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Love help please! (72)

1 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-10 10:36 ID:RrtUIwyb [Del]

okay, first let me tell you about myself, I'm not beautiful, I'm fat, I'm really anti-social and am kinda on the crazy side. Now onto the main thing, you see I was on a 3 day field trip. I fell in love with a really popular guy, but not hot or handsome, he's just... well everyone loves him and hangs out with him. He's from another class which is a big problem for me because my classmates and I usually hang out only with people from our class and hang out with the other classes if needed, because of this, in the last 7 years of school, I haven't talked with anyone out of my class for more than a minute and while my friends are able to talk with everyone freely now I can't do it. The only reason I was even able to actually see the guy and fall in love with him is because my friend wanted to hang out with them. I love him but for now I just want to be his friend but that is, he hangs out with almost everyone, and I hang out with almost no one because of my shyness. And it doesn't help that I'm ugly while everyone else is at least a little beautiful and everyone. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. is really judging... I could just not hang out with his friends and just with him, but that's really hard because I don't want him to know I love him (he's the type that doesn't care about stuff like that). My friend could have helped me, but I think she also likes him and if that's not true I still can't tell her that I like him because she has a big mouth! I really really love him! He is a big fan of my favourite band and on this field trip while lots of us were in a room together he sang a song and he was really good, but he only sang then because it was a few people that he didn't mind singing to (and me who is almost invisible) and there is no way he's gonna do it again unless it's on a field trip (and this one was our last one!)!!! And also, in him, me and my friends had a crazy time together in his room laughing and joking but that is also something that will never happen again unless we're really close. And I really like him and want to be friends like that with him! I don't think I'll be able to go to school from now on without wanting to be his friend and more and be a person who will get to joke with him and hear him sing a song from his fav band (mine too)! It was hard enough already on the way back from the school trip when my friend who is really bold, went to hang out with his group, and I who isn't that bold and really shy couldn't find a reason to go there, it really hurts knowing that if I don't do SOMETHING soon, I'll really never see him again after May and June! But I'm scared of doing something, and I'm really ugly while these people are really judging. Well not exactly ugly, considering that I have a somewhat cute face, more like disgusting, because I'm not as clean as others, I don't brush my hair a lot, I don't really bother with my looks, and look like a person who doesn't want to talk to anyone even though i do want to! I don't know what to do! The field trip is over and I need to do something! I've never loved someone this much! Not even the alst guy whoI loved for 5 years! And I've only loved him for 3 days now! The first day a little but it just seemed a crush, the second day, after hearing him sing, I really lost myself, almost like I was drunk and I just... didn't know what to do all day, just because I wanted to hear more of his singing! And the third day... even though it was the painfullest, and I have a feeling that somehow someone other than my 3 bffs knows and will tell everyone, I couldn't stop thinking about him from 5 in the morning to... well right now it's 5:35 pm and I'm still at it, strong as always! I really love the guy, someone please tell me what to do!

2 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-10 12:33 ID:tpoPpNyh [Del]

Watch Hana Kimi (Taiwanese version). I'll give a better response after you watch the first episode at least :)

3 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-10 15:51 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

>>1 I'm sure you're beautiful. Don't think of yourself as ugly, have some confidence! Confidence is key, it really is. If you want this guy then go get him, he won't be around forever and you don't want to be stuck with those "what if?"s later on. It seems like you have some self-esteem issues, work on those. You're beautiful, a beautiful person and I want you to one day feel that way about yourself too. Even if he turns you down, or others make fun of you, know that you're a wonderful person and I'm sure that one day you'll find someone even better. I'm not advocating for "fakeness" or "perfection" or just the cosmetic industry but a little makeup can really boost one's confidence, and a little goes a long way. It's just a suggestion though, I hope this helps. Good luck~!

4 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-11 04:40 ID:8q8NhH+5 [Del]

>>2 I watched the first episode, >>3 I've thought of make up, but wouldn't it be really weird if I suddenly did that even though I've never done it before? wouldn't my friends ask questions? how would I answer them? and also, I don't know how to put make up on...

5 Name: MoriSummer : 2014-05-11 05:02 ID:D5Dhoc9/ [Del]

>>1 Go for it, you have nothing to lose. Who knows, maybe he's into you as well. Boys like girls with confidence.

