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The Thing you Hate: Raging intensifies (Part 5) (351)

1 Name: Takara!!dOFnbQCJ : 2014-03-20 17:25 ID:kxa6eBc5 [Del]

It's been about two days since Part 4 got closed and for some reason no one's remade it yet.

The Rage Thread. Feel free to rant about whatever annoys you.

That said, there's a guaranteed amount of cussing to show up eventually, so if you get easily offended by excessive swearing, then probably stay away from this thread.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Kirigami : 2014-03-20 17:30 ID:Uics57kX [Del]

Fuckin Titanfall wont load!!!! -_-"

4 Name: beatnik : 2014-03-27 20:12 ID:bvT1Rik6 [Del]

i hate irresponsible,immuture people,geese, and peanut butter

5 Name: MidnightWinter!RiAzRyvbjw : 2014-03-28 05:36 ID:bEbgfQAa [Del]

I hate Rabid Fangirls, overly obsessed and so dramatic, hates anyone who doesn't like who they like. engage in pairing wars like their life is on the line....

6 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-28 13:52 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]


7 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-04-14 20:00 ID:2Ufq21L9 [Del]

Damn, this thread hasn't gotten some good hate in a while.

So, Imma fix that.

I hate people like my step dad. So fuckdamn arrogant and shit. Always thinks he's right. And when someone says something that proves his answer or statement wrong, he gets all pissed and argues with completely ridiculous points. Like a cracked digitizer.

The idiot says that it "broken" but if it works perfectly fine despite the cracked screen, then it's not goddamn broken. Broken is when something does not work and is of no use anymore. His comeback?

"The glass broke, so the damn thing is broken."

No bitch, it's not glass, and it's not broken if it works the same way as any other Ipad out there.

What's more is that he likes to rage at every single fucking thing. Like, I close the fridge door and slam it shut because it doesn't close all the way if I don't. Then he just fucking sits there and is all "Don't slam the door! You're going to break it!"

"But if I don't slam it then it won't close."

"Dammit Sixto! Don't argue with me! When I say not to slam the damn door then don't slam the damn door!"

How the hell does that work? What, if you don't want me slammin' the door then do you just want all the food to rot and make the house smell like shit then? 'Cause I'll be damned if that isn't the case.

And then when I don't slam the door closed, he goes

"Slam the fridge door shut! The food's gonna rot!"

But didn't you just fucking say a day ago not to slam it shut? I swear, people these days.

8 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-04-15 06:54 ID:KSs0R41S [Del]

When people think that Schroedinger's cat has anything to do with zombies. Not sure why, but it makes me incredibly angry.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Azrael : 2014-04-15 10:48 ID:nFrH43kJ [Del]

sometimes I wanna korosu you, but I can't
why always me that you not notice?
I'm here alive,
I always alone, but I hate loneliness,

can I live through this?

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-04-15 20:26 ID:CwxZggby [Del]

>>8 Dead and alive?

When people who have used computers for years have absolutely no concept of how it works. Not only that, they make no effort to learn anything about the monumental achievement of mankind that has been reduced to doing floating point calculations for them. This ignorance bothers me much more than it should.

13 Name: Baron : 2014-04-17 03:23 ID:mplmSjut [Del]

I just feel like slapping someone. Some of their just...Insolence makes me want to take their head and squish it like a grape. I mean honestly. C'mon guys! Have common sense and have some dignity. It's not very hard to pick up the trash you just threw on the floor, AND THROW IT AWAY. I know nitpicky. But it just ticks me off so much.
And then the guys who just take their anger out on others, why???? They have feelings like you!!!!! Why do you just want to spread more discord like a freaking harpy. And harpies are UGLY!!!!
Then those who are completely oblivious to things. I always want to tell them and smack their head into a wood wall, but if I did they would cry. Those people are so freaking sensitive it's hard to scold and teach them. Then the situation they're in just makes it worse, cause I can't say it. I always just want to go...AGHGGGGG!!!!
I am surrounded by idiots!!!!!

- End of Rant -

Sorry if I offended anyone. There was just a pit of anger in my stomach, and I saw this.

14 Name: Vayaviva : 2014-04-17 03:28 ID:9+IA7w95 [Del]

The nerve of those who cheat in the program I am in. Academic integrity is paramount, especially during an exam. Exams may be over, but I pray I never see the cheaters again, especially next semester. Radio deserves better.

15 Name: fujocchi : 2014-04-17 11:06 ID:/77pDlpJ [Del]

Right now, I'M JUST WAAAY TOOO ANNOYED with my classmate (let's just call her sasha, sorry if there's a coincidence in the name :v)
I know that this is a silly rant or something. But this thread is created for that reason right ?

So, this brat named sasha likes to mock me; EVERY DAY, until I dreamed that I kicked her, LOL :b. --Anyway, back to the topic, she likes to mock me when I tried to answer a question from a teacher and failed. She mocks me like hell, albeit she is WAY A LOT MORE STUPID than I do. Every time the teacher asks her something, she will just stays silent, ignoring the teacher and cussed them as rudely as possible.

What pains me the most, is the fact that she just won't admit that she is the real pain in the ass. She also has ever owed me some money, and she paid it back with a crumpled money with a HUGE HOLE on it (and she only paid around $0.16 dollars in cash, if you convert my country's unit of money with dollars). Seriously, if one of you guys meets her, you will directly cursed the phrase 'GO TO HELL' sooner or later.

Sorry if my rant is way too childish or something, but the things that I write here is only 1 PERCENT of all of her DOINGS. :V

16 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-17 16:49 ID:oOD68xEu [Del]

This board.

17 Name: vontar !c6.PJFVzw. : 2014-04-18 09:27 ID:egn4uecd [Del]

Mymathlab assignments. Sometimes you enter the right answer, check your work, make sure everything is entered correctly, formatted correctly, rounded to the place specified, in the form the problem wants, and you get it wrong. When you use the show me how to solve this feature to see where you messed up... YOU GET THE SAME FRAKKIN ANSWER!

18 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-04-22 20:01 ID:84Ygupa9 [Del]

When parents say that teens have no rights and the only things they are required to do is give us clothes and a bed.

I mean, really. Has this motherfucker not learned about the concept of Natural Rights or anything?

19 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-04-23 08:56 ID:fNg7HtlP [Del]

Vocs has now blocked Reddit (reason: "porn").

Curious to know who the hell was looking at porn on Reddit often enough for our school to block it.

20 Name: foreversigh!wQfr6KA0vQ : 2014-04-23 10:16 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

Purposelessness and pointlessness. Why is this life seem so damn pointless? I swear I doubt anyone will ever find anything fulfilling in life and we are all just living this life in pain and agony. Why is life like this? And then there's the lack of sense that the world's making. My head is trying to figure everything out and won't stop and it's driving me insane. Is this world just a punishment or something? Or is it seriously just made by random chance and has no purpose? What the hell? This is pissing me off so bad and it's driving me insane. It's like there's no point to it and it's just pretending that there is by making everything so damn confusing and making no damn sense. Damn it all. It makes the only escape route the one that it makes sense not to take. If only we could safely kill ourselves without having to worry about consequences or affecting other. This life is such a pain in the ass and I can't even just leave it. I'm calm on the outside but on the inside I'm raging and screaming my head off. Man life sucks. It's not even like there's any gaurantees that it will get better. It's only assumptions. I can't rely on anything in this life. Why does this existence even exist? I don't even know how to rage. I can only rant about things. I don't even know what to say anymore. I can't even express what I'm thinking anymore. I hate this all so much. I don't even know anymore.

21 Name: Mr. Cross : 2014-04-23 14:09 ID:uY+21RoD [Del]

Oh hell yeah. I'm down with this.

There are few things I honestly hate, because I can rationalize just about everything.

There is one thing though, that brings out the worst in me and that is stupidity. Ignorance. Willful ignorance at that. How in the hell can it be so hard to understand simple logic? Often times, I end up in arguments both in real life and on the internet because people just fail to see or understand the most obvious of points. I make everything I do as clear as can be but people just seem to ignore it and focus on me as some kind of cruel, arrogant asshole. I recently had a YT comment chain where some one decided to flame someone unnecessarily using bad grammar and spelling. When I called him out on it, the best he could manage was some immature insult before giving up. Then everyone else jumped on my shit with fallacies and irrelevant details, going so far as to just devolve into childish flames. I kept my logical stance but it didn't seem to even slightly enlighten my opponents. I hate that with a passion and it happens so often. It's really hard to take in, knowing that stupid people exist and refuse to improve their situation. Thanks for reading.

22 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-04-28 17:37 ID:84Ygupa9 [Del]


23 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-29 00:40 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>jumped on my shit with fallacies and irrelevant details
>ad hominem, continuum, misdirection out da butt

Good laugh! :D

I really hate how the people next door to me like shitty music.
Top 40 hits, of 2010 and before.

