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Won't let me try to make own money (4)

1 Name: +'] : 2014-05-25 01:44 ID:5NRqxYq/ [Del]

I recently got a new phone and I'm not at all happy even though most people in my shoes would love it. I needed a new phone because I used to have a old slider phone from elementary school (which I didn't really use expect emergencys)

I was really in depth with this whole technology craze in the early 2000. When itouches and iphones came out, i for sure wanted one. As I got older, got the ipad and a laptop I began to notice how immersed I have gotten with technology that I wanted to go back how in the "olden days" people used technology. I began using cassette players and cd players, I was the single one out in class since I never used touch screen in a long time but it didn't mean I couldn't use one.

I really wanted a flip phone, a phone that was really cool for $80. I told my mom i wanted to pay for since i wanted to work hard for the money but she said no and got mad at me for wanting to get a phone like that when i could get a free phone that is new and touch screen.

I want to work hard for what i'm paying for but my mom wont let me. Now i have a phone that i don't and use which i could have worked harder for and actually enjoyed. I'm not complaining about the phone, i'm actually really grateful that my mom wants to spend money for me. but i hate when i want to volunteer to work hard for the things I want and they don't let me try.

2 Name: Mana : 2014-05-25 05:31 ID:0GWCz84T [Del]

If I were you, I'll accept the phone gratefully and then tell my mom/dad that next time I really want to work for what I want. If they won't allow me to get a job, then maybe I'll just ask for chores, or they can deduct fees from my allowance from time to time.

3 Name: Sonya !LaYnnmjpQ. : 2014-05-25 10:06 ID:82m6hTbf [Del]

Hey, I like flip phones too!!! If smartphones weren't such a REQUIREMENT these days, I'd still be using my 6 year old flip phone. :'( The only things I like about smartphones is how you're able to conveniently get online whenever and wherever you like, and its cool apps and games. Other than that, I still prefer flip phones.

And about your problem, your mother probably just wants you to focus on other things (like studies, etc.) and leave the money-making to the adults? You will get to start working for the things you want eventually.

4 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-25 12:02 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I think it's less about them not wanting you to work and more about them wanting to teach you the responsibility of not working just to waste your money on something unnecessary when you can get an equal alternative for free. Instead of telling them you want to work so you can get something fancy for yourself, tell 'em you want to work for YOU, so that you can save up for your future.

Though I tots agree with you guys. Flip phones = life. I still have mine from middle school \o\