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I feel so alone (6)

1 Name: Pa-Chin : 2014-04-11 14:05 ID:dDvNdX82 [Del]

I have amazing friends and a great family. So I confuse myself when at times I feel as though I have no one to turn to. I have self-harmed and I have tried suicide, all because I felt alone. When I finally think I have somone to talk to, I choose to hold back because it's selfish of me to complain when others have it worse. I want to escape life, forever but I don't want to hurt anyone and I'm scared to keep on living. I'm a coward. I am sorry for rantig but I wante to write it and get rid if those thoughts somehow.

2 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-11 14:19 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 just because other people may have it worse than you do, it doesn't mean that you can't feel sad, many people have hard lives and don't express their sadness and pain because some poor child in Africa is starving. I was fed that bullshit for years and was ridiculed for being depressed to the point in which suicide was an option.
Don't be afraid to talk to people, friends are there to help you and give you support. Don't kill yourself, it wouldn't help anything and just make everyone you've ever known incredibly sad. No one benefits from suicide.
Life gets hard sometimes, and you are allowed to cry, feel lonely, and feel sad. Those are normal emotions and you should express them, talk to people and if you're not too sure about it, then come here and talk to us Dollars.
It's okay to feel sad but just remember that you'll have to be positive too because it gets better, life gets better, so don't give up hope please.

3 Name: Echo !yOmc3RMgD2 : 2014-04-11 15:04 ID:OITKiRhp [Del]

>>1 Ah, you are similar with me^^ I've not really figured out why I feel so lonely while I have a really loving family and some people called 'best friends', though. So, maybe I cannot give you the best advice since I'm not sure myself with what's wrong with me. But, I'll try my best.

Pa-Chin, have you try to look back at experiences you've gone through in the past? Maybe something happened back then and it made you feel so lonely although you have people who love you. Or maybe you have a kind of personality which make you be like that. I've tried to do so and the same like you, I think I have never experience something as bad as others. It's just I'm an introvert and others used to (not anymore, now) act as my friend to take advantage on me while I let them to do it, so I can have friends. However, I've just figured out that I may be a highly sensitive person (HSP). I think this personality is the one that make me easy to feel lonely. Have you ever ask yourself about that possibility of you having that kind of personality? So, a HSP is easy to feel the atmosphere around him and get overwhelmed by it. Because they think deeply over the smallest things and absorb any kind of energy (even the emotion of his friends) around them and it effect their own emotion. So, maybe something in your life overwhelm you or make you depressed that you want to give up. You realize that you need friends to help you or comfort you, but, like you've said, you think deeply over others. It makes you hold back because you realize that your problem will be an additional weight for them while they maybe have their own problems. It makes you feel lonely because you think that you have no one on your side while you have many people who love you. I know it's a complicated thought and most people don't believe it or think that that kind of people are just overacting. But, it's true because I experience that kind of feeling myself. So, if you think that it describes you, maybe you are just like me.

If so, then, don't worry. You don't need to blame yourself and be afraid of things around you that make you feel lonely. It's good that you realize that you have people who love you, although you keep thinking that you're lonely. At least, you realize that. The problem is on yourself. Try to find something that can motivate you or make you think that you have to be strong. 'I've seen that my friends have experienced worse than me, so I will be strong just like them and get through my problem with my own strength and my own way.' Just like that. Don't escape your life and don't blame yourself by self-harming. I've ever have that kind of though before, although I've never tried one because I have blood phobia. But it's not worth it. Don't let your mind take control of you and make you think that you are alone. If you do self-harm and commit suicide, wouldn't it make your amazing friends and your lovely family be sad? So, if you cannot be strong for yourself, then you can be strong for the sake of people around you that you love so much. Don't give up! You're stronger than those problems. I believe that. So, don't blame yourself and don't be afraid of living. You are strong with just deciding on living than killing yourself^^ You are not a coward, you are a strong person :) Value your life and yourself more, okay?^^

(If something happened in your past and it is the one that make you feel so, don't worry, you have your amazing friends, your lovely family, and us on your side^^ So, you can tell us anything and we can solve it together.)

4 Name: SulFox : 2014-04-12 05:35 ID:+sdMot6q [Del]

Srsly you think self harm might help anyone else
Its not your retribution you seem to have a better life but stop being pathetic if you are the very coward

It is useless if you dont stand up fr yourself
I say
GoodLuck anyways

5 Name: Random : 2014-04-12 10:30 ID:IbVQowrL [Del]

Everyone has problems in their lives. And some of them may seem smaller or larger than everyone's. And it's not our job to judge, and it's not a contest. People need people, and that doesn't just mean having friends and family, but having friends and family you can talk to. Never feel guilty for feeling sad or afraid or in pain.

Try talking to one of those great friends of family members about how you feel. I know the internet can be a great place to vent, but sometimes it really helps to talk to someone IRL as opposed to URL.

6 Name: Ghost : 2014-04-12 10:41 ID:I7Kmmqqy [Del]

>>1 I can relate to this, I'm similar, but I didn't think that self-harm is an option nor do I try to commit suicide, but there's this part of me who lost motivation in living and this part of me longed for death, actually, I'm quite afraid of that "self" who can murder me anytime and anywhere in any way possible.
I'm an introvert and I admit that it's my fault why most of the people around me cannot understand me. I tried opening up but it's quite hard for me, but, anyway, let's fight this together, let's be strong, let's find hope from small and big things. Let's find our happiness in life.