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father issues - insecurity? (3)

1 Name: shadow : 2014-05-17 16:01 ID:u6LSN9JR [Del]

*sigh* i just need to let this off my chest and i don't know how to say this out loud...even to my friends in real life. okay so my 'papa'(well he's not really much of a papa but i'll call him that cause i don't know what else to call him). anyway my 'papa' left when i was about thee. when i was born my mum wanted to be a responsible parent but my 'papa' wanted to party and live the rock n roll life and not work and so they divorced. now i'm eighteen and my 'papa' has been in and out of my life . it's like he just sdhopws out and we then i think things will be different and will actually be there for me. then five years later i have lost contact with him. it's so frustrating! and i have realized that this has caused a lot of anger and insecurity. i feel like i can't really trust anyone cause they will leave me. anyway, the main thing is that ..i'm pretty muchly deaf and it's like i have none to talk to about being deaf and what that means. i tried to take a n ASL class in school but that was just kinda awkward and i totally sucked at it. worse of all i see my mum struggling every day to provdie for me and my sister. now things are better. we've rented out as duplex in a decent neighborhood but there was a time when we weren't really sure where we'd live. AND I HATE MY 'PAPA' FOR LEAVING US IN THIS SITUATION! and it seems as if my mum doesn't really know how to deal with my deafness. i also might have a learning disability or be bipolar so..that doesn't help. sometimes i just feel like i just screw everything up and this is why my da left though i know it's not.

2 Name: Issei : 2014-05-17 21:26 ID:jhNEneGD [Del]

Your dad is still a child. Move on. Live your life, help your mom and sister, and learn from this experience. If you need someone to talk to you have over 400000 people on this site. Also try talking to your mom and sister. I'm sure they would help you.

3 Post deleted by user.