, 52 kb
i Had a dream with this thing in it.WHAT WAS IT!?

56 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-07 11:44 ID:e2MR8ZWs [Del]

I think you look too much into things. I'm not a reductionist so I don't condemn the possibility that some dreams may hold divination insights, but I honestly don't think all dreams are supposed to represent something. Mostly they're just concocted from memories, impressions and imagination.

57 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-07 15:42 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

i don't rememebr holding this THING! in my hands befor.

58 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-07 15:48 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

It's a colorful dog :I

You guys need to step away from the acid. Being on it for so long is detrimental to your health.

59 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-07 16:34 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

oooooooooooooo ya i guess it will .but i'm not on mind is just broken

60 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-07 21:02 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Hyoten, why dont you email me at

So we can talk more ^^ without... Disruptions?

61 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-07 23:07 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

i don't have a Email.but we can chat on the durarara chat rooms.i'm always in chat room named "Creepy"
an yes i'm still Hyoten on there how's that sound?

62 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-08 04:03 ID:o7+2Wdc1 [Del]

OP only focuses on input details he wants to see.

63 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-08 13:43 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Ive actually never seen that chat room before. But i'll keep an eye out for it.

Also, i have to agree with what was said earlier. Not everything in your dream will be a symbol. Actually, you may not even have significant dreams every night. But there's nothing wrong with overthinking, either ^^

64 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-08 14:36 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

alright i guess.but that thing was cool.>w<

65 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-08 16:46 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Yeah, there can be some pretty cool things in dreams~. I dreamed up something that looked like a sort of cat/rodent/dragon with white fur, no noticeable nose, that could float around and stuff and it was really cute. Another time i dreamed of this little gopher thing that could run really fast and it was called a Dobrie... Then when I was even younger i had multiple dreams of a light blue rabbit that would lead me to strange places and i used to believe it was my spirit animal and it walked with me in my waking life, but... *shrugs* I was a little kid.

Anyways, since you don't have an e-mail... If you live in the US, i could give you my number~?

66 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-08 17:11 ID:ij5yidhE [Del]

>>65 I'm just suggesting: maybe give him your number in a darasu or drrrchat room so your number isn't exposed to everyone who can read this thread? Just worried for your safety, s'all.

67 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-08 17:34 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

>>66 I was thinking the same thing ^^ don't worry :)

68 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-08 18:29 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

>-< i don't have a phone T-T an besides i don't live in the us of a

69 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-08 19:15 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Ah, I see. Well in that case, we could just talk here, or on the drrr chat (which i hardly go on...) or you could try and make an e-mail account, it's pretty simple actually, and it would be a lot more convenient.

Another option would be that I make a shoutbox via and it would have an invite-only URL that we could converse on?

70 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-08 20:46 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

i have a Quotev page an they give people chat boxes where it's all hidden.i'm on there alot.
I'm Raiko.
but Zero is alot more easy to find him an he'll tell ya where to find me.

71 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-08 21:30 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Ah, i found you. Do i need to have an account to be in a chatbox with you?

72 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-08 21:35 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

I logged in with Facebook, and followed you... So I'm not sure exactly how it works but I'll be lurking around there. So ...

73 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-08 21:54 ID:26zNINrA [Del]


74 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-08 22:32 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

But this is a pretty interesting thread. We should converse here as well ^^

75 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-09 16:05 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

ok cool

76 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-09 18:34 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

So, has anything strange happened lately?

77 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-09 20:10 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

i can't get this person ou my's like jeff the killer but feels diffrent it's not him

78 Name: xXVinnyCastXx : 2014-06-09 22:08 ID:ILEfd2Wg (Image: 196x258 jpg, 7 kb) [Del]

src/1402369693749.jpg: 196x258, 7 kb
Dreams are nightmares and nightmares are dreams life is a beautiful lie and death is the horrible truth what's real and whats not are we truly living or are we just surviving
We must find true sanity in our lives and witness reality with our own eyes not thos of our dreams

79 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-10 01:13 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

>>78 thats a really interesting point of view... Really makes you think. I love hearing everyone's different outlooks on things... I've actually never thought of this. I still think that we should listen to our dreams, though.