24 Name: Mr. Cross : 2014-04-29 00:58 ID:uY+21RoD [Del]

Ooo, I learned something. Thanks.

25 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-29 01:45 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>24 I like to give kids guff about their grammar and all, but it really should be used with some discretion, seeing as it is a fallacy and all.
It seems really desperate sometimes.

But if it's bad enough that the person's point in the debate is illegible, it's pretty okay.

26 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-29 02:23 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

Oh, and boy do I hate women in the typical sense.
It seems like 90% of women are pretty much the fucking same.
Stupid, can't think in the long term, can't rationalize, and queen of double standards.

̶A̶t̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶u̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶a̶r̶d̶s̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶n̶s̶e̶.

27 Post deleted by user.

28 Name: MariaCurry : 2014-04-29 05:26 ID:D5Dhoc9/ [Del]

I hate religious bigots. They praise God almost everyday yet they discriminate everyone who is not part of their religion, I think God will not be happy about that. I want to shove that to their face, but meh, they can just go to hell.

29 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-04-29 09:55 ID:yA8vfQp1 [Del]

>>26 You know what, we're so much alike.

30 Post deleted by user.

31 Name: Mr. Cross : 2014-04-29 10:08 ID:uY+21RoD [Del]

If I got something wrong, tell me. Clearly though. Trolling me isn't exactly the most obvious of methods.

I think I'll rant for a moment.

I hate being bored. I suppose that is my fault for not being as creative as I was when I was younger, but I blame the modern era and its various temptation.

32 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-29 16:24 ID:4DVIMvNr [Del]

>>29 I know we are buddy, that's why I like you.

>>31 No no. It's not really wrong. Just something else to think about when you're trying to take people apart with words.

I hate that it's fucking snowing today.

33 Name: XPR : 2014-04-29 19:33 ID:CTB9DKF+ [Del]

Damn, mine is a long list... LOL. I don't think anyone has the time to read mine but whatever. Here it is:

I hate green.

I hate Honda.

I hate Honda drivers.

I hate idiots.

I hate public restrooms.

I hate the imbeciles who do NOTHING to change what they hate about the world...

I hate the cops.

I hate crappy drivers.

I hate beans. (unless it's coffee)

I hate smokers. (I think of smoking as death in anticipation.)

I HATE VTEC!!!!! (VTEC is the motor that Honda's run...)

I hate swag.

I hate swagfags...

I hate text-talkers... (The dumbf***s who walk around talking to you in person and saying crap like #TURNUP!, TBH, ROFL! when you can speak properly!!)

I hate vegetables.

I hate hipsters!

I hate my imbecilic neighbor.

I hate his wife.

I hate the fact that they nearly set my house on fire!

I hate crappy cars!

I ABHOR RICERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate the fools who think that they can achieve anything by coasting through life!

I hate my boss!

I hate his attitude!

I hate that he is ONLY self-rewarding!!!

I hate how he blames me for his crappy parking!

I hate that I can't kick him in the face!! (I could do it physically but then I'd get fired.)

I hate the fact that I can't throw him out the nearest window! (I physically could but then I'd get fired.)

I hate that he's a sexist prick!

I hate that he hits on my GF!

I hate that he physically beat my sister and doesn't feel any remorse!

I hate that he doesn't know that I'm her brother...

I hate that shes traumatized!

I hate that he walked away with a slap on the wrist...


34 Name: XPR : 2014-04-29 19:33 ID:CTB9DKF+ [Del]

Damn, mine is a long list... LOL. I don't think anyone has the time to read mine but whatever. Here it is:

I hate green.

I hate Honda.

I hate Honda drivers.

I hate idiots.

I hate public restrooms.

I hate the imbeciles who do NOTHING to change what they hate about the world...

I hate the cops.

I hate crappy drivers.

I hate beans. (unless it's coffee)

I hate smokers. (I think of smoking as death in anticipation.)

I HATE VTEC!!!!! (VTEC is the motor that Honda's run...)

I hate swag.

I hate swagfags...

I hate text-talkers... (The dumbf***s who walk around talking to you in person and saying crap like #TURNUP!, TBH, ROFL! when you can speak properly!!)

I hate vegetables.

I hate hipsters!

I hate my imbecilic neighbor.

I hate his wife.

I hate the fact that they nearly set my house on fire!

I hate crappy cars!

I ABHOR RICERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate the fools who think that they can achieve anything by coasting through life!

I hate my boss!

I hate his attitude!

I hate that he is ONLY self-rewarding!!!

I hate how he blames me for his crappy parking!

I hate that I can't kick him in the face!! (I could do it physically but then I'd get fired.)

I hate the fact that I can't throw him out the nearest window! (I physically could but then I'd get fired.)

I hate that he's a sexist prick!

I hate that he hits on my GF!

I hate that he physically beat my sister and doesn't feel any remorse!

I hate that he doesn't know that I'm her brother...

I hate that shes traumatized!

I hate that he walked away with a slap on the wrist...


35 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-05 17:04 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]


36 Name: Nobody : 2014-05-07 12:19 ID:6XdOnsF6 [Del]

I hate... Bullies.
I hate... People who pretend to care.
I hate... School.
I hate...fakes.
I hate... Being controlled
I hate... Grades
I hate... People who judge others

37 Name: Stripes !E9IZYajiY. : 2014-05-07 16:02 ID:v7fcj6bA [Del]

I hate...

Being mocked.
Being manipulated.
Idiots who doesn't follow the rules.
People leaving me.

38 Name: bang-bang : 2014-05-08 03:58 ID:Rlav4rUp [Del]

"Who cares if some feminists hate men, because men hate women MORE!" (citation needed). Yes who cares that there's shit within our ranks when we can point the finger at the other side, like that somehow excuses things, what sound logic. And then when someone takes issue with our movement and hesitates to call themselves a feminist we burn them at the stake as traitor to their kin, because feminism is not a political movement you can choose to be part of or not, it is a natural human characteristic obviously, why would you deny your true nature, you probably suffer from internalized everything blah blah GOD GOD I hate internet activists.

39 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-01 20:48 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

She's so drunk she can't even form a sentence. Holy shit.

I should probably step in, but after the vague attempt at a conversation I just had, I can already tell she's too far in to understand a word I'm saying.

She's just going to have to deal with the consequences of her actions in the morning. And if she thinks for one second that I'm going to console her the next time she's "heart broken" or let her bring anything other than a 6-pack into this house again, she has another thing coming. I will personally dump every single fucking can.

If there's anything I'm doing before I move out of this place, it's getting her off this shit once and for all. She was so good when my step dad finally left; she almost never even had a can of beer in the house. Then he came back and it got worse. Then they separated again and it got worse. Then she met our alcoholic neighbors and it got worse. This. Is. Not. Fucking. Okay. Especially not when you have a goddamn child to take care of but are mentally clocked out by 5PM.

40 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-06-01 21:40 ID:hrbeH9w9 [Del]

Vent is write. I'm probably gonna feel ashamed of this later. But fuck it.

Making a film clip for my Media SAT isn't particularly easy when your one friend, who was in mind when scriptwriting and was meant to be starring, tells you that, after months of preparation during which he kept telling you that he was good, leaves you hanging two weeks before all planning is to be handed in.

It also doesn't help that I'm a friendless loser who has nobody else to ask to star in my film. I'm gonna fail media. I'm gonna get a shitty ATAR. And it's all his fault. I wanna fucking kill him. No, I want him to fucking kill himself. I don't give a fuck if he's clinically depressed, I just want him the fuck out so I don't have to deal with his shit. I don't fucking care anymore.

Fucking fat cuntrag. Complains about loneliness and "abandonment issues," then tells me about his fucking "girlfriend therapist" who he doesn't wanna talk about too much cause it's too personal. Complains about his parents because they come into his room while he's gaming to tell him about the football game that they're fucking watching while he dismisses them with a wave of his hand. Yeah, he's got it so fucking hard.

Everything that's wrong with his life is his fault. He doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy. Not that he gets it, but he just doesn't get that he's the only fucking one with problems. Self centred asshole. You don't break a fucking commitment like this when it's probably gonna cost your "friend" 60% of his media mark.

I'm gonna have to rewrite almost 2 months worth of pre-production work. I'm gonna have to convince somebody to be in my movie. I'm probably gonna end up alone and have to change my idea completely.

Oh, but he has a chemical imbalance and a cancelled vacation to Phuket. Boo fucking hoo.

Oh, and listening to Linkin Park all day doesn't make you look "deep" or "attractively emo" or whatever the fuck you think it done. It makes you look like a sad fuck. A failure. A pussy.

Your adolescent struggles are stupid and so are you. You're nothing and you're going nowhere. Seriously, go kill yourself.

