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Patience? (4)

1 Name: Fazeon : 2014-05-23 21:11 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

So for the past times I've asked advice from people I've known, I was always told to wait for a relationship to happen. But if you want something to happen, you have to do it yourself. What are your opinions on this?

I've always thought that relationships always happen because one person make a move. You can't just pray for something to happen without putting any effort into it. Any advice, comments, etc. would be appreciated. Thanks

2 Name: Jessi : 2014-05-23 21:30 ID:QzK+E5fk [Del]

I think that you should contribute, but not have to do everything yourself. If you want a relationship to spark and both of you guys are waiting for eachother to do something then it wont happen for a veeeeeerry long time. I think you should do something, then sit back and wait to see if the other person does something. It should be mutual. That way just one person isnt burdened with doing everything :)

3 Name: Sonya !LaYnnmjpQ. : 2014-05-23 22:43 ID:FdKRZfj6 [Del]

It depends on the situation really. If you're interested in someone, I'd recommend getting to know that person first. Once you're sure that you really like that person, then you start pursuing them.

But what if he/she rejects you? Depending on how deep your feelings are for that person, and how much you think that person is worth it, you can choose to give up and move on, or keep going after them. Because here's what I think: Sometimes, it takes time for true love to happen!

I know this one guy that fell for a girl 2 years older than him. And he fell HARD. He had to pursue her for about 2 years, probably because she wasn't into younger guys and other reasons. But in the end, she finally realized what a sweet guy he was, and fell for him too. :) They've now been together for 5 years.

Ah, but if it were the other way around, as in, if someone's interested in you, you should give them a chance! Get to know them a little, go on one or two dates. And if you're really not interested, make sure you tell it to them clearly.

4 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-26 18:55 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

>>1 like what >>3 said, it really depends on the relationship. If it's a boy/girl you don't know at a setting like a bar or a cafe or something, then you should take a chance and ask for his/her number, if it works it works and if it doesn't then it just wasn't meant to be. However there are times and occasions when you should let the other person make their move, they may not be ready but you can always talk to them about it as well. Shyness sucks but if you're with another shy person then you might as well make your move, however some people like shyness as a trait so you can wait for them as well. Waiting isn't always a bad thing but it's good to know when to make a move.