6 Name: Jayy : 2014-05-11 07:31 ID:rNl1GjTI [Del]

>>4 If your friends ask you could just say you wanted to try something new :) Its not weird at all don't worry.
I learned everything I know about putting on make-up from lots of practice and Youtube tutorials. xD So try that!
But ultimately, you'll be beautiful with or without it. Like Neko-tama said; Just have some confidence :) and try not to worry so much about it :P

7 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-11 08:26 ID:tpoPpNyh [Del]

>>4 ...waits...
I said you should watch it because it has the answer!! Where is your newly found insight!! Hhhhh well, here's my take on it then :) If as you say, you watched the first episode, you would have seen what I truly believe in and feel. Love changes us as people, interestingly as it seems to me. The one whom you love and loves you, loves you for who you are, but changes who you are. a nice paradox.
So, you want to be closer to him, but there are 'obstacles' in your way. If he really is that special to you, let him change you. Become more social in an effort to become close to him, exercise to make yourself feel more comfortable being around him. The amount by which you are affected by him will define his importance in your life.

...hmmm, well that's the most immportant thing but if you need you like to sing? ;)

8 Name: Alexis : 2014-05-11 09:01 ID:vBbVPZPs [Del]

Your just like the girl from Watamote
just relax
you could try to stop liking him if you know u cant get him, or try ur luck. who knows?

9 Name: Alexis : 2014-05-11 09:01 ID:vBbVPZPs [Del]

Your just like the girl from Watamote
just relax
you could try to stop liking him if you know u cant get him, or try ur luck. who knows?

10 Name: Alexis : 2014-05-11 09:01 ID:vBbVPZPs [Del]

Your just like the girl from Watamote
just relax
you could try to stop liking him if you know u cant get him, or try ur luck. who knows?

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14 Name: Tonii-chan !tmhnGRGDMk : 2014-05-11 09:58 ID:ExusP2hs [Del]

Are you scared of his reply ?
I understood that you don't really had the time to know him well. So here is what I would do in your case. I wouldn't ask him to got out with me, or just say him I love him. No I would tell him how incredible he looks for me, how I liked how he singing, and that I see him as an very interesting person that I want to know more. Then I would ask him to become my FRIEND. Maybe he will understand that you love him maybe he wont, but I think if he is praised by what you said, he wont refuse. Of course that wont make him love you, but at least this will grant you a chance to show him how interesting you are. Self confidence ! Like Neko-tama said : Trust yourself ! And if you like him trust him !
I remember I get confessed by a shy and unpopular girl during holidays camp, she told me she was loving me 2 days before she was leaving. I didn't knew what to respond, she sure wasn't a cutie but she was a kind person, caring and shy. I didn't really knew here and it wasn't like we could meet each other another time.
You made me remember about her... maybe if we had exchanged our phone number, mail address or skype back there we would have become good friends.
Think that you should find a way to get closer of this guy before saying that you love him.
Try your best !
Good luck !

15 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-11 13:28 ID:dLh8u0M2 [Del]

>>14 I'm not really that scared of his reply, that wouldn't hurt me that much, and I'm not really planing on telling him about it right now, I'm more scared of what the people around him will think of me, I'm scared of them judging me, not accepting me and then making fun of me...
>>7 It didn't affect me that much, it must be because I've watched and read lots of love stories, but your post is really helpful, thank you! and also I love singing but my voice isn't for that...

16 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-11 14:45 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>4 yes people may ask questions but just tell them that you just wanted to try something new and they shouldn't ask anymore. There are how-to's on YouTube and lots of stuff online, just look around a bit and research what would work for you.
I quickly went and found this, it's actually way more work than even I do but it gives you the basics, the best thing about makeup is that it's completely versatile, so you can find out what works for you over time.

