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Friends as bullies (5)

1 Name: Sarah : 2014-05-14 17:12 ID:1H9RqC4k [Del]

I have this "friend". She is someone I helped out with multiple things in her life, I have always been there for her. She could tell me anything and know that I won't tell a soul or judge her. I tried my best to be a great friend because I was always taught, "In order to get a good friend, you need to be a good friend". But she never seems to return the favor. She loves to embarrass me to get attention by telling things I trusted her with. Or she constantly teases/judges me for what I tell her (like there a was certain fear I had that I told no one, and blurted it out in class and never stopped teasing me about it). Then there is the fact that if I get something wrong or don't understand something, she gets so annoyed and treats me like I am mentally retarded. And then I explain to her that I do not have the highest self-esteem, she gives me the whole "Oh I totally understand" crap, then constantly points my physical flaws. (There are other things, but I really can't type it all out.) I have talked to her about it before, and she would always say, "Oh I am sooo sorry! I feel so bad. I am so terrible!" then continues like nothing happened. I try to be the bigger person by biting my tongue and letting things go, but she really crossed the line. I gave her the cold shoulder all day today. She got so pissed off that she would call me a bitch. I don't know if I am doing the right thing. Everyone keeps telling me that she deserves it, but I still feel so bad... idk.....

2 Name: skyninja16 : 2014-05-14 17:46 ID:hQFNZ/jp [Del]

If she does stuff like that, then she isn't a good friend. Honestly, I understand exactly how you feel. My friends make fun of me a lot too. And the same thing with the fears. I have a really stupid fear, and they told everyone. You are doing the right thing though. If you've talked to her and she still ignores you, then it's best to express your anger towards her. She will understand eventually that what she's doing is wrong.

3 Name: Kinto : 2014-05-14 18:02 ID:EnatsKDi [Del]

I agree with skyninja, but if your really worried about acting as the "good friend", maybe just act like it, but don't trust her with your feelings. Tell her some minor things to keep the relationship going, but nothing that actually effects you. I have a friend that us a bit like this, but probably not to your's extent. It's tiring to hang out with her, but she doesn't hurt me as much anymore cause she has nothing to make fun of or use as material against me. Well, this is just one way of dealing, and it involves a lot of pulling back and being careful with what you say. Also, girls like her generally like to gossip (not sure if your friend is like that), so all you really have to do is listen. My friend just likes to hear herself talk and have someone there agree with her. That's why she calls me her "best friend", but my actual best friend is actually someone else who I trust all my secrets to and doesn't try to make me look bad or blurt everything I tell him.

4 Name: Sarah : 2014-05-14 19:32 ID:1H9RqC4k [Del]

Thanks. I find both replies helpful.

5 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-14 19:44 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 back when I was in middle school I had a friend like that, I know how you feel, what happened to me seems like pretty much the same thing so I won't retell it. But what I can tell you is that she is no friend, she's two-faced and probably only cares about herself. What you need to do is to tell her that you can't be her friend anymore or just keep giving her the cold shoulder. She'll be pissed though and probably be immature and mean about it but it's really worth it... It's hard but being alone is better than dealing with that two-faced nature, it's way too stressful and quite the unhealthy relationship and you deserve better.
I went to a small school so for awhile I didn't have any friends at all but I always made sure that I was nice, and by being nice I made a friend and she's still my best friend to this day, she got me into anime and we're both nerdy. What I'm trying to say is that one day a real, true friend that you deserve will come along, for now tough it out and just ignore her as best as you can. You're a good person, a fantastic person, you deserve better and we Dollars are here for you :3