41 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-06-01 21:41 ID:hrbeH9w9 [Del]

>>40 Why the fuck did I spell "right" as "write?" Meh, whatever. That felt good.

42 Name: Geo : 2014-06-02 09:36 ID:VltecLLD [Del]


She kept seducing my dad and destroying my family!
I dunno if I hate my dad, I dun even know how to feel about him. I can't trust him I think...I fucking dunno what to do with him anymore. My mom cried all day and me some days...

I wanna cut that BITCH gut, fed them to dogs. Skin her alive, slowly torturing her but not to death, till she lost her bitch face. Till she can't make a fucking sound of complain to my dad. I wanna throw hell into her life. I'm being evil and I know it and she deserves it..BITCH WHORE TRASH FUCKER..

I never hate someone as bad as this in my whole life. SHE RUINS EVERYTHING, SHE CAN BURN IN HELL

43 Name: Geo : 2014-06-02 09:38 ID:VltecLLD [Del]

That feels a lot better...Thx for anyone making this thread, and I know I sounds psychopatic, can't help it. I think I'm starting to develop bipolar/ stress disorder/ personality disorder. Not that I care much though

44 Name: Hyoten : 2014-06-02 19:00 ID:26zNINrA [Del]


45 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-14 17:52 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I'm getting so damn tired of this. I feel bad for not doing the stupid things my mom asks me to do, but I'm so frustrated with her that I can barely speak. She's STILL trying to get in the way of me moving out. She still refuses to get my ID so I can get my license. She still refuses to open a bank account for me. She still gets in the way of all my work and every project I do.

She's just trying to exert her power over me for some unknown fucking reason lately. I will be across the room doing an important project for work or school while she's on Facebook at the kitchen table and will ask me to get her something out of the fridge. You're literally five feet away and aren't doing anything important. Why the fuck should I have to stop what I'm doing, walk across the room, and get you a beer like a fucking servant? Because you're my mother? No, you don't get that damn right. I'm not your servant or your slave, and until you start giving me some respect back, I'm on boycott from everything you ask me to do. It's not like you do anything I ask anyway. She gets pissed off if I ask her to throw something out for me when she's standing next to the trash and won't do the simplest things for me like sign contracts or help prepare me for my damn life.

I'm considering using the scholarship money I'm getting to buy an apartment the second I turn 18. Otherwise, I'm holing myself up in my room until I save enough money to get the fuck out of this place. I can't stand it anymore. I feel so damn suffocated and held back. There's so much I can be and so much I can do, but nobody wants to let me fucking do it. Take your hands out from around my goddamn neck, sit your ass down, and let me do what I want with my life.

Not to mention that she's been guilt tripping me, not only about leaving, but about coming back. Like, "Oh, aren't you going to take care of me when I'm old?" All I can think about right now is getting away. Please don't put that on me. Do. Not. Put. That. Kind. Of. Responsibility. On Me. You have two children. I'm not going to live here and baby sit you when you're older because you're not properly taking care of yourself now. If you're not going to listen to my warnings about your health, then why the fuck should I take the responsibility of managing your body when you no longer can? I love her to pieces, and I know that I'll be chained back to her house the moment she gets sick because that's the very nature of my being, but please don't put that on me right now. Let me go. Let me fucking breathe before I have to think about this. It's all the more reason to get out of here soon so I can do what I need to with my life.

Unlike most kids where their parents live their lives for them, I've lived my life for my mom and family for the past 17 years, getting so, so little back. I ask for so little. Every decision I make is based on whether or not it's good for my mom. Every breath, every thought, every damn ounce of my being was formed around thinking about and worrying for my mom and my brother and I'm fucking tired of it and if everyone doesn't get off my back about how selfish and self-centered and terrible and immature I'm being ASAP I'm going to walk right out of this house with just my money, electronics, and the clothes on my back and never come the fuck "home" again.

46 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-14 20:42 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

My mom's friend is over and actually came in to rant to me about the neighbor. We had a good vent and chat, and she told me to just save my money secretly and leave as soon as I can and leave my mom's problems as they are. I feel a lot better having someone suggest the same thing I was thinking of.

47 Name: Zero : 2014-06-15 12:56 ID:722792U2 [Del]

I hate how nosey my father is. He has trust issues (since my mother is a cheater) but his distrust has ballooned into a large mass of idiocy in the past years. He feels the need to dominate everything, from phones to social media(and school tech) and has placed spyware on all of the computers. He even locked the wifi so that he is the only one who can grant access, and he tries to forbid passwording of any sort. His amount of distrust is enraging, but there is little I can do about it. I don't really go anywhere because he digs through my belongings when I leave for a long time. I don't have any sense of privacy, and I want to call him out on his shit but he vehemently denies everything. I would actually like some sort of advice on this matter because at the moment, I am looking for any accuse to make him angry (locking al of my belongings, purposefully acting secretive, etc. I'm just not sure as to how long I'm wiling to put up with this.

48 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-06-16 00:43 ID:um2ZJUIN [Del]

Angry drivers. Holy fuck are they obnoxious.

49 Name: TeteDansLaLune : 2014-06-16 15:37 ID:f6HSREFD [Del]

>>48 I live in France and I'm pretty sure that this is the only country where you can see somebody smoke , talk on their phone AND drive at the same time ... Plus most of the drivers are gigantic trolls who steal your parking spot right under your nose just when you're about to park.

50 Name: Artemis : 2014-06-16 16:15 ID:TGmNpplr [Del]

I hate how my parents treat me

51 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-16 17:51 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>49 From what I've seen, French drivers are fucking scary. You guys have a ton of those circle intersections, right? We still have a few of them in historic areas of NJ and Pennsylvania, and they never seem to end well.

52 Name: Lucifer Morningstar : 2014-06-17 10:17 ID:XGHZEQ1T [Del]

I hate judgmental people who try to control every one else.

53 Name: toanyone : 2014-06-17 15:13 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

I hate all the rude people who come into my job.

54 Name: zen : 2014-06-17 20:04 ID:u6LSN9JR [Del]

i hate how my irresponsible 'dad' choose being a rock star over me and my mum. i mean i love music and am glad that he is following his dream but he could care about me a little more! and i'm sick of my little sis always butting me down. and i'm sick of always feeling like an oddball. and i'm sick of complaning and feeling so lousey.

55 Name: zen : 2014-06-17 20:04 ID:u6LSN9JR [Del]

i hate how my irresponsible 'dad' choose being a rock star over me and my mum. i mean i love music and am glad that he is following his dream but he could care about me a little more! and i'm sick of my little sis always butting me down. and i'm sick of always feeling like an oddball. and i'm sick of complaning and feeling so lousey.

56 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-18 18:26 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I tried to open up and explain the situation and how I feel to my mom. She furiously reprimanded me for not thinking of myself and basically turned the entire conversation into me calling her a bad mom and me being a worthless piece of shit who's not ready for the world because I wasn't being selfish enough, yet I'm being too selfish now because I don't want to do the dishes. I also got in trouble for crying and was told that everything I said was a lie and basically that I'm just trying to get attention and blame her for everything. She interrupted everything I said or let it go in one ear and out the other. She never once asked how I felt or why I acted how I did. Everything was about mom, mom, and, mom. Like always. I know she's had it tough, but I want it to be about bambi, bambi, bambi now and again. Maybe even just one 'about bambi.' or just 'bambi, bambi'. I don't need a lot. Just a little consideration. just 'bam' would be fine, but more than just 'b'

She also claimed that I haven't tried to do anything to prepare to move out, that I should have magically gotten my social security card without a guardian present, and that I should be more eager to move out. What. She pays so little attention to what I accomplish that she hasn't even noticed a single thing I've said or done this past year other than the awards (i.e. pieces of paper) that I've gotten, bragging to all her friends about how I'm graduating and am getting awards and how I'm so great, meanwhile belittling me every second of the day about how I'm not ready for life because I don't do the little chores (which I should but procrastinate on; I'm sorry, it's just my personality and habit and I can't magically break it by being yelled at).

I can't even handle anymore.

57 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-06-27 06:49 ID:FOTKWWYM [Del]

I need to bitch about this somewhere. May as well be in a place where nobody's gonna care. Also scattered.

My brother has always been kind of neglected, as tends to happen with second children. He's always been a hard worker, kinda quiet, a nice guy. I used to see him as kind of a pussy, actually; he used to be so scared of talking to people. He used to follow me around when we were kids. He never really bothered me with anything, he was so mellow, kinda faded in the background a little.

Here's the thing now. He's my younger brother. Two years ago he worked hard, took a test, and got himself into a good school. He started taking the train everyday to get there. My parents were so worried about him taking the train, and they were so proud to see him doing something. This was the first and second thing respectively.

A while ago, he started playing sports, and going to te gym with my Dad. I went too, on occasion, and he's pretty fit. He's tall too, way taller than I an, and he has this weird way of staying tall and having a presence even though he slouches and is painfully polite. He has a personality, a likeable one; I've never mrt anyone who didn't think he was interesting at the very least. 3.

