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girl trouble (11)

1 Name: professor : 2014-05-16 16:42 ID:JSG3DA+O [Del]

Hey dollars. so its this girl who is my friend and i really like her but i don't know if she's into me. mfiends say so but i don't. know. i don't wy

2 Name: professor : 2014-05-16 16:45 ID:JSG3DA+O [Del]

I don't want to mess up our friendship. should i make a move or not...and if you say so when......during the baseball game this Wednesday we are going to for a field trip,monday,or gmail. thanks....go drrr

3 Name: Fazeon : 2014-05-16 17:04 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

Well, if you want to ask this girl out, then go ahead and try it. The worst she could say is no, and even if she says that, just maintain the current relationship you both have. With asking her out, it sometimes depends on the type of girl. I would do it in person though, at the very least through phone call. Doing it over email or te

4 Name: Fazeon : 2014-05-16 17:05 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

Damn my mouse.... As I was saying, doing it over email or text just displays your lack of courage, or that you just really don't care. Apparently that's how every girl saw it when I learned the hard way :P

Regardless, just try your best. Don't act cool or anything like that either, because that's just how you mess it up. Good luck!>>1

5 Name: Schiff !iXDATQ8n1o : 2014-05-16 17:08 ID:2Jr8IYj8 [Del]

Don't be a wimp and do it already ya chump!

6 Name: SetoTakeshi : 2014-05-17 01:20 ID:8XNwqjWQ [Del]

Go ask her out before it's too late...if you really like her...then ask her out...and just as everyone says....if she rejected you...maintain your relationship and don't let her denial bother you..I'm sure time will come that she may like you...

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10 Name: Amekiru : 2014-05-17 09:37 ID:Di48xaNK [Del]

If you sincerely like her then i think you should ask her out! as SetoTakeshi said, do it now before it's too late!! If she thinks you aren't interested in her after a while she'll just stop crushing/chasing for you. Don't worry about "ruining your relationship" as the most she'll say is a no. I doubt she might act awkward or weird around you so just go for it!

11 Name: professor : 2014-05-17 13:20 ID:c8JbWJua [Del]