>>77 are you hearing a voice? And when does this happen to you? How often, when did it start? Basically tell me all about it! ^^

80 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-10 14:46 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

>>79 well no started 2 days it's just weird it feels ike jeff the killer btu it's not what does it mean when you feel like someone is gentaily holding you i get the feelign someone's hand is in my it feels like someone is always behind me.

81 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-10 17:54 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Well, does it hurt when you feel like someone's holding your heart? It could be one of a few things:

1- it could be a type of anxiety that you gained from being afraid of a certain thing for a while, or hoping that something didn't happen to you (in this case, being watched/stalked by this dark entity). If this is the case, and because it just recently started, it could just be that you are afraid of this being a certain possibility, but the more afraid you are, the more you feel it... It's all in the mind~.

2- If your house has a history of hauntings or you and/or your family is receptive to spirits and such, this could maybe be a ghost? It doesn't necessarily have to be a dark spirit, but being that ghosts are freaky anyway, it could feel dark because the thought is scary. They could be watching you or something, it all depends.

3- It could (under very rare circumstances) be a demon. But really, that's very unlikely. Unless you had been experiencing things like this over long periods of time, and they got increasingly worse. Being that you mentioned it started 2 days ago, well... I'd be leaning more towards the first two options.

So now, how exactly does this feel to you? Is it cold, warm, or just all together uncomfortable? And your home, do you believe it could be haunted? And just as an extra question, are you religious at all? This could have a lot to do with it.

82 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-10 20:02 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

umm my past home was haunted but that was when i was a baby that happen long ago.i'm not religious.i don't think the house it haunted.this feeling only happeens when i'm talking online of someone behind the feeling of someone holding my not painfull or cold or warm it's just there,but it only happpens when i see like people i like in jeff the makes my blood run cold an...the blood does it to.seeing all thaat blood.

83 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-10 20:18 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

strange right?

84 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-11 22:24 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I know exactly what you're feeling now! Yes, I get that occasionally when I think about someone from an anime that I like. (But actually, the strangest thing is that the first time I ever felt this, I had never felt it before, I was in the middle of class and the first thing that came to mind was Baron...)

I wouldn't go so far as to say that Jeff the Killer or someone similar was holding your heart. I think that .... Don't get me wrong here... You may be a little crazy? Because blood shouldn't excite you, neither should, er, Jeff the Killer... As for the feeling of being watched, it most likely just comes from the fact that you're into darker things?

Also, sorry for the long wait. I havent been feeling well lately~.

85 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-12 01:37 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

it's ok i hope you feel better that may be a factore.i could be when i sai dthat i don't think jeff is holding my heart.sorry if i didn't write that part correctly -_- whatever.anyway i just remembered a crazy ass dream from a LONG time ago it was so scary.this crazy lady with wings i mean real like bird wings attacked me at the Circle k near i was running down a dark there was this giant when i was done running i was in a meat locker!with hooks an i got out through a broken window.
I KNOW it does not mean anything but it's just nice to put that here now the voice in my head does not talk to me's nice but kind of lonely

86 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-12 01:38 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i just read what i put an it does sound like i'm crazy.sorry but i just needed to laught!ahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahaahahhaahhaaha

87 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-12 05:27 ID:V7XYe+aQ [Del]

As someone who believes in the paranormal, the bullshit Hyoten is spewing is suffocating. You're taking his roleplaying way too seriously, Jess. Don't be that guy.

88 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-12 13:19 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Honestly, I don't mind talking about this kind of stuff even if other people think it's bull. I'ts okay, Barabi, I'm quite enjoying the conversation here.

89 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-12 13:29 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>88 So long as you understand that he's actually making fun of you in front of the entire site right now, go ahead :o To each his own, I guess.

90 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-12 13:52 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

And Hyoten, all that stuff that happened to you could have easily just been some sort of anxiety... ^^' if it wasn't, it would have lasted a lot longer. You don't have anything to worry about, you're fine!

Also, that seems like a pretty interesting dream! Last night I dreamt I had rainbow hair and a pet lizard that could talk. Then these little kids came to my house talking about fairies and a fairy god mother appeared. They said, "Now all our dreams will come true!" And the fairy godmother replied with, "Your dreams were shattered since the beginning!" she flew away and the kids were crying and I was just laughing... ^^

91 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-12 13:53 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

>>89 I don't feel like I'm being made a fool of just by answering some questions another person may have. Thank you for your concern but like you said, to each his own~.

