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friend (6)

1 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-20 11:47 ID:5CCln9j2 [Del]

So my friend has a fake personality and she hides her real one under that so that people dont judge her. I hsd enough of it and told her what i think and she got angry and decided to ignore me from now on. I know wr cant be best friends. I dont want us to be bfs, just friends. But she said bye for good and is planing to stop all contact with me what should i do?

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-20 15:58 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

How she acts is her business. Pretending is just a part of who she is at the moment. If you can't accept her for who she is, or if you feel the need to pick which 'side' of her you like better, then you probably shouldn't be her friend. The only way you can stick with her is if you're okay with her as she is.

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4 Name: GHOST : 2014-05-21 00:43 ID:d7V/2GfZ [Del]

if she is faking her personality its because she has a reason (i know u know about that) so plz accept that reason of her's its better that way, which side of her u do like? if u like her to be honest its her part to choose that, the part of faking her personality is might be a bad past or something so if u care about her go out there and tell her everything and support her for everything wat might happen and be there at her side. dont make promises u cant keep

5 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-21 08:46 ID:S385Kfxe [Del]

i don't know if I'm okay with her personality or not, I guess i just don't want her to be fake in front of me :/ But i really don't know if I'm okay with it, one moment, I'm really annoyed by her and the next I want to be her best friend, I don't know what I want anymore, if I want to be friends, or if I want to stop contact with her... it doesn't help that most of the people around us don't like that fakeness and talk about it, and that is influencing me so much that I don't know what my opinion on her fakeness is anymore

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