Next, he started making friends. And going out with them. He went to a party with friends a couple of weeks ago, a girl's party nonetheless. 4. 5. Also I think he has a girlfriend. 6.

He had work experience this week, at an accouting firm, and has come out feeling educated and enlightened. Also he made friends there, by the sound of it, actual, legit adult friends. References, too, for his first job. 7. 8.

I fucking love my brother, I really do, and I'm really proud of all he's achieved. I understand why he's so successful, and I respect him for it. I just really, really fucking wish he wasn't.

I'm 17, turning 18, and I'm jealous of my 15-year-old brother. I fucking want his life so bad. His motivation, his work ethic, his friends, his personality, his everything. I just fucking want it. I'm so jealous it almost brings me to tears whenever I even think about it. Whenever he get's something that I can't have, whenever he comes home, modestly telling us about whatever fucking amazing experience he just had, whenever he goes out with friends, it literally makes me wanna die.

I fucking hate myself. I'm a piece of shit. I'm a lazy asshole. I know that if I could meet myself, even I wouldn't like me. Whenever I speak, it's stupid, so I rarely do. Whenever I move it's fucking creepy, like a snake. If I don't, I'm invisible. I have almost no friends, definitely no good ones, and the one's I do I don't even like that much. I'm totally fucking worthless, I have absolutely nothing going for me that is of any value to anyone else. There is no point to my existence, but I'm too pussy to off myself. What'll happen then anyway? I'm a sinner in just about every major religion, so I've got hell to look forward to, and if not, well, what's the point of that, too?

And this is what I'm constantly compared to on a daily basis. Goodnight.

58 Name: Lindsay : 2014-06-27 17:27 ID:qrjjLGzz [Del]

I feel annoyed at impoliteness that happens in little ways, and find it unfair that people have to take it in. Things such as talking back to a teacher, or not holding the door for someone, even unnecessary littering in public places. These kinds of things frustrate me little by little.

59 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-28 08:52 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>58 Holding the door and littering I can understand, but talking back to a teacher? If the teacher was the one being rude in the first place, I hardly consider that impolite.

60 Name: Serinu Ootori : 2014-06-28 10:49 ID:x3qTJaef [Del]

Ignorant people irritate me so, so much. Just last year, some random guy I barely knew just walked up and asked, "How come no one ever talks to you?" Seriously, I'm not even kidding. And it's kind of sad, because he was just trying to be friendly, but he wound up just rubbing salt on the wound. It was both the meanest, the nicest, and one of the only things anybody said to me that year. But don't worry: I've found the only four Otakus in a class of 200, so I'm not so isolated anymore.

61 Name: Asuka : 2014-06-28 11:50 ID:m4JgXU8G [Del]

Its getting on my nerves when my mother's friends visit us

Obviously, i can tell its not my parents fault, but it happened that most of my mother's friends are suffering financial problems due to the bad economy back there it her hometown

The thing is it makes me annoyed to giving seats to someone whom im not familiar with

No, i don't hate them,and, respect them too, im definitely fine with my mom forking out some of her money for their stay

But i find it too much, when my mom helps too much, sometimes i worry about her getting cheated

Thank goodness there are some familiar faces, i was on the verge of flipping the plate from the dinner table

62 Name: Asuka : 2014-06-28 11:53 ID:m4JgXU8G [Del]

*in my mothers hometown
*annoyed by letting them have the seats

*luckily,they hve gone alrdy

63 Name: TheSilentOne !Y.XiFZxvtU : 2014-06-28 21:11 ID:UrXQtyer [Del]

This annoying lonely feeling I get when I'm bored out of my mind.

64 Name: Chreggome : 2014-06-29 04:19 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

I hate what ever has happened here in the last couple days.
Holy shoot, it's been a nightmare with all the newfigs acting all dumb and stuff.

65 Name: kojK3U !LY./scDdD. : 2014-06-29 07:25 ID:UWZFNDRR [Del]

I hate when me and my brehs are playing handball, and then HUMANS decide that its totally cool to walk through our game, literally RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE. they strut themselves down our game while we stop the ball and glare at them all that time. dudes, there is something called THE OUTSIDE OF THE COURT!!!

66 Name: Chreggome : 2014-06-29 09:31 ID:kKlDicna [Del]

>>65 screenshotin'

67 Name: Castor !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-30 21:07 ID:9L8m7OGW [Del]

I hate crocodile politicians
I hate their way of running this country
I hate the way they treat people
I hate our government
I hate hypocrisy
I hate how people in this school look at me
I hate their eyes.. fuckin' full of judgement
I hate many things including myself
I hate the way i look
I hate the way i talk
I hate the fact that i am an introvert
I hate everything

68 Name: Akagami : 2014-06-30 22:32 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]

I hate when my friend messages me because he treats me like I'm facebook or something where all he wants to do is talk at me and babble on and on and on and makes it blatantly clear that he doesn't give a fuck about me. Everything he says is more suited for his facebook statuses. And I don't say anything because I'm too nice.

69 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-01 08:53 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>68 Sounds more like he wants to talk to you but isn't sure what to say, so he babbles on about whatever comes to mind, hoping you'll listen and continue a fun conversation with him. Your friends being casual around you instead of having continuously deep discussions about your friendship doesn't mean he doesn't care.

70 Name: Akagami : 2014-07-01 10:00 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]

>>69 You don't know this guy. I understand your thought process but you don't understand. I was at the mall with him once. I had to literally interact with him face to face. And it was the worst feeling ever. He is self absorbed as hell.

71 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-01 10:11 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>70 Of course; I don't know him personally enough to judge. Just putting two cents in :3

72 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-02 21:03 ID:7EiI727w [Del]

I hate that humans have multitudes of untapped abilities that are pushed aside in favor of technology.

We are building our own extinction.

73 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-07-02 22:43 ID:PIzMWoQe [Del]

>>72 Could you elaborate on that? I'm interested.

As horrible as it sounds, I hate the way other people play games. Not all other people of course, but some of their playing styles are just so... wrong. They don't make any sense. It's confusing and infuriating and I don't like it one bit.

74 Name: Afro : 2014-07-02 23:02 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

I hate the Ku Klux Klan (yes they still exist and are active) they claim that it's hard for a white person to get by in America but the thing is white people have more power than any minority. Their just mad that they don't have all of the power instead of most of it. I have nothing against the white man, just the racist white man.

75 Name: Chreggome : 2014-07-03 00:49 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>72 This.

76 Name: Kenichi Nakagawa : 2014-07-03 07:46 ID:ECcpbCUg [Del]

The white man.

77 Post deleted by user.

78 Name: XPR : 2014-07-05 03:52 ID:2s6R6SX5 [Del]

Those who live without purpose, those who cost through life not giving a shit.

79 Name: XPR : 2014-07-05 03:52 ID:2s6R6SX5 [Del]


80 Post deleted by user.

81 Name: Haruna : 2014-07-05 18:19 ID:aNN3ykLi [Del]

Will you please stop saying "guys" "Classmates" "Class" at every sentences you say? It annoys me! I don't know if the others are annoyed about it too, but please! Our mind goes blank 'cause we couldn't understand your discussion anymore!

82 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-06 00:44 ID:IWzb2/3W [Del]

>>73 Things like vaccines replacing our immune system, glasses and binoculars replacing functions of our eyes, etc. I am sure with time and training, we could make our eyes better than they are now. That sounds kind of silly, but think of all the stuff our brain can do we are now discovering. I am even more sure that we can train our immune system in a more permanent manner than vaccines. However, we can't seem to just wait for change over time, and technology doesn't need to wait.

Take it all away (you only need one solar flare), and we start from our basic functions, which would not be that great if we relied on technology for everything.

I hate that we throw away all of the many, many natural gifts we have been given for completely stupid reasons.

83 Name: 5nowy : 2014-07-07 23:56 ID:Y4ddoFG1 [Del]

Ok, so my friend does this thing where he finds something he likes and then obsesses over it for the next month or so. Whether its Southpark or Youtube, Counter Strike or Westerns, he alwys Binges the hell outta them and then dosent touch again. If he would just regulate his damn concentration, he wouldnt find it so hard to just genreally LIKE things

84 Name: Akagami : 2014-07-08 00:34 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]


Haha he sounds like me. One track minded. But I at least cycle back to old things.

85 Name: Sid : 2014-07-10 02:54 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

I hate that every girl I fall for is infatuated with someone else.

86 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-11 17:56 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I am so damn tired of hearing people say that life is going to "bite me in the ass" when I get out of here or that "I don't understand how hard life is." I'm not called an old soul for no good reason. I know what I'm walking into. It's the tough part of life that's the fun part. The freedom is the breath of fresh air. I don't care about being homeless or fighting my way past the shit that's thrown in my path. I don't care about how you're slaving away at your job all day long and feel like you're getting nothing out of it. If you hate it so much, then change it!

