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A Decision (9)

1 Name: Hakaron : 2014-03-25 16:50 ID:mQgVEKrE [Del]

What do you think, it is worth to give everything up what one have to become somebody who can reach his goals ?

For a half year my life sees like that and still it is a very lonely way in which nobody understand oneself and still you have to say yourself that you can keep going and you push yourself forward and forward after each oppurtunity......

I know what I want but the problem is my emotions. Some days where i laugh much and hate myself because laughing is holding me up and on other days i feel nothing and cannot concertrate on sth. This problem have to do with my past, but the past isn't important because every step go into the future.

My question are emotions important and it possible to be callous (emotionless) ?

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-25 18:14 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 emotions are important, in moderation. They are important but too many strong emotions can be a bad thing, never make decisions or make actions based off of strong emotions. However emotions and feelings can influence a lot about your life, more than people would think.
No, it's impossible to be completely emotionless unless you're taking enough medication that causes your brain to well not respond to much.

3 Name: |M|esh : 2014-03-27 17:17 ID:Wsy+YF4P [Del]

It's very difficult to give up your emotions. Hiding them is possible, but stopping yourself from feeling things- happiness, anger, hurt, I'm not sure if it's possible.
A little personal experience, I've always hidden my emotions, and people do believe that I don't feel things as much as other people, because I don't express myself. I also believed that if I could kill off my emotions, I could do better, but I can't kill off my emotions, all I can do is hide them.
Now, hiding emotions is definitely beneficial, it means you can stop yourself from acting impulsively, and you can still smile and be nice when someone who has power over you is being a frustrating idiot. But it's really not a good idea to hide your emotions the whole time, I don't really know how to explain it, but just, express yourself when you're with people that you don't need to impress or whatever.
As for being a person that can complete their goals, you need to have a clear goal that you're aiming for, and the motivation to get you there, because if you don't have that, it'll be very difficult to do anything. However, if you have that drive, then if you focus on it and never give up, and if you allow yourself to give up other things in order to get there, then you can.
Do you believe in yourself?
Do you believe that you have the power and will to attain your goal?

The last thing I want to say is, be true to yourself. What you want, who you want to be. Don't justify what you want, accept that it is something that you want, and then assess if it is something that you should allow yourself to have.
Accept who you are, and accept what your goals are. Then strive to attain those goals.


4 Name: HuniB : 2014-03-27 18:29 ID:0IUN4gpt [Del]

If the problem is in your past you should address your past. Sometimes forcing yourself to move forward can can be more destructive than facing your issues head on. Have you considered writing about that issue and how it makes you feel?

5 Name: beatnik : 2014-03-27 20:00 ID:bvT1Rik6 [Del]

i want to givve up my emotions as well at time. it may seem bettter at the time but i have found that in the long run,you just feel empty inside.

6 Name: beatnik : 2014-03-27 20:00 ID:bvT1Rik6 [Del]

i want to givve up my emotions as well at time. it may seem bettter at the time but i have found that in the long run,you just feel empty inside.

7 Name: Infitix : 2014-04-01 15:58 ID:C+mQ2BQC [Del]

Forcing ourselves into reality is hard, because of how society is now. I'm in the UK, and I'm having probs with a bunch of people who; I don't talk to, who don't like me nor who I don't like... But that's ok, so long as you know your true friends, you're pretty much on the right track on living

8 Name: Infitix : 2014-04-01 16:04 ID:C+mQ2BQC [Del]

Btw Hakaron, thanks for posting this. If I didn't see this on first day in Dollars, I wouldn't know how to overcome my problem regarding highschool!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot

9 Name: Hakaron : 2014-04-01 18:14 ID:Jm0Nw1oo [Del]

Thanks for all answers. I could find because of your help an answer to my question.

>>3 Today,I know that it's impossible to be emotionless. But hidden is the same thing like running away from the things you want. And that is the problem emotion shows us that we want sth. which we in truly don't want for example a girl. For two weeks you only think about her and the again your emotions are going after another girl.

DON't HIDE your emotions, instead of that you should CONTROL them. When you control your emotions in every moment like light switch you will probably see the change in the speak with others peoples. An example it's break at the school emotions switch is on, lesson begin emotion switch off.

But there one other big problem with what I said at the moment you can handle your emotions, but it will not help you reach your dreams ....

I give your the hint to hear some videos about Eric Thomas or google etthehiphoppreacher. I hope he can help you so how he helped me.

>>4 your right that it can be destructive, but to reach your goal you have to go trough pain. Because when it would be easy everybody would make his dreams become reality. Everybody would be a millionaire or a president. But It's not easy, so when you come in a pain situation. You have to make a comitment to do everything was is needed to do the things which you have to do to go trough the pain. Or say the words : I CAN! I WILL! I MUST! (etthehiphoppreacher)

>>8 problems don't exist there arey like fear both are illusions. Every problem have a solution. Think about an exam when the question wouldn't have an answer the teacher wouldn't do they into the test. That's the way you have to think to solve problems. Good luck in highschool. Don't Forget. You Can! You Will and You Must do it because when it would be easy Everybody would do it !