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life/ frustration (5)

1 Name: Tsubaki : 2014-04-21 12:19 ID:x5CBvGQO (Image: 259x194 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

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I don't really have anyone to talk to about this, so i was hoping maybe other Dollers members could help me out. I realize this might not be as serious or troubling as others but it would be nice if someone could help me since i'm only 12 years old. So my mom and dad split up six months ago and my mom and my sister moved to a different country while me and my dad stayed here. I attended school like normal, but my grades are the worst. Since i'm English and live in Germany it's a little harder to deal with the language. But it's not just languages either, my other subjects aren't good either. It's like i do well in class but when it comes to tests i totally fail. I don't know what's wrong with me. I started hiding up in my room too. I'd come home from school, shut the shutters and go on my computer. I know it's not healthy and it's not gonna help me, but i don't what else to do. I can't about it with my dad either cause he doesn't understand things like this. So if anyone out there has gone through this or just wants to help is reading this then i beg your reply. Thank you so much

2 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-21 12:29 ID:0rA4Dyih [Del]

Hello Tsubaki! I'm in the neighboor hood for the moment...I don't know if you're still here but I can try to help you with your work if you'd like. Except German since I don't know the language! But if it's more than not understanding the assignments, then the best I can advise you is to really think about what it is that you're going through. Are you missing your sister and mother? Have things changed between you and your dad? Are you lonely? you don't have to answer them for me, but take the time to think about it yourself. As far as your homework goes, I'll help you with that anytime I can :)

Long Live the Dollars!

3 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-21 13:43 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 as long as you keep trying you can get better. Focus a little more on learning the language first and then focus on the other subjects. Instead f spending time online, spend a little extra time studying. There's also YouTube and Kahn Academy with tutorials on different subjects that can help, and they're in English. I'm learning German and I use Duolingo to help me.
I hope this helps you out, I wasn't very good at anything when I was twelve but I kept working on it and now I'm pretty good if I do say so myself. So just keep trying and don't lose hope ^^

4 Name: Tsubaki : 2014-04-21 15:43 ID:x5CBvGQO [Del]

Thank you both for replying i really appreciate it. I will try the things you both listed. Thank you so much again :)

5 Name: foreversigh!wQfr6KA0vQ : 2014-04-21 22:31 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>1 Shutting yourself off from the real world and coming here I wouldn't necessarily say is a bad thing. The real world often really sucks so it's good to take a break from it and if your lonely, talk with people online who understand you. There are a lot of people here to help you so when your feeling down it's probably best to turn to us if there's no one in the real world that you can rely on.

I wasn't the smartest person but I never really had problems with my grades though so I don't know what it's like but I definitely know what it's like to be lonely and to shut myself off from the real world. I only really exist online because there's no one in rl who understands me or that I can rely on.

One thing that I'm wondering about though is if you're not doing well in school because you're unfocused and going through things? If that's the case then it's best to work through it first so that you can work and learn better in the future in my opinion.

We'll still be here if you need someone to talk to or just to listen and care :D