You're full-grown fucking adults! The law isn't keeping you where you are - it's the responsibilities you've created for yourself. Don't come crying to me about how bad my life choices are by backing it up with your "personal experiences" because you've chosen to hold yourself back to such a degree. Fucking pussies. Don't try to scare me because you're afraid of moving forward with your own lives. Life is fun. Life is awesome. Life is great. It's complex and magical. It's the best game ever fucking invented. It's your own doing if you think it's so tough. No matter how much shit I've been through, that view point has never changed.

I just wish you'd stop talking to me like I'm a child (and don't talk to your children that way, either!). I may have a bad mouth, but I know damn well what I'm doing. I may be conceited, but I know that I think my actions through more than most people. I'm the kind of person that stays up all night laying out every possible repercussion for the simplest actions to ensure that things go the way I need them to go. Some events are out of my control (like school and parents), but the choices I can make for myself, alone, are always what will be best for me in the long run.

87 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-07-12 09:46 ID:0XPva6qU [Del]

Ohoho, it's time to go to town with this~

Hello, my name is Dusty Bunny, and I hate selfish and entitled babies who parade around in the guise of my peers. Rated M for language.

Now, before things get ugly, I'm normally quite happy to set out time and help my peers in my classes, or in anything else that they need help with- all they have to do is ask and give me time to get organised. There are certain people in my classes, however, who seem to think that my usually mellow and helpful disposition gives them the fucking right to DEMAND AND PESTER help from me.

Oh, god, not only do these select individuals have this sick sense of entitlement that they love to continually rub my nose in, but they also have the fucking cheek to act spurned when I suggest to them that instead of fucking about and either talking about their Hunger Games OTP and throwing paper in fucking chemistry and methods classes, they should probably be listening to the god-damned teacher and taking notes. Their heads are literally stuck so high up their fucking asses that they've deluded themselves into thinking that I'm the one responsible for their fucking grades- so all of a sudden I'm the villain for not being their private tutor that waits on them hand-and-fucking-foot, and am instead someone who has her own life to deal with.

Now, I'm not a confrontational person (which is probably how this mess started; 20/20 hindsight and all) but I am one contrived demand away from breaking a desk over someone's face. I've had my summary book nicked and pleas for answers written in it in the middle of a goddamn fucking unit 3 SAC. I've been blocked from the locker bay by someone's arm as they tried to make me understand just how much they need someone to fucking think for them so that they can wage paper wars in the middle of class instead of doing that themselves. I've been pestered in the middle of SACs and exams, putting my own marks in jeopardy. Those little- ARGH!! One more haughty proposition- ONE MORE- and I swear on my fucking life, their headstones will read along the lines of "killed in a tragic freak furniture accident".

...that was blissfully cathartic.

88 Name: [BLANK] : 2014-07-12 17:33 ID:Ew9KIJy9 [Del]

I hate humans.
Though I grow particularly fond to those who hate me.
Why? They amuse me.

89 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-07-12 22:16 ID:0XPva6qU [Del]

>>88 Izaya, is that you?

90 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-13 01:00 ID:p0a9GtXB [Del]

My job.
God damn.

Does no one cook at home anymore?

91 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-13 03:33 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

When people idolize celebrities for their cutting edge view on social issues and political policies.
The entertainment industry is full of liars, snakes, and jews.

Trust none of them.

They have built an entire empire out of controlled opposition and people that are exempt of the laws we all have to follow. :D

92 Name: secrecy : 2014-07-13 16:52 ID:lG2Vh8gk [Del]

when people only care about what's on the outside not the inside like seriously you wouod rather be around a complete jack ass then around a nice and understanding person

93 Name: Omega : 2014-07-13 20:49 ID:EkQD/ZVE [Del]

People who make a big deal about everything and people who do not respect personal space

94 Name: Kurooooo !zcCpnseF8w : 2014-07-13 20:51 ID:Dg3sau9S [Del]

When some people are so petty that they get mad at every small thing. SO FREAKING ANNOYING.

95 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-07-14 04:50 ID:0XPva6qU [Del]

>>57 That actually broke my heart a little. I know this is a rage thread, but I'm just going to take a little bit of space out and try and share some words of advice that've worked for me so far: the compulsion to constantly compare yourself to others is a really, really slippery slope. Even if sometimes it leaves you feeling like you've come out on top against one person, you'll get dragged back under when another walks past.

Sometimes, instead of judging and comparing, we all just need to forget the 'standard', and embrace those wonderful aspects of others and ourselves that just lie that little bit left of centre to the standard. You say you have nothing going for you, but I see someone who can write with enough fluidity and emotional resonance to prompt me to single them out and reply to them, and that's definitely something to admire in a person, in my opinion at least.

96 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-14 06:45 ID:M9HpRIVJ [Del]

>>95 I never expected anyone to read that when I posted it, forget weeks after. Thank you.

I was in a bad place when I wrote that, and I came to the same realisation you mention shortly after I was able to start thinking straight again, and yeah, it helps a bit. The thing with my brother still bothers me quite a lot at times, mostly because he's my brother - we grew up in very similar circumstances, closer ones anyone else that I could meet - so when I see how well he's done for himself, it's a painful reminder of how little I've strived for up to now, how very little I've achieved. The fact that he's younger than me almost feels like an added insult, and it also puts more pressure on me to be better; in my family/circle of family friends, people talk.

Basically, I need to both work harder for myself and learn not to give a fuck about them at the same time. It's not easy when your life's been all praises and God-given gifts up to now.

I really appreciate what you said about my writing. It's something I've always taken pride in. Thank you.

97 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-14 14:03 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

People legitimately read this thread..?

Well, shit.

98 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-14 15:07 ID:p0a9GtXB [Del]

>>97 Yeah.
What do you think I do on this site?

Also, I could say the same thing.

99 Name: Chaos !.kFTmDPw2k : 2014-07-14 17:10 ID:+a3fqqXk [Del]

Normally I allow, or even encourage things that educe rage simply because I believe that a certain amount of chaos must exist in this world.

But arranging someone else's marriage without their consent..

100 Name: P!yTYbcuGGI. : 2014-07-16 23:24 ID:2J1FGmBo [Del]

-What really rubs me the wrong is when people think you're always mad all the time.
Not to mention the constant "Are you okay?"
-What really rubs me the wrong way is my best friend.
she's always almost sometimes such a big let down.
-What really rubs me the wrong way is triggers.
Just about any little thing reminds of something embarrassing, scary, or just plain I don't want to talk about it.
-I hate reminders.
-Waiting really makes anxious and I get mad after a while.
-I'm angry when somebody else is angry.
And yadda, yadda, yadda.

101 Name: ghostbones : 2014-07-18 07:20 ID:rXaUS1Tx [Del]

Pissing me off to the point where I nearly punch her in the nose must be my mother's hobby, seeing as she does it frequently. Her bigotry and hurtful comments drove me to tear my bedroom door off its hinged, and she has refused to give it back since my room doesn't stay very clean for very long, which is ridiculous. She wouldn't even let me have a curtain up for the first six months, and it's not been over a year since I've had a door.

I've had enough of her bs.

102 Name: Puck !OTHETEnDOU : 2014-07-22 01:20 ID:2v9bAjZU [Del]


103 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-22 01:35 ID:H1vqIuyX [Del]


104 Name: Mirror : 2014-07-22 06:53 ID:MhYc7ZDw [Del]

I'm really mad at my father. He's too much thrifty when we're (me and my siblings) involved. But when it comes to our cousins, uncle and aunts, he spends too much! Like ten times much more than he spends on us! I understand that it's not bad that he's thrifty on us as it teaches us how to save money, but spending too much for people who DON'T NEED his help is just so wrong! Most of my cousins are already working and are even living lavishly while I'm still in school, my sister is just new to work, my brothers are also working but are living just an average life! Geez, I hate my aunts and uncle because of that (and beginning to hate my cousins, I don't hate them YET because they don't say a word about my father while my aunt said "So what? He's got plenty of money anyway and doesn't spend it. So we could use some of it." Argh!

105 Name: Termicreeper : 2014-07-22 08:02 ID:NzLIvjMZ [Del]

My sisters when they do not listen to me when I tell them to do something.

106 Name: Equinox!oBF/FoRuNA : 2014-07-22 11:32 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

1. little kids
3.newbs who DONT read the FAQ
4. the government
5. PEOPLE WHO DONT EVEN BOTHER LOOKING AT THE "view all threads" section.
I think this thread is gonna help me a lot. :)

107 Name: GirlontheMirror : 2014-07-22 11:45 ID:BxT5fUbV [Del]

Why does people have to ask for every little thing?! =____=

108 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2014-07-22 11:51 ID:jfEyZy6H [Del]

>>107 because you don't know basic language skills

109 Name: GirlontheMirror : 2014-07-22 12:04 ID:BxT5fUbV [Del]

>>108 can't it be just because people like irritating one another?

