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Dealing with emotions (4)

1 Name: blue-cat : 2014-04-27 19:12 ID:Q9LxmWJT [Del]

I'm pretty sure that a lot of people have this problem, so maybe someone has some solution or anything.
The thing is that I'm having a real hard time dealing with my emotions and it gets in way when dealing with my closest people. It's extremely easy to start fight with me, and even if on regular basis I know that it's not healty to be angry, I turn into completely different person when I'm angry.
And also it's not that it ruin the relationships, but also it's ruining my health. It's like I know the theory that I shouldn't get angry, but in practice I just can't work it out.
So maybe is there anyone who has similar problem and could give me advice how I could control my emotions and keep my real self with me?

2 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-27 19:31 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 I have the complete opposite problem, I have problems expressing my emotions, kinda emotionless in a few ways. But what I think you should do is see a therapist and they can help you understand your emotions better and deal with them in a more healthy manner. You could research/look up anger management solutions on the web. You could try taking a deep breath when you feel angry, rationalize the situation, try your best to calm down, small things like that can help a lot. I hope that this helps ^.^

3 Name: Sparky : 2014-04-27 20:42 ID:5E6c+KEa [Del]

>>1 To be honest I was like you, I would let my emotions get in the way of things and it started to ruin the life I had, I started despising life and losing the world to live, then I realized what I wanted to do with my life when I met my best friend who was suffering like I had, and my reason to live became that to protect the people I care about no matter what, so I've pushed my emotions out of the way and focus on the people I care about's emotions instead, making sure they live a much happier life than I have. I know it's not really a solution or the same as yours but I hope it kinda helps.

4 Name: Asmodeus' Choice : 2014-04-27 23:14 ID:y26CqYBh [Del]

>>1 I had a problem like that a couple years ago, and I ended up relying on a friend to help me, it caused her trauma but she told me at one point "i do it because nobody else will. So shut up and let me help" She was very sweet to me. Of course I don't suggest that. Find a way to relieve your anger when you're angry, working out has proven a way to relieve anger, as has writing. Those work especially well for me. I suggest finding an outlet to put your anger into, even if that means hitting a punching bag for a couple hours.