17 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-11 14:48 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>15 try not to think about what others will think, they're just opinions and people will always have opinions. It's more important what you think and what he thinks too. Just go for it, even if you fail, you'll know that you tried and at least moving on would be easier. Good luck and go get him! :3

18 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-11 16:57 ID:dLh8u0M2 [Del]

thanks everyone! I'm really happy that the dollars can help me! I decided that I'm gonna go for it! Or at least gather courage to talk to him, I'll also ask my best friend for help! And if nothing happens then I'll confess to him on the last day of school, out of nowhere so that I don't have anymore regrets! BUt for the first time in my life, I really will try! So... anyone have any ideas on how to lose weight?

19 Name: Hakaron : 2014-05-11 17:22 ID:lrQnt/68 [Del]

>>18 many peoples think that to lost weight you need to make sports but this is only 50 % of the answer the other 50 % comes from what you eat. You have to change your meats and start with jogging for losing weights: search in the internet for some sites.

But don't think that you can lose 10 kg in one month or so. Diets are crazy things which most time doesn't help. So to lose weight you could make a diet, but from my expierence i know that to lose weight you have to make sport.

Make Sport. Eat More Healthy. Wash Yourself 3-5 Per Week. Learn The Secrets Power of Womens <--- what that truly means, i don't know i am not a woman, but you should understand.

Good Luck!

When this help:

20 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-11 20:51 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>18 Cut out junk food and eat 5 small meals through the day. Make sure you eat meat at least a few times a week as well; a lot of people avoid taking solids in when dieting, but it's important to maintain your metabolism.

Also, to kickstart your metabolism, I would suggest eating small amounts throughout the day for the first week you do it; having a half an apple or a piece of jerky, etc. every thirty minutes or so (in addition to eating your regular meals) will make your body metabolize much quicker. You might also want to try those Activia yogurts if you can every now and again. They flush out what's currently in your bowels, so don't have any before school, but it'll clean out your system so it can start back up with a fresh diet. It helps accentuate the faster metabolism.

The reason I suggest quickening your metabolism first is because it will put your body on a schedule to constantly break down food, so when you cut down to those 5 meals a day, it'll be breaking down food even when you're not eating. It might cause you to feel hungry, but it will make it work faster in a safer way. (You might also want to repeat the metabolism boost every few weeks if you're going for a long term diet.)

21 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-11 20:59 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>1 Though to be honest, I don't see why you need to change yourself. Being ugly is a perfectly normal thing. I'm not going to lie to you and say you're, "really gorgeous and don't see it," when I've never met you, and I'm not going to tell you that, "what's on the inside counts the most."

You're probably not beautiful by society's standard. But hey, that's okay. Not all of us are. A lot of other girls who look it aren't when you take a quick look under their half inch of foundation or under their size 0 tanktops. The point is that beauty is something that's in the eye of the beholder. I know there are some people who I think are the coolest, sexiest people, even though they're completely ugly to another person's eyes. If you want him to love you back, then I personally don't think changing yourself for him is going to get him to feel the same way. He'll be flattered, but he won't love you for who you are.

If you want to put yourself together for him anyway? Go right ahead. Just remember that you'll never be able to be natural with him or to enjoy your time with him truly if you change yourself so he'll look at you. I would only suggest you start taking care of your appearances for YOUR sake - not his. And if he happens to like it along the way? Good for him, good for you.

22 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-12 08:50 ID:gbWCoBs5 [Del]

>>21 I've been planing to change for like two or three years, but there was nothing to keep me going, now there is... :) oh and, I know I'm getting annoying but can anyone make me a schedule of what I should eat every day of the week, if it's not a bother, because I decided I'm gonna start eating healthier food and stop with chocolate and things like that but unless I have a schedule to follow I just get distracted, and I can't do it myself, because I don't exactly know what' considered healthy and what not, except the most obvious things.

23 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-12 16:02 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>22 We don't know what your parents buy on a regular basis, so it's hard to write anything definite out. Plus, the problem with making a schedule is that, once you miss one day, you're afraid of going back to that schedule. You may not be, but it happens often to people who diet. Just be wary of that if you do.

As for what is and isn't healthy, remember that some things are unexpectedly good for you, like black coffee and dark chocolate. The problem comes when you start adding sugars or milks. Milk chocolate is very bad for you, but dark chocolate is great for yo innards. The caffeine in coffee and the properties of well brewed coffee are also great for you in moderation; caffeine isn't explicitly bad unless you're drinking hordes of it.