110 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-22 12:06 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

111 Name: GirlontheMirror : 2014-07-22 12:10 ID:BxT5fUbV [Del]

>>110 maybe? but not all the time.

112 Name: Equinox!oBF/FoRuNA : 2014-07-24 03:01 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

im sorry but I need to bring this back -__-"
WARNING: this post is rated ==> M<== for language.
if I see one more newb post RANDOM SHIT on main, I will lose it.
Ive gone from a random ass dude eating a lady bug to a guy posting a random #. I WILL LOSE IT. Ive been patient ..ive been nice but I will lose it. AND THE COUNTRY BOARD. VIEW ALL OF THE FUCKING THREAD FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!
hope you enjoyed this post. stay tuned for more of "Raging Equinox"

113 Name: kurosama : 2014-07-24 03:59 ID:EM2CDEn8 [Del]

my fucking blockmates!!!

114 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-25 01:38 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

everything xD

115 Name: Equinox!oBF/FoRuNA : 2014-07-25 02:35 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

Anonymous ID:x3uOM33l..him..for being a smart ass.

116 Name: Equinox!oBF/FoRuNA : 2014-07-25 20:47 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

Advice for new members
if you see someone post on a thread that clearly States "do not reply" please dont follo their example. All they are doing is proving that 1. They cant read properly and 2. Theyre complete idiots.The reason im not raging is because im trying to be calm and patient with people but know this...

117 Name: Zaendle : 2014-07-26 01:36 ID:7Tv/7qum [Del]


118 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss : 2014-07-26 10:06 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]


I've been here for barely two to days but it's already making me rage.

119 Name: Equinox!oBF/FoRuNA : 2014-07-26 12:12 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

Ive been here since early 2011. Ive put up with people being ignorant and acting like complete idiots.

120 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-26 13:41 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]


The next generation is finally being born. Thank you, noobs, for inspiring yet another prospective branch of the dedicated but short-tempered BBS police force. It is in frustration that we stand together!


121 Name: Equinox!oBF/FoRuNA : 2014-07-26 13:54 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

lmao XD BBS POLICE FORCE! I like it.

122 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-26 21:27 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>121 We're also known as Moon Warriors.

123 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-07-27 13:19 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

I fucking hate how people are calling Equinox and some other guys harsh for being honest and not gentle to some fucking shitposters.

Seriously, are we supposed to be polite on the internet to goddamn shitposters ? Are we paid for that ? Are we the website's employees ? They can't even fucking read rules, and you expect the good members to be assertive to these faggots, and waste their time politely answering and reexplaining the rules everytime ?

To Equinox and the other guys, you're doing a really good job. A shame you aren't mods.

124 Name: Fazeon : 2014-07-27 15:07 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

>>123 This. Please.

The people who don't follow the rules that are CLEARLY STATED in Main don't deserve to be answered and treated in the same fashion as those who are. Just.. massive facepalm.

125 Name: Equinox!oBF/FoRuNA : 2014-07-27 16:08 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

>>123 >>124
Thank you guys, means a lot that atleast some people appreciate us. We're not trying to be mean or rude, its just really frustrating.

126 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-27 18:29 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>123 >>124 >>125 Yes, but it's best to not be *too* excessive. Being strict and being an asshole are two different things. Not saying anyone's gone that route recently, but it's important to keep it in mind.

127 Name: Equinox!oBF/FoRuNA : 2014-07-27 18:37 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

Im sure most of us have that in mind. Im nothing but nice on the introduction board. Unfortunately, I cant say that for the rest of the Boards. It makes it worse when theres so many ignorant White Knights.

128 Name: Hakaron : 2014-07-28 16:02 ID:cmcqdc9D [Del]

I hate it that people forget how to love after a time.

I hate it that people cannot do what they want without bug others with their opinions.

I hate people, whose give up!

129 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-07-29 17:30 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>>128 That's some intense generalization, calm down.

You can only say something about the weak if you fully comprehend him. I doubt you have the empathy for that, when hating them.

130 Name: Sid : 2014-07-30 02:16 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

I hate wanting the feeling of love. Why can't I be more than happy being alone for the rest of my life like I used to think?

131 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-30 07:07 ID:l1wCaFzi [Del]

I fucking hate iTunes. I've spent the last 5 fucking hours trying to make this fucking program work.

Scratch that.

I fucking hate apple. So much.

132 Name: Minus!Yv.WgpXtYo : 2014-07-30 11:38 ID:sBhONOCZ [Del]

I hate people who are emotionally constipated!!
Or those who pretend they are nice to you when they actually hate you. Why they can't be straight? Why do they have to pretend? Don't they have their pride? I could never act nice to someone I don't like. Never.

I hate food that has no taste. I hate green food.

I also hate my ex-bestfriend for giving me hope and then took it away. Why did he had to make me feel better and was there for me and then suddenly he started ignoring me.
I stopped thinking about him for years, but now I just needed to see a picture of him and all this pain came back and makes me hate him more.

133 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-30 11:56 ID:WfW4PRFk [Del]

134 Name: Kotei. : 2014-07-30 13:52 ID:uEk4IMVm [Del]

I hate one of my best-friends.

We met maybe two years ago, and we talk a lot. We message each other everyday, and it's really nice that we're so close. I mean, you tell me that you miss me almost every other time that we talk. We laugh a lot, and we talk about all sorts of things, and you really aren't afraid to be who you are (being lame and such.)

But well. Maybe I shouldn't have gone through with this.
I really like you.

I'm pretty sure that I realized it a year ago, but wow, this is pretty painful. Which is pretty shocking, since I flip through relationships quickly and don't mull over them.

But how can you be so buddy-buddy with me and then flirt with all the other boys that we're friends with.

I'm done. I'm never going to tell you about it, because I know it'd never work out and you're simply not interested. Especially with the age difference. But I'll stay your best friend and everything. It'll be the same.

But wow, jerk. Not to call you names or anything since I can't really talk but you're so flitty with the other boys and then switch to me whenever I appear so.

I really like you but then I think I hate you just as equally.

135 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-30 22:04 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

The fucking irresponsible character in this manga needs to step it up and take her job seriously.

136 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-30 22:43 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]


137 Name: Kurooooo !zcCpnseF8w : 2014-07-30 22:50 ID:Dg3sau9S [Del]

>>136 What are you reading that makes you rage this badly? :o

138 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-07-30 23:53 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

>>136 >>137
Twilight? :o

139 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-31 10:10 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>137 >>138 It's a manga called Honey Hunt. The main character's celebrity parents are absolute dickwads (her mother mostly), and after basically being disowned, she decides to go into the acting industry to get enough influence to tell the world how badly her parents treated her and be taken seriously for once.

It shows her first few acting gigs, and there's this odd love square between the MC, her manager, and celebrity twins. She falls for one of the twins and slacks off on her jobs to go on dates with him, but he's 100% ASSHOLE. He tells his brother (who is one of the few people who understands the MC's situation) about how he thinks "she should just quit acting and stay by my side" like his personal fucking housewife. He mistreats her through the whole series (he only got close to her in the first place to meet her celebrity dad and abandons her halfway through sex to go hang out with her dad and tries to force her to meet with her father), but she never once considers abandoning him.

She ends up quitting her acting career to go live with him in New York despite being surrounded by guys 100000% better than him. Fuck this mangaka. (And I spoiled it because none of you should be subjected to reading this watered down shit in the first place.)

140 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-07-31 12:17 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

XD lmao wow that sucks! well, they say Happy endings are for stories that aren't finished yet. I cant stop laughing at the "halfway through sex" part.

141 Post deleted by user.

142 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-31 14:47 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>140 I'm not even kidding. He legitimately left her on the floor of his room and told his mom to get her a taxi while he ran out the house.

143 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-07-31 16:31 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

Oh thats fucked up. -.-

144 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-31 21:08 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>143 ikr. This is why I can't trust romance mangakas to ever make the right decision. They always have the lead end up with the first guy she met no matter how many other amazing characters come along. So annoying. (If it's not always, then PLEASE prove me wrong and give me the titles as sources. I'd love to read them.)

145 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-01 06:36 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>>144 I think you're only reading shitty ( or so they seem, reading your summaries ) shoujos.

146 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-01 12:35 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>145 I've read a lot of good shoujos, but I think I've ran out of any that are halfway decent over the past year. All the ones I've found recently that I really like had their scanlators quit halfway through. For a few of them, I found summaries of the rest of the series chapter-by-chapter, but it's not the same when you can't see the art :I

I also don't mind shounen or seinen series since they usually have more interesting settings, but I can't stand the female characters and obscene amounts of fanservice in most of them. At least shoujo keeps it tasteful. I do still read the ones I can find without fanservice, though. Like Dr. Duo, which is great.

