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Sick? (7)

1 Name: Kid Kit : 2014-04-03 11:55 ID:EOmlL9s8 [Del]

So, recently I have been feeling really bad. It's been going on for a few months and honestly, it's scaring me. I think I'm sick, but I might just be hallucinating. Here are my symptoms: migraines; dizzy spells; forgetfulness; confusion; shooting/prickling/sharp/lingering pain everywhere; cold, empty feeling in my stomach; nausea; blanking out; hearing things; blurry vision; waking up in the middle of the night every hour, experiencing sleep paralysis, then falling back to sleep; sudden urge to cry; sneezing; flares of depression; and random speeding up of heart at weird times.
I don't know what it is and whenever I try to go to a doctor, something happens and I end up having to wait: no transportation, the doctor is out, mom has to do things, etc. I Googled the symptoms, but I haven't gotten much. This has been going on for months now. Any ideas? I really feel like crap and I want to know why. My subconscious is convinced that I'm dying. Help?

2 Name: HinogaSuzuya : 2014-04-03 14:03 ID:yuI3bLBO [Del]

Do you eat well ? Do you drink a lot of water ?

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-04-03 18:03 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 we aren't doctors so you should really go to the hospital if you're feeling like that.

4 Name: |M|esh : 2014-04-04 11:30 ID:sxGpWRlE [Del]

It's obviously bothering you a lot, and the symptoms sound like they're affecting your everyday life a lot, the best thing to do is go to the doctor, just keep trying to go.
In the meantime, it might be an idea to make an effort to eat healthy, keep yourself hydrated and make sure you get enough sleep. Light exercise is probably a good idea too. These are unlikely to solve the problem, but they might make it more bearable.
Really, you need to go to a doctor though, but try to stay positive, the Dollars are here for you, so tell us when you know anything elseU-U

5 Name: Kid Kit : 2014-04-04 12:07 ID:EOmlL9s8 [Del]

Thanks, guys. I'll try to get to the doctor.
>>4 You're right, it is bothering me a lot and it is affecting my daily life. I'm trying to hold up until I can get to the doctor. I hope it's nothing serious. I drink a lot of water, but the sleep thing is kind of hard. For some reason, it doesn't come as easily as it used to. But, I'm hoping I can get to the doctor soon, so I'll try to make it better.

6 Name: Person : 2014-04-05 19:03 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

Sounds like PTSD or Anxiety to me. (You don't have to go through some traumatic experience to have anxiety. I have an anxiety disorder that I inherited. I get a lot of those symptoms actually.)

It also sounds like you should get some kind of head scan. Really though, just go to the doctor. Tell him/her everything, tell him/her your worries, concerns, etc. And try to be open to his/her recommendations or diagnoses.

Good luck!

7 Name: Kid Kit : 2015-12-18 14:24 ID:hJk3FioN [Del]

I've been to the doctor and showed them the list of my symptoms since I posted this. The doctor said that he was more worried about the fact that I'd written a list than what was actually on the list. He said that I needed to drink more water, but I haven't heard anything about the mental stuff. I've gotten better. Thank you for your support!