First off, I'd say to quit:
1) Sodas, cookies, obvious junk food. Some cookies (like anise cookies) are actually good for you, but most of the processed stuff you're getting pre-packed isn't.
----DO NOT DRINK DIET SODA. It's terrible for your health and will not help anything in the long run.

2) Anything you habitually eat en-mass (like potato chips or anything you eat with salad dressing on it).

3) Whole milk. Drink 1% or 2% instead. Unless you start taking vitamins on a regular basis, I would suggest drinking a glass or two a day. If you're lactose intolerant, don't drink any of the flavored Silks or anything to that extent; just get milk substitute.

4) Anything entirely made out of chemicals or fake sugar. Putting all the controversy aside, it's just not that good for you.

5) Anything you make in the microwave, especially if it's initially frozen. Some frozen food is okay so long as you're making it in the broiler or toaster.

For things I suggest eating, it'd be:

1) Fruits, meats, and veggies. Not only will you get important metabolism boosting vitamins from these, but you will be able to bring fruits/veggies with you and eat through the day without getting a ton of food in you.
-----Do NOT eat your veggies with salad dressing. Even low fat salad dressings are not good for you when you're dieting. It's too easy to eat too much.

2. Whatever you usually eat that isn't on the above list.

Seriously, you don't need to change your entire diet. Just try to eat fruits/veggies/meat when you can, take out the stuff I listed initially, and enjoy whatever else you usually have. It's less about what you eat and more about the portions. Just eat less at each sitting.

24 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-12 17:04 ID:DoFK/nYo [Del]

thanks! I started eating healthier today! I hope I survive this! Oh, do you know some exercises I could do?

25 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-12 17:18 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>24 I'd say the best thing for that is to look online. It's better to test with different ones and see what works best for you.

26 Name: skyninja16 : 2014-05-12 18:37 ID:hQFNZ/jp [Del]

First, you should know that you're not ugly! Everything has beauty, just not everyone can see it. Second, be confident about this guy! Go for it now, and if he rejects you, that's fine. It means he was afraid that you were too good for him! And for those pricks that like to judge EVERYONE for EVERYTHING, well, there just low life's that talk about other people because their own lives aren't interesting enough! Also, being thin won't make you "pretty". You're already beautiful, and beautiful comes in all shapes and sizes! Just know that there will always be people who support your decisions no matter how many dicks stand in your way.

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28 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-13 10:22 ID:VZXsAJco [Del]

Gilad Bodies in Motion coupled with Gilad Body Sculpt is what my mom did to get started...apparently Gilad's a real inspiration. From there you can pick up the pace with things like P90x, but I wouldn't reccommend starting off that way.

Running/Jogging outside is much better than I think many realize. It's often discouraged because of the countless claims to joint damage; the key is though, you really have to make sure you are wearing the right shoes! Not just meaning made for running, but for your own particular foot. That being said, you may have to consider paying between $60 - $100 (possibly more) for a good running shoe, but the benefit for now and future is well worth it. If you think getting the right shoes may be a problem, you had better keep running to a minimum and go with lower impact forms of exercise: swimming and biking.

As far as diet goes, there's ALOT to say on that subject but here are the bulletpoints I'd like to add on this:

If you are not already eating steamed should be. It is the best way to get nutrients from a wide variety of vegetables such as carrots, most thicker leafy greens like brocolli/collards/asparagus, beets. You need a variety of vegetables, and it's best to have them organic.

Protein. If you don't already eat plenty of eggs, yogurt, sunflower seeds, etc, because it's important to remember not to forget that.

Fats. You need your healthy fats: good sources include nuts, nut oils, olive oil, coconut.

As far as being on a schedule, I'll do my best to help keep you on track :)

29 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-13 12:37 ID:n3UJSCWl [Del]

thanks! me and my friend decided to run together but I don't know when, but if that doesn't work out then I'll just go running with my mom, and with the diet, I haven't eaten anything chocolate since sunday! And also I've been eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially tomatoes and apples, it seems I have something for red food :) thanks again everyone! I'm glad I know I can count on the dollars!

