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A fight with myself? (4)

1 Name: Abandoned : 2014-05-15 17:41 ID:U0xGLzWY [Del]

So i usually hide all my feelings. I think the reason why is because i don't want to make the people around me sad when I am. I also kinda have these fights with myself. I not hurting myself physically but mentally. I force myself to not cry when I feel like bursting into tears. It hurts but I can't stop. I also insult myself when I feel like i did something wrong or when I just feel unhappy with myself. I feel like I'm my own personal bully. I don't know why i do this to myself. I hold back my feelings and i don't know how to deal with my emotions. I really need some help figuring out why or just some advice.Please help me if you can.

2 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-15 18:00 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 I understand how you feel, I've been repressing my emotions for a long time behind an emotional dam, hating feelings of anger and sadness, I didn't let myself be sad, except on occasions when I couldn't hold it back. It really took a toll on me, because when I was sad, I was really really sad, to the point to which I became a potential threat to my own life. Now my dam is faulty, it doesn't work properly anymore and dealing with my emotions now is really tough.
My advice to you, from my own experience, is to learn to deal with your emotions properly, find a quiet spot and cry, let yourself be sad, recognize it and deal with it properly. Tell someone about it, because friends and family are there for you, to make you feel better, to lift your spirits when you're down. But if you're like me, I don't really tell people how sad I am, I hide it, instead I come here and I get the support that I need anonymously. We Dollars are here for you. I hope that this helps ^.^

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-15 18:34 ID:26zNINrA [Del]

try to make friedns with it.i-i have a person in my head like that she she has no eyes there just black holes in the shape of eyes an she has long black hair with white tips an a big smile but it's hollow.nothing inside.i saw her in a dream one was god afful she looked exatly like me just with the hair an eyes an mouth thing.i was scaried to death.she would bully me an be mean to me in my head to.the diffrence is when i talk about her it's like she right behind me i feel her presents right not like she about to grab me but.i'm not scaried becaues i found out SHE has all my i became friends with advice try not to hide the emoshions.these other us are all are emoshions held in an turned in to a meaner us.just when you feel said just cry it's ok.your bullying will stop in your head once you release your WILL help i promise (:p sorry if i keep copying one saying)an if you don't want others around you to feel bad then explain to them why your helps it's to late for me but not for you.-w- sorry so long.Me bad at this kind of talk.

4 Name: Stephanie : 2014-05-15 19:38 ID:QoldF0oj [Del]

I know how you feel, but it's not right to suppress your emotions. If you keep on holding them back, someday you will end up hurting yourself really badly, and I don't want that to happen. What I think you should do is to learn to let go of your emotions. If you're feeling bad, then do something that makes you happy, like talking to your friends, family, or fellow Dollars. We're always here for you. :) also, if you want to cry, then it's totally fine. Crying doesn't mean being weak, plus, you'll feel much better after you let out your tears. Also, when you're insulting yourself, learn to fight back. Fight the bully inside you! Whip his/her ass and tell him/her that you're not gonna let yourself suffer like this. Though if you really know that you did something wrong to someone, then you should apologize. It's okay to feel guilty when you know to yourself that you did something wrong.
You seem like a really good person, so I hope my advice works and you can overcome this. Good luck~