Dollars BBS | Personal

















1 Name: Kanra : 2014-03-24 17:17 ID:vfCKK0ps [Del]

okay Dollars, i will need your help, it's about my friend. First i need to tell you that both me and her have a tumblr and that we promised to never look at each other's tumblrs. anyway, a few nights ago me, my best friend and our 2 other best friends were having a movie night, we somehow ended up watching a movie that my friend never ever wanted to watch again and she was crying from the start of the movie till the end of movie night and me and my friends thought it would be better to let her cry it out alone. But later that night she told me that all she needed then was comforting and we didn't do anything... that made me really sad and i decided to never let that happen again. But then a few days later on her phone i saw that someone on tumblr send her a message " i'm sorry things are so rough... and so on" i got curious so i went on her tumblr and i found out that THE NIGHT AFTER OUR MOVIE NIGHT SHE CUT HERSELF AND THAT SHE FELT RELIEVED AFTER THAT! and i'm scared, what if she keeps on doing it everytime she's sad because it makes her feel better, what if she does something more drastic! I'm really afraid, but I can't tell her that I know and that it would be better to just talk to us than cut herself because like i mentioned above I promised never to look at her tumblr and that would make her lose her trust in me even more and maybe make things worse... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! She looks normal in school and when we hang out but... I'm pretty sure she didn't lie on tumblr when she said she cut herself...

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-24 17:25 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 sometimes it's necessary to break promises in order to help your friends. And not telling her that you did is kinda like lying on its own. Tell her that you know and are there to help before it gets worse. But only do that as a last resort.
What you can do in the mean time is watch her tumblr to see if she cuts again, comfort her, love her, be a friend! Give her the attention that she needs and help her get better. I hope this helps.

3 Name: Kanra : 2014-03-24 17:31 ID:vfCKK0ps [Del]

yes, thank you!

4 Name: A Crawling Snail : 2014-03-24 18:52 ID:Tzxnuxmm [Del]

May I ask what the movie is? For me I kinda end with the conclusion that the movie has kicked right into her most likely depressing personal problems. As Neko-tama said sometimes it's necessary to break promises in order to help your friend. Go talk to her more, giving all needs to show her that you as a friend worry and care about her. Love her indeed and cheer her on :3

5 Name: Cloud : 2014-03-24 19:27 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

whats the big deal? i cut myself and feel relieved after that. cutting isnt a big deal, almost everyone does it. try it yourself if you're curious. go on.

6 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-24 19:41 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>5 no. Stop. Your cutting is your own business but don't encourage others. It is a big deal, you put a lot of stress on your body by continuously cutting. Cutting doesn't solve you psychological issues, it just dulls the pain.

7 Name: EvilKatBatGirl : 2014-03-24 21:18 ID:v1XxzMf9 [Del]

>>5 for some reason, to me you sound rather proud of it, at least to me. I'm not trying to offend you in any way, and so if you are offended, I apologize.
>>6 to each their own.

Kanra, be there for your friend. It was her choice to cut herself, and so try your best to bbe there for her. Be her shoulder to cry on. Convince her to go to counciling. Thats all I got I'm sorry if I'm not of any help.

8 Name: lilly kun : 2014-03-24 22:33 ID:bvT1Rik6 [Del]

confount her and ask simplely if evrything is okay, pay extra attention to her reactions. you can lean alot from a person by how s/he is acting. if s/he is sad or angry it will show.