30 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-13 14:40 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>28 Be careful with nuts. The fat and protein in it is great for you, but it's really easy to overeat. A lot of people don't realize that overeating nuts can fill you with calories and fat and kill your diet. Just have a hand-full when you do eat them.

>>29 I suggest you start with walking. If you're not a good runner or are out of shape, it can be embarrassing and leave you out of breath so soon that you don't get as good of a work out. You might want to try walking around the neighborhood for the first week or two, then move onto jogging/biking, then move onto running. You might also want to look up tutorials on YouTube about proper running stances and practices to make it feel more natural and have a stronger impact.

Good luck :3

31 Name: Vierochi : 2014-05-13 16:40 ID:aNPy8/HT [Del]

Hi~! I just wanna say...YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! Every single person in this world is beautiful in their own ways.
Me? I'm a bit chubby compared to my friends and they always mention that I am cuz it makes them feel better of themselves. I don't judge them. I just accept it and serve it as an inspiration for me to take care of my body more.
I also believe in Personality > Looks
Just be yourself or I'd like to say "Be the best of yourself."
If that guy prefers looks over personality then he's just not worth it!

Nonetheless its important to stay healthy!(I said Healthy not Thin D:<)
I recently discovered a popular Japanese diet. It's very easy to do! (Well...unless you hate bananas)
Here's the link!

I wish you the very best my dear~!

PS: Sorry if some stuff might not make any sense cuz I'm super sleepy ~_~

32 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-14 05:28 ID:nDa+c40+ [Del]

lucky me!! I Love bananas!

33 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-14 14:39 ID:MrKja1ln [Del]

aaaah! Why is this so hard? it's only been three days and I already can't stand not talking to him! Why am I so afraid of talking to him? It's so weird! I've talked to all sorts of people out of nowhere but I can't talk with him! Does anyone have any idea how I can start a conversation with him? not in real life of course, still to early for that, I meant on facebook.

34 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-14 18:39 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>33 I would start by liking things that he posts. If something really piques your interest, comment on it. A conversation will eventually get going. After that continues for a while, you should be able to start posting related things on his wall or via pm. I.e.: if you like music that he likes and bring it up on Facebook, it wouldn't be awkward to share information about an upcoming concert on his wall or by message. Just try to be natural and get into discussions with him about things you both like :3

35 Name: Schiff !iXDATQ8n1o : 2014-05-14 19:34 ID:2Jr8IYj8 [Del]

Too be honest it'll be hard to be with him and eventually start a relationship with this guy. Instead of working on being with him, I suggest working on inner problems such as your social awkwardness or being shy all the time. Too be honest if you fixed this you'll unknowingly fix tons of things that lower your self esteem ect. Speaking of that try exercising and eat a bit healthier, I know I sound like one of those videos you watch in health class freshman year but believe me when I say that exercising and working on your looks more really boosts your self esteem and your confidence. If you do all this then I shouldn't see why you wouldn't get him as a boyfriend or anyone for that matter. You don't need to go and jog 20 miles everyday and become a body builder but just try to diet and jog (If you're self conscious you can jog in place in your room or somewhere, that's what I used to do). You should do this anyways even if it's not to impress him because it's always good to be healthy and it'll be fun for everyone to see you next year looking fit and hot. (It sure was for me)

Good luck!

36 Name: kanra : 2014-05-15 00:21 ID:hbNfMN2q [Del]

>>35 sadly there wont be next year... i will still try my best! For myself and for the possibility of having him as my friend at least

37 Name: hailstorm : 2014-05-15 19:19 ID:5PUahC0U [Del]

If he is worth your time at all, he'll care about you for your heart and not your looks. I have sometimes found myself trying to change who I am in hopes of catching the attention of somebody who, in the long run, really wasn't worth the effort.
If you really feel that strongly, let him know how you feel. If you can't do it, it's okay to tell someone who will tell him. What's the worst thing that could happen? He seems like a sweet enough guy that no matter what happens, he won't make you upset.

