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A friend in need (28)

1 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-04-28 11:18 ID:HZLmVRSh [Del]

Guys a friend of mine really needs some help, Her Mother keeps her locked up in the house she's nearly 20. Her Mum keeps her debit card, passport, national insurance, mail and all forms of ID under lock and key. Her Mum also doesn't let her cook and if she doesn't eat with the family she is given a meal substitute drink and she has diabetes I fear for her health. Her Mum also listens in on all her phone conversations and she is sometimes not allowed access to the internet or her phone for days and days at a time. She also has a Brother who insults her and her mother does nothing about it since he is the favorite. She has been taken away from her mother before and placed with a foster family which also treated her poorly. She's in a relationship with another friend of mine and her family is putting serious strain on it. I really want to try and get her out of this toxic household. Can anyone suggest any way she could get out? Thank you for your time

2 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-04-28 12:49 ID:HZLmVRSh [Del]


3 Name: Smith : 2014-04-28 13:23 ID:1ikA821O [Del]

Are you unable to let her live with you? Or can she move in with her partner? Shes over 18, so its not like the law can get her out of there. Although, she is allowed (legally) to leave if she wants.

4 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-04-28 13:39 ID:HZLmVRSh [Del]

She's an online friend and I still live with my parents and we can't support another person

5 Name: Hakaron : 2014-04-28 15:52 ID:jCNhGYYd [Del]

She could gain a new passport or debt card only have to say to the bank that they should diband them and so make a new one. I don't live in US, but I think that this is possible.

When she has a relationship she can leave the house so why doesn't she run away.

I am saying one thing everything is possible you have it only to want it truly from the bottom of your heart. Say this to your friend and good luck from Hakaron :<

6 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-04-28 16:55 ID:HZLmVRSh [Del]

she couldn't gain a new passport her Mum intercepts he mail same with debit card, she has none of the stuff to prove she owns the accounts or to prove her identity because her Mum has it all under lock and key. And her boyfriend is long distance they only talk over skype and on the phone.

7 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-04-28 16:56 ID:HZLmVRSh [Del]

Also I should add we are both from the UK not the US

8 Name: ezebius : 2014-04-28 17:19 ID:TqfwJIvC [Del]

Are you absolutely sure she is a real person.If yes then we should consider her being a hostage in her own home.Contacting the police would probably solve the problem.But that may be a little to extreme.I think she needs more friends like you who support her and want the best for her.With TRUE FRIENDS to back her up she should be able to solve all of her current problems.XD

9 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-28 17:44 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 I must say that I agree with >>8 that's a violation of human rights and personal freedoms, you should contact the police because that does sound like a legitimate hostage type situation.
Also, you could always let her stay with you, a sleeping bag on the floor could even do, she just needs a place to stay, she could even go out a find a small job to help pay for her meals and other expenses, it also doesn't have to be for a long time, just as long as it takes to get a new set of documents. I'm not sure what the UK does for these kinds of problems but if she let them know about her current situation, they may help her. Is she ever home alone? She could always break in and steal her documents and run away to your place. Just a suggestion but I hope that it helps.

10 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-04-29 03:24 ID:HZLmVRSh [Del]

>>9 She's an online friend of mine so I have no idea where she lives exactly apart from she's in the same country, plus her Mum does go out shopping and stuff. But I think she has probably already tried to get her documents but by my guess her Mum seems so paranoid about her leaving she probably hides the key to them or keeps it on her.

>>8 Yes she is a real person I met her in some live streams I regularly go to we are a very tight knit community but she only told me about her home situation yesterday (everyone else has know for awhile) she has dropped out of skype calls while streaming because her family was being verbally abusive.

But she's planning on trying to get out soon she's arranging someone to pick her up and she's going to make a run for it, then contact a social worker she has been taken from the family home once before so her family already have a history with social services.

