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I'm useless!!! (3)

1 Name: skyninja16 : 2014-05-12 19:09 ID:hQFNZ/jp [Del]

Hello, I'm a 14 year old girl, and my life doesn't really suck at all, but everyone has there problems no matter how small they may be. Well, here's mine:
Now I know that everyone can do SOMETHING, but I haven't found anything I'm good at. Most of my friends are great drawers or singers, and a lot of the more popular people are great at sports and socializing and schoolwork. But not me. I suck at singing, I can't draw anything, I can't dance, I'm so unathletic that I have an F in gym, my grades suck, and I'm the most antisocial person at my school. It's not that I havent tried to do stuff, I just always fail. Like, I take tae Kwon do, but I'm nog good at it cause I'm really weak an pathetic. I can't cook either. Everything I make is either burnt, or under cooked. I'm just talentless!
Well, it would be great if you guys could help me out and give me some advice, and I really don't seek help from anyone, so it would be great if you tried to help. Thanks!

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-12 19:24 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

Actually, the reason you're not good at anything is because you're so caught up on your inability that you're not willing to learn. Whenever you try something, you get shy and awkward and stress how terrible you are at it, don't you? That's why you don't get anywhere. The more convinced you are that you can't do it, the more likely it will be for you to never learn how.

Toss out the idea of a talent. Even people who seem to naturally be good at something learned from somewhere, usually from experience. Find something you like to do. Maybe you're "bad" at it, but do you like to draw? Then keep drawing. Draw every day, all the time. Draw until you get better. Look up tutorials to help you learn. Keep doing it. You can apply this to anything you like to learn how to do it.

So you don't know how to cook? Keep trying. The amount you burn will decrease over time as you get used to it and learn the multitasking you need for cooking. Again, this can be applied to anything. Instead of surrendering and shouting to the world, "I can't do anything!!!!!!!!!!" say, "I'm gonna do it either anyway D'< I'll learn as I go!" Then do it.

3 Name: M : 2014-05-12 19:50 ID:Ohhogeu8 [Del]

I'm just putting it out here right now that I'm not going to say something like, "Don't give up!" Or "Everyone has a talent." I do understand how you feel and I know that a bunch of random sayings like that probably won't do much. It is not possible to be useless on literal terms, you can only be useless in someone's eyes (your eyes included). I guess I could just say to think positively. However, if anyone said that to me I wouldn't be able to actually do it. One random thing I could suggest is not looking for something you excel in, just something you enjoy. Practice makes perfect? I don't know, I'm not the best at advice. That was incredibly cliched, but I'll be incredibly honest here: there are less prodigies than you'd think. There are many people who are naturally good at things but most just have to keep working. I know that's really stupid advice. However, I wouldn't take that piece of cliche literally. Instead think of it the way my teacher once said, "You can only do your best." Now I'm not exactly sure where he got this quote from, but I know he just wanted us to keep putting in full effort. He didn't say that I wasn't doing enough, just to maintain. Consistency is key, I suppose.
What I really want to say, I guess more to myself than anyone is that I'm tired of just hearing my parents and friends saying things like, "You're nice, you're smart. You can draw well." It doesn't matter what others say if you don't believe it, whether it's positive or negative. You can't just compare yourself to friends, peers, or those random child prodigies on talkshows. If you're as antisocial as me, then I'm sure you think a lot. Right now think: what do my friends think of me? I know, it completely contradicts the last statement. However, if you're thinking all sorts of negative things right now, you're probably wrong. Most people would stop themselves the moment a negative thought about their friend comes in their mind (Oh gosh, what the heck am I even getting at?). That was a really stupid thing to say, but true. Being bluntly honest, if you are always self criticizing, then you will never enjoy yourself. If you're alright with that, then that's great. However (Darn it, I'm back at the think positively message again) , however, you (and I oddly enough) need to understand that the only thing useless here is your attitude. Right now, I probably have no idea who the heck you are, but I know that you're honest with the world. That paragraph you wrote was honest. Even that is technically a talent. If I knew you, it would be a lot easier to point out more, but this is an advice message, not a blandishment one. My advice would be to find something you enjoy (how painfully cliche of me), be honest with yourself, and to find someone who actually gives good advice. Now, I suppose I didn't give much about being honest with yourself. I guess the best way to do it is to be detached from yourself for a moment. That is to say, think objectively. Now this is technically impossible for most humans, but bear with me. Be specific (wow, I'm literally reading off wikihow now.). I'll elaborate form the article. Don't just say, "I'm bad at tennis." Find out why you're bad at tennis. When you figure that out, keep going. Eventually you'll notice that many elements are out of your control (genetics, family money, etc). You can ignore those and move on to the ones you have control over. A lot of them are fears; fear of failure, judgment, humiliation, etc. then it turns into a fear conquering challenge. At least you have a more specific idea of where you can improve. I'm sure I left out a bunch of things, so feel free to reply and say where I should elaborate. Yeah, you should probably take advice from someone that isn't your age. No matter, I tried. Have a nice day, wherever in the world you may be.