38 Name: kanra : 2014-05-16 07:31 ID:4fGfIqkC [Del]

>>37 i'm not sure he knows i exist... so first i want to be his friend but dont know how to become his friend. Even if he turns me down i'm okay with being friends. How to become friends is the problem

39 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-16 10:17 ID:4fGfIqkC [Del]

6 days later and nothing's changed... (well I did find out that I've lost 3kg) I really want to get closer to him, but I really don't know how to, I don't know if I should try talking to him or if I should at least talk to people from the other classes a little... I don't know! I really love him, I can't stop thinking about him, heck I can't even watch anime (which is my life) because I'm thinking of him all the time... everytime he goes online on facebook I just stare at his name but then I remember that a friend of mine also really likes him and she's really social and talks to everyone and really beautiful and that hurts me because I know I don't stand a chance but then I start thinking that it would be enough if I just talk to him and again I don't know how to do that... :'((((

40 Post deleted by user.

41 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-16 10:22 ID:4fGfIqkC [Del]

and plus, all the 4 classes of our generation decided that we should all go out together this Saturday because it's our last year together and everything and I'm really nervous about that! I think that I'm gonna be really scared, because not a lot of peopel form my class will go and I'll have no one to talk to, but I still want to go, I want to try to get closer to the people from the other classes then but then I remember I'm not beautiful and I think the guys will laugh at me and the girls will judge me, but I still do want to go... I freaking don't know what to do! I want to talk to lots of people from the other classes! I want to become friends with them! I want to become friends with him! But I can't talk about this with my friends because they don't get me, they have confidence, they're beautiful and are social...

42 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-16 11:14 ID:tpoPpNyh [Del]

Hmmm.. I think it is about time I visited you here again :) So, when is this last opportunity trip? How many more days do you have to see him in school? How many possible ways could you communicate with him in school? I need the entire blueprint, you've already mentioned a list of possible casualties....that's just fine... I want to see you do push-ups! You need to stop thinking about what you don't have and start thinking of what you DO! But the biggest concern you have to think about is how much time do you have left! the way, what sort of place is you last outing going to be at?

...mind you, I don't normally get involved in these sorts of things...very peculiar ;)

43 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-16 16:31 ID:4fGfIqkC [Del]

well, we're all meeting tomorrow, school ends at the 10th of june meaning that's the last day I can see him, there are no ways to communicate with him in school because there is this girl who is my friend kinda who likes him and if she finds out i like him too I'm doomed and she definitely will find out if I try to talk to him in school, oh and our outing will be... well we're meeting up in a kindergarden's garden... and then we'll go wherever our feet take us, oh and thank you for helping me! I know this isn't a big and important problem compared to others but to me it's reaaaally big so thanks again, to you and to everyone >>42

44 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-16 17:31 ID:tpoPpNyh [Del]

>>43 ...I understand your concern for your friend, (I think it is concern at least!) but what is her liking him to do with you communicating with him? Well, don't make fun of me on this, but I do find Naruto a good source of insight for many matters :) Again, I have a fine suggestion for you to watch! The answer lies in within... Naruto episode 32: Sakura Blossoms

45 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-17 02:23 ID:fxMpOtSG [Del]

I've watched it but I don't remember what it was about, I'll watch it again. I can't communicate with him in school because that way she will find out I like him and get angry and do something that will be bad for me, like telling everyone in our generation that I like him.

46 Name: Echo !yOmc3RMgD2 : 2014-05-17 03:16 ID:KGjA8yyh [Del]

Kanra-san, maybe I have faced the same situation like you. Well, I like a boy who is really bright and easy going with everyone, while I'm just a shy girl, a no-one. However, I've just realized that I'm just admiring him. Admiring is kinda similar with love. At the beginning, I thought I love him, but then I realize that I'm just admiring him because he has a bright personality. So, my point is, because you said that you've just loved him for three days, I suggest you to think deeply over it again if it is truly love or you are just admiring his personality. I'm sorry if I offended you. I don't mean to doubt your feeling. However, if you really sure that it is really love, even if you are not as bright as the others, you can show him that you are different from them and better than them. If you love him, you need to do something to catch his attention, such as helping him with something or just try to have a small talk with him. You said that he talks to everyone, right? He has no reason to not talk to you, then. However, you don't need to force him. Most boy don't like a girl who is like to cling but in annoying way. If you have a wish, even if it's too high for you to reach, you have to fight for it! don't just sit down and only hoping for miracle to happen. A miracle won't happen if someone doesn't look for it. But, remember that if he is really mean for you, he will accept you as who you are, whether as a close friend or a lover. About your friend, if you think that telling her about your feeling towards him will break your friendship, I really don't recommend that. For me, a best friend is more than just a crush for a boy.