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12 Name: Asuka : 2014-04-29 08:22 ID:yU1/WsLH [Del]

Let me explain abit, though your friends mother has disobeyed the law of rights but with your friend running away, her mother would definitely search for yr friend

If yr friend gets caught, the mother has the the right to discipline and if yr friend manages to involve a lawyer in it, its likely your friend my be sent to a "instituition"

If so , your friend does not have concrete evidence of the mother's action,
The court would rule it out as a simple case of welfare and try to give proof on signs of rebellion

Hence, contemplate on any further actions
If you really wish to help, hire a credible PI or inform the police

Do not take further action, it might revoke the proof that benefits your case

I wish the best

13 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-04-29 12:06 ID:HZLmVRSh [Del]

>>12 She's legally an adult so even if she does run away she is old enough to explain the situation to the police, then the police can tell her mother they have found her but she doesn't want to come home. Being a legal adult isn't that all above board? She could phone her mother and explain she on longer wants to live with her and explain why. She isn't a kid as long as she has a friend she can stay with for the time being that would be fine wouldn't it? And me and several other people have clearly heard her mother verbally abuse her and we can keep a copy our skype conversations, plus another brother of hers ran away from the family home for the same reasons she wants to now, I'm sure he would give a testimony.

14 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-04-29 13:03 ID:HZLmVRSh [Del]

I just had a talk with her she doesn't want to make a scene, but she is taking police action into consideration she hadn't thought about getting police involved before.

15 Name: ezebius : 2014-04-29 13:54 ID:TqfwJIvC [Del]

Wish her good luck from the dollars.XD

16 Name: ezebius : 2014-04-29 13:54 ID:TqfwJIvC [Del]

Wish her good luck from the dollars.XD

17 Name: Asuka : 2014-04-30 02:11 ID:tSJMFLDi [Del]

truthfully, i dont wanna make this sound mean but what i think you should be cautious of is the situation your friend is in, lets say it is very difficult to tell if your friend is telling the truth or not, the fact that your friends mom chooses to falsely accuse your friend of having PTSD or so on

They wont even allow a testimony

And if you choose to help out, your sentence might be taken but not accepted due to the unreliability of info gathered from the internet unless you have pictures or videos

At the most your friend might be sent to a help centre
or at least given therapy based on the results

I mean who wld not feel repressed in that situation

18 Name: ??? : 2014-04-30 22:39 ID:M2Xn4SEj [Del]

she need's her own say she can't stay with her for all her life

19 Name: woody : 2014-04-30 23:01 ID:M2Xn4SEj [Del]

you got a friend I me a friendship that will never die

20 Name: Asuka : 2014-05-01 09:31 ID:IqW6jXb0 [Del]

I hope yr friend gets out soon anyways

I wish for the best

21 Name: Meyuku : 2014-05-01 13:59 ID:wylaqo09 [Del]

Why not call the ploice ? this is really illegal if she is 20 then she is no more under her mothers protection . If you call the police she will be free to live her life. You are a dollars member too and you can save the day too have the courage to do it . We all suport you! :)

22 Name: L. : 2014-05-03 00:11 ID:T20zVaDB [Del]

Man. Sounds pretty bad for your friend. You need to get some help for her or something. Now I'm not very good and I don't know much about law, but I believe that she has the right to move out and take her things if she is 18+. Anyways, I hope for the best.

23 Name: Nico : 2014-05-03 11:29 ID:8AV3+Hyc [Del]

I suggest to call the police. She has rights for escape form such a situation and get her things out. She's 20 already. What an extra over protecting mum, anyway. I'm your side, fella! :)

24 Name: FairyGemi : 2014-05-05 12:52 ID:oVR7/x/B [Del]

calling the police is indeed the best thing you can do for now.
and when she moves out you can do more for her like, temporary housemates and support her

25 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-05-05 16:48 ID:To+vpb8n [Del]

>>17 now you're plucking stuff out of thin air, I never mentioned ANYTHING about her Mum saying she had post traumatic stress disorder

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28 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-05-05 16:51 ID:To+vpb8n [Del]

>>21 I could call the police if I knew where she lived but I don't and she seems pretty reluctant to telling people she met online (aka me)