My genres of preference are probably josei (much more unique with thoroughly developed lead and characters compared to shoujo) and unspecified fantasy for either gender, but you usually only find that in anime movies rather than full length series.

147 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-01 14:52 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]


148 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-01 19:47 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]


149 Post deleted by user.

150 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-01 20:26 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]


151 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-02 15:40 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>>146 I mostly read shonens as of myself. The average shonen is usually more readable and I can get some rare good ones. By the way if you knew something similar to Sensen Spike Hill or Billion Dogs I'd really like to read it, those two are the remarkable I've read in the last months.

152 Name: Devon : 2014-08-03 02:13 ID:qe7MBs6Q (Image: 640x480 jpg, 56 kb) [Del]

src/1407050033351.jpg: 640x480, 56 kb
slick people

153 Name: Nina !zIuZ.XvH0o : 2014-08-03 16:35 ID:LfcJrVCc [Del]

Summer. The heat,the humidity,the burning sunlight,the buzzing cicadas,the dry air,the mosquitoes,having to wear thin and short clothes. Summer. I hate summer.

154 Name: Ryuraiga : 2014-08-03 17:08 ID:lR9CvkyI [Del]

When the naruto manga gets postponed for next week.

155 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 02:12 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>my favorite anime (2003 version)

I hate you.

156 Name: Leo : 2014-08-04 04:49 ID:f6Tfurmi [Del]

I hate the summer it sucks its hot, all the bugs come out and the humidity. the winter is where its at.
I also hate cats

157 Name: Yamoto : 2014-08-04 08:49 ID:fhN0jmkh [Del]

i hate people who make smart remarks

i hate people who think there all that
i hate that people who think there perfect
i hate twilight
i hate sarcasm
i hate brainiacks we (we know ur smart but still)
i hate racist people
i hate annoying people

158 Name: Traffy : 2014-08-04 09:45 ID:1O7jbBmQ [Del]

I hate people who use pompous words just to seem smart
I hate teachers who give seatworks/quizzes they never discussed to make students feel stupid and depressed
I hate sarcastic people, they think they're all high and mighty
I hate people who look down on others just because they don't know the answer to a question in algebra or physics!!!!!!
I hate people who are always like" Stay classy, Never Trashy." I wonder how they poop?(My classmate is always like that)
To be short, I hate people who think so high of themselves that they look down on other people.

159 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-04 10:24 ID:1mpckMLe [Del]

I hate Narcs
I hate people who act "2edgy"
I hate close minded people
I hate people who look down on others for stupid reasons
I hate summer and winter ones too hot the other ones too cold
I also hate people who think they're cool for having a certain item and they wont shut up about and always try to bring it too the conversation

160 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 11:57 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>i hate people who make smart remarks
>i hate people who think there all that
>i hate that people who think there perfect
>i hate sarcasm
>i hate brainiacks
Isn't that jealousy, because you aren't seen the same as them ? You're basically socially weaker and hate them for that ?

Same case as previous post.

161 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-08-04 13:03 ID:xXBTuyaj [Del]

I hate people in video games who have put themselves on a pedestal and put down newer players instead of helping them.
I hate the fact that I can't be any help to my friends and family
I hate that I can't get a job because I have no car
I hate that a lot of teachers at my school assume everyone is Christian
I hate how my mom is letting her boyfriends 20 year old son live with us
I hate how previously mentioned son is a lazy idiot
I hate how I have no bandwidth because of previous mentioned son
I hate how I complain about things that I cannot change

162 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 13:51 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

Shouldn't your teachers be assuming everyone is atheist rather than christian ?

You should act about your " brother-in-law " I think, if he really is a bother.

163 Name: [DOLLARS]Terrabyte !AzzGe6u3U6 : 2014-08-04 16:25 ID:YmG1nc7Z [Del]

i hate bit**es of all things on earth.

164 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-04 17:27 ID:9WIwhUHD [Del]

I hate being ignored.
I hate being underestimated.
I hate it when I reccomend something to my friends and they never do that thing unless someone else suggests them the exact same thing.
I hate feeling lonely.
I hate having no motivation.
I hate being bored.
I hate that most of the people I know don't have the same interests as I do.
I hate being told what to do.
I hate being rejected.

165 Name: Tri-Edge : 2014-08-04 20:06 ID:DUZ9s9WZ [Del]

I hate society in general really. I am at odds with the filth that governs it, I am angry at the filth that supports it, I am annoyed at the filth that can't acknowledge its disgusting. I am hateful to the filth that mankind can be, and am even more disgusted with what its contorted and mutated arms destroys. I absolutely despise the ugliness of mankind so much that its criminal, and the inner hell inside only burns out more to hear the suffering of all the filth that poisons what remains innocent. I simply hate society.

166 Post deleted by user.

167 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-04 22:47 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]


168 Name: Inuhakka !SySTEMicAk : 2014-08-04 23:10 ID:ZiQYyQg7 [Del]

>>167 You ruined my night, thanks.
That made me punch my desk and now my hand hurts!

169 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-05 00:07 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

Sharing is caring.

170 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-08-05 07:37 ID:4uCXAD2q [Del]

I hate Jimmy Fallon. All he does is initiate some kind of elaborately stupid shit and then laugh at it. At no point is he ever actually a funny of particularly endearing personality, nor does he ever seem to even try to be.

I keep getting him in my fucking Youtube recommendations, and itms really annoying. Every time I see his name it makes me wanna hit something.

He's too popular. And I just don't see that appeal.

171 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-07 09:17 ID:5kpfWnP7 [Del]

I hate it when it rains.
I hate finishing a series that I really enjoyed.
I hate not being able to properly express my thoughts and/or my feelings on a certain topic.

172 Name: chichi : 2014-08-08 05:18 ID:oQ3io4X8 [Del]

I hate myself

173 Name: XeRiD : 2014-08-08 05:34 ID:R4h7aiv0 [Del]

I hate when I hate something

174 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2014-08-08 17:13 ID:9dbhT405 [Del]

I hate when someone thinks they know you better than you know yourself.

I hate when they assume just because they like something, that you'll love it.

175 Name: McGurganatorZX !CgmWnm9Fx. : 2014-08-08 17:21 ID:LMjnMXTz [Del]

I hate it when motorists don't understand how cyclists can also use the roads.

I also hate it when cyclists act like inconsiderate pricks while out riding.

176 Name: ikkalokka : 2014-08-08 21:07 ID:MFdkKHfj [Del]

I hate nice people.
I believe lying is a form of kindness.
Thus, i see kindness as a lie itself.

However i always intend to forget that.
Until reality strikes me hard in the face.
Reality is cruel.

177 Name: Inuhakka !SySTEMicAk : 2014-08-08 22:53 ID:ZiQYyQg7 [Del]

>>176 lol.

Actually, some people are just happier than you.

178 Name: Somniare : 2014-08-09 01:19 ID:GZPNXkVq [Del]

Well I don't think should share the thing I really hate because I know it's a very touchy subject and many people will probably get offended and angry if I do so I'll just share the next big thing.

People who go around saying stuff like, "Why me?! WHy does my life suck, why am I stupid, or ugly, or fat?! Why doesn't anybody love me? Why am I so alone? Why does all the bad stuff always happen to me?! Why is it always me?! What did I do to deserve this?!"

And trust me there is way more. I hate people like that. I know that people tend to think about themselves first but other people who really have things bad are out there and you don't hear them complaining. I hate people who complain about every little thing that's wrong with their lives because they just want pity. They want attention and it annoys me to no end. I guess I am somewhat contradicting myself by saying this but it had to be said. Be lucky I'm not saying what I was originally going to say.

I guess it can't be helped.

179 Name: Somniare : 2014-08-09 01:37 ID:GZPNXkVq [Del]

Forgot to add this part too but I also hate people who point fingers at others. And by that I mean those who always blame others for their own problems. Take responsibility for your S#!t. Don't go blaming friends, strangers, parents, bullies, or enemies for crap! Because in the end, you're the one who let them get to you. You let them hurt you, so deal with it. I know it's harsh but it's the bitter truth.

180 Name: Sodemo : 2014-08-09 01:59 ID:tphvo58J [Del]

I hate it when someone who knows they are attractive post a brilliant picture where they look stunning then say "dont look im so ugly" and then get praise from people, then you say "well if you say it so often maybe its true" just trying to show them that they are faking it for attention and then they freak out and go "WHAT DONT SAY THAT! POLICE IM HERE TO REPORT A PERVERT CYBERBULLY!!!!" and then you get in trouble and she just keeps doing it

181 Name: Haruna : 2014-08-09 05:04 ID:XRoS3+sb [Del]

I just hate it when most of the people in our country HATE our own language and uses OTHER LANGUAGES like what the hell we AREN'T STUPID SLAVES OF OTHER COUNTRIES and you're not even a CITIZEN in their country like wtf learn how to use your own language. Do you even hate our country and you don't use your own language whenever you go to supermarkets or trains or in the streeets or anywhere? Yeah, so that you would be thought as "smart", "came from that country" and "used to speaking that language" wtf Goddamn this world of foolish creatures.