I only can give you some advice. The choice is still on you. Do what you think it is the best for you. Everything have risks and by doing the thing you choose, means that you are ready to accept every bad results :) Good luck!

47 Name: kanra : 2014-05-17 03:28 ID:fxMpOtSG [Del]

>>46 yes i do love him, thank you for your advice and>>44 i watched the episode. I don't know if i got what you wanted to tell me but i did get something and that is that i should start looking forward and doing something for a change no matter what i have to face.

48 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-18 06:35 ID:QqF0WrJw [Del]

well, I went to that outing yesterday and it was actually fun! Nothing really happened but I got to stare at him for a few hours AND now I think he knows i exist! if it wasn't for you dollars I don't know if I would even dare to go to the outing, thank you!

49 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-18 18:56 ID:S1o6NMl6 [Del]

Lovely! You know, I don't like to spoil others' insight with my personal perspective...I think what you took out of it is good enough :) Glad you watched it!

50 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-19 09:22 ID:l9LjqIPn [Del]

>>49 well I found out that my three best friends also have people they love! And they are all from the same class, so we four decided that we will help each other out! So I guess I'll come back to this if things get really worse and I can't rely on my friends to help me at all. Thanks for all the help to everyone, but I won't annoy you with my love problems for now!

51 Post deleted by user.

52 Name: Mura : 2014-05-20 21:13 ID:1mMreJ5M [Del]

Why don't you bring your friends here Kanra. You got the help you needed so perhaps they will as well.

53 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-21 08:49 ID:S385Kfxe [Del]

I don't know :/ I don't think they will like it here, I don't know why, maybe I'll try, someday

54 Post deleted by user.

55 Name: Mura : 2014-05-21 13:42 ID:IiyT6PgG [Del]

Well you never know until you try

56 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-28 09:50 ID:/yVIVSy+ [Del]

I'm back here again. It's not worse or anything. it's just... like, I'm still in the same place, me and my friends keep on saying we'll do something but we never do anything, and time is passing by... I'm really scared of nothing happening and never seeing him again after school ends...

57 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-28 12:07 ID:d9Q8j7GY [Del]

You....well, I have one candid suggestion and this is all you'll get out of me! You said you like the way he sings right? You can go up to him and ask for his number, telling him that you heard his voice on the trip and you'd really like him to sing at (insert event here). Pay may or may not be an option. You might have to think of background music/musicians and such...but you guys can maybe even plan that together.(even better right?)

58 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-28 18:01 ID:Chkx1GzP [Del]

yay someone had the same idea as me, going onto the Durarara wiki and finding onw of the online alias Izaya, and setting that as your username XD

59 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-30 16:21 ID:hK819P+U [Del]

in the end, when I'm alone in my room I always turn to the Dollars :) I'm not really asking for help right now, just ranting, but I would really appreciate it if there was someone who would read about my problems, someone that will know. Now, I'm reaally annoyed! This day was pretty awesome, nothing really big happened but it was still fun. I was out with my friends (and hoping to see him around if possible) when my mom called me. That's not weird. But you see, she told me that I have to come home earlier than usually and that if I don't I won't be allowed to go out with the generation after our half... prom? (idk what it's called) I told her that I'll go back with my friend who lives in the same building thinking that he would stay longer. Turns out he was sleepy so he wanted to go home earlier. Okay, not bad but then just before I go home I find out that more than half the generation is outside (it was a girl's birthday and they must have decided to stay out after it) and my other friend, who didn't want to go home just... went with them! So I have to go home, because of my sleepy friend and selfish dad, while my other friend gets to go have fun with some of the funnest people ever! oh and, did I mention that he was there? Ugh! I don't want to be home now! I really don't! I'm really curious, like, what are they doing? Why am I not there? It's such a rare chance to see everyone gathered like that but NO! I have to go home and do nothing like always!

