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My Homosexuality (4)

1 Name: Person : 2014-05-25 15:09 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

*If you're Homophobic or don't like homosexuality, and are only viewing this thread so you can bash the LGBT community, please don't. Just, DON'T.

Here's my problem:
I'm an only child living with my mom, and I have a cousin and an aunt, and a very large cruel stepfamily. My mother know's full-well that I'm gay, but she refuses to accept it or even acknowledge it. You may be wondering how my small biological family and homosexuality come into play with each other. Well, my mother has a sister, but she's on the east coast, and we're on the west. My cousin is in a group home because my aunt is so abusive to him. My Aunt is gay. She's dating her girlfriend, and I found that out after I began to acknowledge my sexuality. I'm 16, btw.

My mother recently discovered something incredible! We have soooo many family members we've never met, never visited, never known, and never talked to! My mother has been on the phone with them all week, talking about what we've missed all these years. My mother didn't even know them when she was pregnant with me. She had met them when she was a TODDLER, but that was before some other family members disappeared, and my mother got pregnant with me and left. Our family has a history of abuse and mental illnesses, so there's a lot of story here to be told. BASICALLY, 4 people in this family we've never known, are gay. Full-on, homosexual. Earlier today, I tried telling my mother, homosexuality has nothing to do with genes or DNA. Family life can effect homosexuality, but it's not genetic! It's not a decision. I said "But mom, I don't know these people, and I'm still-" And I had to stop because I KNEW what she would say.

"You're not gay!" That's all she does. Denial. For as long as I've known her, she's resorted to denial and ignorance. I was going to say "But mom, I don't know these people and I'm gay! Doesn't that give you SOME proof that homosexuality isn't completely genetic? That it's more about how you've grown and lived, and the love you prefer to give and to whom?" Now, I've realized once again that there's a distance between my mother and I. I've known for so long, but I hate when the realization hits that I have no connection with her. That I can't talk to her, that I can't trust her when she goes snooping through my emails, that I can't rely on her when I'm hurting.

I'm not really sure what I'm looking for here dollars. I guess I just wanna know that I'm not alone here. Is anyone else here having trouble with homosexuality struggles, or even distance from family members? Any advice on how to communicate with my mother?

Thx dollars! And again, no hate please.

2 Name: CheshireCatwithaBlackHat : 2014-05-25 18:12 ID:WWP6cVPB [Del]

of course your not alone! I'm bi and I've been distancing from my mother too. and my dad (but for entirely different reasons, my parents are divorced) I'm just worried about how my mom would react if one day I came home and I said "hey mom this is my girlfriend." it's just that she's expressed how much she would like it if I wasn't with a girl and it's a bit hard yea. and I also feel distrust with my mom and dad when they want to use my stuff, and I end up hovering over their shoulders to make sure their not snooping.
I also feel like there's distance because I've been trying to do the sticky note mission but my mom is being distrusting and assumed I'm doing something bad. and tried to ground me and my sister, but so far she hasn't carried it out. which is good I can't keep up with the dollars without internet.

3 Name: Person : 2014-05-26 18:07 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

My mother and my step dad are getting divorced in about 4-6 years when my mother gets out of school with a degree and we have enough money to live on our own.

That's another thing! People think unfortunate family lives cause Homosexuality! That's sooo not true.

4 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-26 19:38 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

>>1 yeah I'm bisexual as far as I already know, don't know if it still counts or not, I've never been with a sexual partner but I'm attracted to both sexes. Anyways, my parents are complete homophobes, my dad especially, he thinks I'd go to hell or something. They don't know I'm bi but they already suspect I'm a lesbian so... Yeah. I get how you feel.
I've tried telling my dad I had OCD once, he completely denied it. If I came out I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be too happy or just deny it.
You don't need to get your mother's approval, just be who you are. That's just how your brain chemistry works. The dollars are here for you if you need someone to talk to. I hope this helps.