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Self Harm (13)

1 Name: MM : 2014-04-03 16:07 ID:g8+N+kP0 [Del]

I cut myself. I admit it. Each day after school, I go upstairs to my room and grab my fabric scissors and cut my left wrist. At the moment I am cutting, I feel relief- the relief I need to escape the pressures from school, from life, from myself. After cutting, though, I feel so... so ashamed and disgusted at myself for doing such a vulgar thing to myself. The first time I ever cut was back in November of this year. I have stopped in December, only until the beginning of April, where I began cutting furiously. I told my parents, but they didn't do much except for them telling me to stop and relieve my stress another way. But cutting is so addicting. I am afraid to tell my parents again that I started to cut again. I am deathly afraid of getting caught. I am scared, terrified, in fact, and I don't know what to do. I need help.

2 Name: cuthelp : 2014-04-03 17:58 ID:qgFLi35C [Del]

some advice i have given to many people, i know this sounds stupid, but put something soft on the ends of your blades, cutting may be addictive but, with the cushioning of the object covering the blade you still have the relief of cutting but you are not physically cutting

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-04-03 17:58 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 I don't cut so I don't know what it's like but I have wanted to try it and I know the affects of cutting, it turns mental pain into physical pain which is easier to deal with sometimes. But it's stress and pain, there are other ways to relieve both of those. I'm not one to talk, I repress everything that I can which isn't healthy either. I'm not going to tell you to stop cutting, that's like telling me to stop repressing. But what you should do is research other ways to healthily relieve your stress, be more optimistic about life, it gets better, get a pet because animals really help. And just make sure you clean your cuts properly, you don't want an infection. You really should stop though, take small steps and gradually stop. I hope this helps ^^

4 Name: MM : 2014-04-03 19:36 ID:g8+N+kP0 [Del]

Hey, thanks so much for reading my post^^ Cutting is addicting, but I will definitely try both of your suggestions. I have tried time after time to stop, but each time I stop, I always start again in a few months. The other day.... I did attempt to kill myself... But, my friend stopped me before it was too late. A day after my attempt, I went on this website and saw the "Suicide Hotline", and reading others stories helped me realize I really wasn't alone.

And, Neko-tama, don't try cutting. It is addictive. It harms not only yourself, but it hurts your friends and family. Feel free to ever post your feelings on this website. Everyone here is a friend. We will all help you. Love, Melancholia Malady

5 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-04-03 20:32 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>4 people helping people, that's what I love about this board :'3
And I'll try my best not to give in and you do the same <3

6 Name: Kan : 2014-04-04 02:32 ID:bhpqPpuS [Del]

MM, I'm not a member to reply often but since I understand your situation, I will make a comment. You are right, there's is a certain addictive quality about it for various reasons, mine used to be the satisfaction of the aftercare--a way to force myself be tender to myself.
It's a pain to hide, or to lie. From what you write, you seem like an honest, good person. I hope by reaching out to others, even through this website, that you'll find the strength to stop. I was able to quit by burying myself in things that made me happy, and by getting rid of connections to people in my life who were bad to me. Since you've realised the problem already, I think now it's just a matter of perseverance. Please never be afraid to reach out when you need help. At the very least, I know the people here will listen.

7 Name: Roorando : 2014-04-04 05:40 ID:BiuHPJf8 [Del]

Read about self-control on internet. That might help you, willpower is amazing. ;)
One side of you wants to cut and the other does not. You just have to force yourself and tell to yourself "Don't cut!"
Or just try the second post.

8 Name: jongout : 2014-04-04 14:10 ID:zAUtAuZS [Del]

As someone that's struggled with self harm for many years, I will tell you that there are ways to stop! You can try any of these activities, which have been (literally) life saving for me.
There are massive support networks and I assure you that you don't have to go through this alone. Be weary of websites like tumblr which have a tendency to glorify self harm and exacerbate the issue.

Good luck! We're always here if you need us.

9 Name: Rin : 2014-04-10 11:20 ID:MZbRql8w [Del]

I am a cutter as well, but I cut my thigh where no one will see, currently I am in the midst of quitting, but I understand your struggle, when I decided to cut I put all my knives, glass, scissors away, I know its adictive, it makes you feel in control, but eventually you want to stop but can't. The best way I think to quit is to throw away all your cutting tools, if you cant put them somewhere and leave a not to yourself along with it that says why you put them there. Hope this helps

10 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2014-04-11 11:36 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

I never cut myself, but I have some online friends who do so.
They said the temptation to stay clean is hard to deal with. But after they managed to stay clean for a said number of days(for example 50) they are so proud of themselves. And they keep going staying clean.

>>1 You can try it too. Try to stay clean for a week. If you manage to do so, go for a greater goal.
You can do it.

There was one time that I wanted to know how it will be like to cut myself. Just as an experiment, then I realized that I can not stand the pain. I never have done it. Because I'm not a big fan of physical pain. So I promised myself to never do so.

I also had some aqcuintances that wanted to cut themselves and after a talk, they promised me they will never do it. And I'm happy that they kept their promises.

I imagine it to be hard to stay clean, but we are supporting you. Same goes for >>9 and all the cutters on this web.

Stay clean. It is a fight that I'm sure you can win

11 Name: Hakaron : 2014-04-12 13:15 ID:JPmQmB5G [Del]

It's not about cutting. When you come again in a situation where you feel bad you should try to relax instead of cut yourself. Get yourself a girl which you can love.

And don't give up after the first lost. Keep going trying to find a girl or stop cutting.

12 Name: Anon : 2014-04-14 01:50 ID:ogDPhdGL [Del]

Self-harm is a subconscious cry for attention. Obviously there is something needed (psychologically) to be addressed to someone who deals harm to them self. But it really is just something your instinct tells you to do because you want people to notice you. I know this because I've cut myself before. I know exactly how it works. I used to think it was to relieve stress and all that too. But when you get to the core of it; you just have to find out what is actually your issue and deal with that instead of getting blade and going all jack the ripper on your arm.

13 Name: Holo5 : 2014-04-14 11:57 ID:DOjAHQEl [Del]

or see someone who can help.. like a school teacher u can trust or a adult u can.. explain to them ur feelings of relief and how ur rents rant really helping and giving u the help u needed and that u want to stop but not sure how… I'm sure if u let some one u know and trust like a friend they can help u..