60 Name: Kanra : 2014-05-30 16:32 ID:hK819P+U [Del]

and my other friend who went there isn't helping at all, sending me messages saying that she got to see and talk to the one she likes! In other words, my two other friends who also have guys they like are over there right now having fun with them while I'm stuck at home almost crying :'(

61 Name: Kanra : 2014-06-22 18:55 ID:y8q9q/lT [Del]

I'm sorry for bringing this back again but I have one more thing to ask of you guys, does anyone know a manga that's at least a little similar to my situation, I would really love to read something like that!

62 Name: Castor !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-22 21:09 ID:9L8m7OGW [Del]

why not try to tell him about what you feel? there's nothing wrong with that.. it would make you feel better.. just be prepared for his answer or whatever he'll say.. good luck :D

63 Name: Kanra : 2014-06-22 21:13 ID:2bBRxxpG [Del]

>>62 that's the thing, I'm not prepared for his answer and I don't have the courage to do it, I AM gonna do it someday because I don't want to regret not telling him anything, but right now I'm still not ready.

64 Name: Castor !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-22 22:22 ID:9L8m7OGW [Del]

and I hope that someday would not be too late :D

65 Name: toanyone : 2014-06-23 03:42 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

Kanra I think you just need a bit a confidence boost. im sure someone already said that, but you should look at your self as god looks at you and everyone. Your beautiful you should go and hang with him outside of school get some of your friends to go to and hang in a group at least you would be closer to him and you can hopefully gain a relationship with him.

66 Post deleted by user.

67 Name: Mei : 2014-06-23 21:08 ID:Jj51Ul8+ [Del]

yep. never tell yourself you're ugly. always look at the good things of yourself and think positively. it doesn't matter how you look on the outside, it's what's on the inside. If you try a little bit more and somehow get your group and his group to join then you can become closer and closer each day and that's when you have the opportunity to show your beautifulness

68 Name: Kanra : 2014-06-23 21:52 ID:DdtDGq6b [Del]

>>67 I have been trying and I think I'm getting somewhere even though it's going really slow.... oh and i stoped telling myself that I'm ugly a while ago :) now i'm afraid that people wont like my personality

69 Name: Mei : 2014-06-24 04:55 ID:6UydWkoN [Del]

It's ok if things are progressing slowly. And it's great you've been thinking positive. Don't worry about what people will think of you. Just be yourself and be proud! :)

70 Name: CIEL : 2014-06-24 18:56 ID:722792U2 [Del]

First rule: Never call yourself ugly. The more you say it, the more you believe it. You are NOT ugly.

Second, if you want him to notice you, you should start putting a little more effort into your looks. I don't mean anything crazy, just keep your hair brushed and wash your face and all that. Your skin will thank you and it'll give you a confidence boost! As for the other folks...don't mind judgy people too much because their usually just downright hideous on the inside. If you like him then you already have the right to be near him, no matter what anyone else may think. Also, I'm also a very quiet spoken person, so get how you feel! I find that it's easier to approach people when I'm in a tiny wolfpack, so try asking your girls to come with you to approach his groups. Who knows? You may be able to find moments to chill with him and get to know each other. When you get that down, you should practice talking with other people so that it won't seem so intimidating to talk to your crush one on one. But the most important thing is to be yourself (as clichéd as that sounds). Everyone has their own special charm, so if you let others take a peek at it, then I'm sure that they'll (along with your crush) see just how lovely you really are. Best of luck


71 Name: ReenaXion : 2014-06-25 06:53 ID:6z0R0sk6 [Del]

This may seem hard for some people, but I think its them who make it hard on themselves. Afraid of people who don't like your personality? Well that's their problem. Stick to the people who will stick to you after seeing how you are, if others don't like it then don't try changing yourself just for them. But if you find that there is a part of you that you yourself don't like, only try and change that for the better.

That's my opinion I guess....

72 Name: Kanra : 2014-06-25 16:40 ID:DvXkidlk [Del]

Thank you for all the advices! Whenever I start losing hope or am about to do something I always think about what the dollars tell me and it helps! :) I'm a weak person so I'll most likely come back here again and ask for advice AGAIN even though you've already helped me too much! Btw, is it normal to get sad because I haven't seen him since the day before yesterday? (so just two days)