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Careers and education (3)

1 Name: Peanut : 2014-03-24 11:04 ID:ekry9EeM [Del]

I'm looking for a ideas of what to study at University. I'm looking for something with high chance of employment as well as good pay, but also stimulating.
I've already been at University for 2 years, first I did biology, but the idea of being stuck in a lab depressed me, so I changed to Criminology and psychology, because I wanted to do forensic psychology, but the course was overall terrible and required that I studied 2 masters degrees to even hope to get the career I want.

Does anybody have any ideas of careers or courses?

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-24 17:20 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 do you have a counsellor that you can speak with? Universities usually have one, I think, they might be able to advise you towards a better career path.
You could get one masters, like in psychology and become a physiatrist, if you find work that usually pays well.
There are careers in biology that don't require you to work in a lab, just research around a little. Look around and you may find something worthwhile ^^

Also, I feel your pain! I wanted to become a criminal profiler but it's so hard since there really isn't a set program for it, requires two masters, and getting the job may be difficult too.. *sigh*

3 Name: MidnightWinter!tY3YT6j3gg : 2014-03-24 18:13 ID:bEbgfQAa [Del]

what car33r you would choose hav3 to b3 what your int3r3st in.. i m3an if you like biology and don't want to be stuck in a lab you could be a fi3ld biologist. in our university, botanist and zoologist go around a lot.. not 3v3ything is don3 in a lab but it will involv3 a lab soon3r or lat3r...
so fa all i can think is agricultur3, for3stry, and oth3r bio major that includ3s a lot of f3ild work, just try and look for anything that int3r3st you
(sorry for th3 numb3r 3 sinc3 my l3tt3r 3 do3sn't work)