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Summer Plans? (7)

1 Name: Hana : 2014-05-27 15:46 ID:gOzgfAUE [Del]

It's finally that time of year again: Summer! The time (for me anyway) to stay inside and watch anime all day. I initially thought of creating this thread yesterday to ask about everyones plans...but then my dad shocked me today. He said I had to do something this summer. I protested that my older sister didn't start working until she was a year older than me! So he said it's not work, just some sort of activity. My summers already booked, thank you very much, with activities. Anime, manga, drawing, playing games, swimming, hanging out with friends...why should I have to do some "activity" when my sister never had to? Why should I be forced to do something I don't care about or want to do and that will cost them money? Sorry to take a depressing turn,but this seriously pisses me off. The only reason they heckle me every summer is because I'm fatter than my sister and maybe that I like anime while she does not. *Sigh* Well, while I try to work this out, what are your plans for summer? Is anyone else being forced into this situation? And what should I even use as my activity? I don't want something too time consuming and I don't want to go to camp because that many strangers frightens me. It might be a weird request, but if I do find out I must go to camp, pleease someone go with me? At least then I'd have someone to talk to.

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-27 16:48 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

Did he say it has to be a super physical activity? Or can it be something intellectual?

3 Name: Hana : 2014-05-27 17:19 ID:gOzgfAUE [Del]

Well, not "super" but he did say sports was an option, but of course I don't want that. It can be something intellectual yeah.

4 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-27 17:47 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>3 You should look to see if there are summer workshops in your area for drawing and any other interests you have. There are usually a lot of writing / drawing ones at libraries (if you have one near you, just pop in and ask for an event calendar). Or, you could take the leadership role and open up a Summer club for your interests that you can invite your friends and others to :O

5 Name: Hana : 2014-05-28 09:49 ID:QymGfbKQ [Del]

>>4 I do wonder how one opens a summer club...I am interested in art, so maybe I can form a group of friends to just draw with now and then as a "club." Hopefully that will be enough for my dad...thanks for your advice :)

6 Name: Hana : 2014-05-28 09:49 ID:QymGfbKQ [Del]

>>4 I do wonder how one opens a summer club...I am interested in art, so maybe I can form a group of friends to just draw with now and then as a "club." Hopefully that will be enough for my dad...thanks for your advice :)

7 Name: megapig : 2014-05-28 15:21 ID:u6LSN9JR [Del]

just tell your dad that summer is your time to relax and do as you please and that you already have plans that invlove hanging out with friends and drawing and those are the things you limke. mabye he just is afraid that you are bored and lonely and if you shpw him that 7you are not then je'll back off. or you could sighn up for a class and learn something new.