92 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-12 13:56 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>91 When you're answering the questions of a troll that's purposely lying about paranormal events to point and laugh at you behind their screen for believing what they're saying, you are. But who am I to say you can't make a fool out of yourself? This is BBS, land of the free and home of the derp. Embrace the herp to your derp.

93 Name: Umiushi : 2014-06-12 14:23 ID:zwNE8UgZ [Del]

There are no ways to tell what a dream means... dreams happen when the mind is at rest... therefore it has nothing to do with what you're thinking.

simply live with it, our mind produces a lot of crap from stress and anxiety.

94 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-12 16:44 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

T-T i'm not life is just stupid like no i don't think it's demons an ghost doing this to me.i'll tell ya the truth.i just add up diffrent ideas.but if you think diffrent of me all i can say who cares jessi is the first person to respond to me as if i was a normale human with problems.unlike all the others who think i'm trolling or stupid.or whatever i don't need this site i just wanted a little help.

95 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-12 18:10 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

*sigh* Listen, Barabi... I respect you and all but sometimes you can take it a little too far. Just saying. And honestly it wouldn't matter to me at all if Hyoten was trolling but I know they aren't. This is an interesting conversation that I feel we both learn from. I just wanted to talk and enjoy myself, and perhaps so did Hyoten.

>>94 dont get your feelings too hurt, there are many different people who see things differently... Some are more close-minded than others and don't understand the wide array of issues that can be present in the wide array of peoples. We can find another place to talk if you like.

96 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-12 18:57 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>95 I have a feeling you're misunderstanding my point here. I'm not putting him down because I'm "closed minded", as I've experienced some of the things you are discussing and absolutely believe in psychology and/or the paranormal and their effects on us through life and sleep. However, when you've had legitimate experiences (combined with a lot of experience interacting with different users on this site and others who've done this same thing before and come back a month later to spam the site with a new name), it becomes quite easy to spot what's truth and what's a pre-teen crying for people to accept them as an anime character.

At the very least, that's something you're able to take note of when you're not bound by that strong, subjective desire to 'help' without being able to step back and look at the situation objectively before jumping in.

You're welcome to believe what you want and converse with him in the appropriate thread (as this thread itself is misplaced and duplicated; we have multiple threads about dreams, the meaning of dreams, etc.). If you want to make it intimate and about him specifically, you may want to get in a durrchatroom, seeing as he's not as serious about this as you to the point that he isn't willing to get an email address to continue.

97 Name: Ignis !elBkaSkdiE : 2014-06-12 19:20 ID:rbgAGajU [Del]

>>92 Or we're witnessing another case of the internet's by-product; the infamous syndrome called Needy For Attention.

98 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-12 19:49 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>97 That too, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt with the hope that there's some logic on the other end :c

99 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-12 20:10 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

Fine, fine. I'll discontinue talking here then.

100 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-12 21:50 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

you all make sence in your own way but *sigh* i try to speak to her in the chats but i just can't find her or where not on at the same time.
i suppose i am needy for attenshion becaues i don't get any.
i don't have a email.
an i guess at one time i was a pre-teen who wished for my anime friends to be real but they are not.
so i wasted alot of my younge life online.but i will try an not going on this site anymore.
an the only people who are troling are you guys.thinking you know it all.if you don't like this thread then bug out.

101 Name: : 2014-06-12 23:40 ID:UHwu8rj9 [Del]

^ yeah barabi everything isnt your way and im sick and tired of seeing you ruin peoples convos and stuff leave hyoten alone

102 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-13 02:03 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

>>101 thanks.

103 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-13 05:43 ID:JBWcXLxM [Del]

>>100 >>101 Regardless of my personal opinion, the thread is still a duplicate. We were trying to be respectful by not pointing it out until you guys finished the conversation, but the conversation's gone too long, too far off course, and can't really be taken seriously at this point anyway. Please relocate yourselves to another thread or chat.

And >>101, what "stuff" have I ruined? Though I'm being a bit unnecessarily rude here, I usually just point out what is and isn't against the site rules or what doesn't make any sense. I'm sorry to hear that you think cleaning the site is ruining people's hard earned 'stuff'.