182 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-08-09 05:17 ID:5kpfWnP7 [Del]

I hate being the second option for everybody and when I start adopting this behaviour too everyone freaks out and feels betrayed.
I also hate when one realizes he/she has been wrong with you then tries to apologize,but never actually stating and accepting his/her mistake.

And apathy.I definitely hate apathy,since it's so painful and spreads from person to person like a deadly disease.

183 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-08-09 09:21 ID:Q5PXNuQs [Del]

Fucking bastard friend of my Dad's needs to borrow the car late at night.

Mum volunteers me to stay up to let him in. He's more than 2 hours late and I'm sleepy.

I hate this.

184 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-09 09:33 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

When I make sacrifices for people and they say that I did no effort into showing them that I love them. I fucking sacrificed a possible better future for myself in order to help you and you stand there and say that another person whos done NOTHING for you, cares about you more than I do?..Fine.

185 Name: Unexpected GlowCloud : 2014-08-09 10:09 ID:l01SkKBr [Del]

Fuck having social anxiety ,my insecurities , me being cynical, and lastly being taken for granted.

186 Name: Hollow!JV3BNEBGzo : 2014-08-09 22:30 ID:JVVrm474 [Del]

When my family doesn't understand that I have always wanted to join the military and stop supporting me because of it, they try to force me to go to college.
I will go to college but they don't understand that I want to experience this first, I wish that they get off my back now. I need people to stop telling me how to live my fucking life. They think I'm wasting my life but I will prove they're fucking wrong

187 Name: McGurganatorZX !CgmWnm9Fx. : 2014-08-09 22:47 ID:LMjnMXTz [Del]

You know what?

My brother needs to fucking stop threatening me with violence. He also needs to learn how pokemon works so he can stop complaining that he's fine with being an idiotic, uninformed person.

188 Name: Kaze ♍ : 2014-08-10 15:40 ID:eTjQz2lM [Del]

>>187 This made me chuckle. I totally get where you are coming from.

I really hate this little shit known as my stepbrother. I'm tired of how he gets away with everything (even giving my stepsister stitches) and not giving my father respect. IF he starts a violent fight with me again, I will have to call the cops.

189 Name: McGurganatorZX !CgmWnm9Fx. : 2014-08-10 21:40 ID:LMjnMXTz [Del]

>>188 Glad you could laugh at it, it is a lot less funny to me.

I hate it when my suite-mate at college comes home drunk and his two drunk friends begin rolling joints in our living room. It doesn't help when you have little to no knowledge about drugs and your friends roll their own cigarettes, but at least it was a learning experience. A hella annoying one at that

190 Name: Kaze ♍ : 2014-08-11 00:15 ID:eTjQz2lM [Del]

>>189 Did not mean to sound insensitive towards your matter. I only thought it was amusing because of how alike it was to my own post.

The one thing that annoys me most though, is thinking you've found the right person to be with and date them for awhile. Only to find that person not caring for you anymore later on in the relationship.

191 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-11 07:10 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>189 You hate the fact that they don't invite you to smoke them j's, right?

I hate the smell of old cleaner.
Like, that hospital spray shit.
Just sends all kinds of nopes through my head.

192 Name: McGurganatorZX !CgmWnm9Fx. : 2014-08-11 07:45 ID:LMjnMXTz [Del]

>>191 Even though I don't smoke, invitations to hangs out and whatnot are always fun.

>>190 It's alright. Its just a hell of a coincidence.

HP's tech support is pissing me the hell off. I've had to send my computer in last year for overheating issues, and it is repeating this year. I had to buy a new warranty, and when I bought it, it wasn't even told to me that it would take a month to kick in. Fuck these shenanigans.

193 Name: :^) : 2014-08-11 11:44 ID:kQjs95S4 [Del]

>>192 I know what you mean man. I don't party and my pals do, sucks not to get invited but they just know I'll decline, so I try not to let it bother me so much.

194 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-20 22:52 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

I swear..the sudden influx of people WHO CANT FUCKING READ AND THINK "oh hey! ill just change my name and they wont know its me" or that white knight...I hate them. With a passion. I dont give a fuck about what you think of me. Seriously I dont. I laugh at your stupid comments. I dont give a fuck. The thing that makes me rage is your own STUPIDITY. Its REALLY surprising to me that this day and age theres still stupid people..and its like theyre getting even more stupid with each second that WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?

195 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-20 22:58 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

wait! and let me just add, having someone claim theyre your fan is not even remotely cool. If you think "hey itll make me look important if I have a fan" then something is seriously wrong with you. If you want to get recognized, work your ass off! DO SOMETHING FUCKING USEFUL SO PEOPLE CAN SAY "oh him? yeah he helps a lot" instead of "oh him? He same fags (heard that term from Barabi, I think) his own useless fucking threads"..It just makes me want to slap you..with a chair..made of steel..

196 Name: Haru : 2014-08-21 01:56 ID:e4fOQUOK [Del]

I hate it when you say "What will you do/feel if I died?" Seriously?

"It feels good to die now..."

Oh, why don't you try? You can try it! BUT ONLY ONCE. It's not my loss anymore, it's YOUR loss. There are millions of people out there who wanted to have YOUR life, because they think you already had EVERYTHING they did not have. Do you even think about that?

197 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-21 06:51 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>195 ...that's shaped like a blade...

Yeah, samefag's an old term for someone who changes their name on the board and pretends to be different people when their ID still shows they're the same person.

198 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-21 16:02 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

Ive seen it so many times its ridiculous..
absolutely fucking ridiculous ..

199 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-22 01:22 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>198 I find it kind of funny, personally.
...and I'd be lying if I said I never did it when I first joined.

200 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-08-22 08:50 ID:6UhQVKOZ [Del]

I hate the fact that every few weeks iTunes literally just says no, fuck you" and decides to irritate me to the point where I just want to throw my fucking laptop at the fucking wall.

201 Post deleted by user.

202 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-23 22:06 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

Atleast you learned from it. Now youre an awesome member.
Now to add to this spectacular thread that helps me cope with society's ignorance.
I have started to despise people in general.
And ive started to hate technology.
Or rather
Technology has started to hate me. (Taking the fact that ive had to rewrite this shit because my device decided it was okay to post it before I could make any spelling corrections into consideration, I think its safe to assume it hates me)

203 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-24 11:13 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

Guys theres a fucking specific reason i tell people where to go. Or what fucking thread to look up. Im trying to fucking help you but if you want to be a fucking smart ass then i will go off on you. Im trying to be the nicest person but seriously? Be a bitch and get treated like one. As i said before I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU FUCKING THINK ABOUT ME. But when im trying to help you get some answers so you wont look like a dumbass again, the least you could do is have some common fucking sense. THANK YOU.

204 Name: BlackLotus32 : 2014-08-24 16:28 ID:fWwb0HEx [Del]

Omg bitches and assholes not friends. I'm being brave and kind to you all but some of you just hate me and talk behind my back for no reason. What's this shitty hobby to talk behind? I hate it, and I hate you fake idiots. People could be fake if it was about something imortant but not "oh she annoys me". My ass with your annoying. You dumb bitch always say this but everyone hates you 'cause you're a fat negative whore, how did you even date so much guys with that big fat butt and stupidity? So many people want to kick your ass, you really do bad things to people and they do NOTHING to you but they still annoy you? Because of you I had a fight with my best friends. Oh I know you know them much longer than me but bitch you annoy even them and the only reason you still aren't in a fight is because you're neightbours. I wish you could get hit by a car to death stupid whore!

205 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-27 21:00 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]


206 Name: Inuhakka !L2SpOOkyU. : 2014-08-27 23:47 ID:HRuSiren [Del]

>>205 u wot

207 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-28 01:13 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

Wot? Is this a phase youre going through? lol

208 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-28 09:11 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>207 Says the one going through the oldrage phase.

209 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-28 17:36 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I can't stand getting yelled at for literally everyfuckingthing I say and do, plus a myriad of things I had no part in. Everything that happens in this house is somehow declared my fault one way or another. It's so goddamn frustrating. I get reprimanded for the smallest shit from when I wake up to when I go to bed. It. Never. Ends.

210 Name: Inuhakka !L2SpOOkyU. : 2014-08-28 19:06 ID:HRuSiren [Del]

"This is the dirtiest kitchen I've ever worked with."

This is the cheapest kitchen I've ever worked with.
This is the shittiest, oldest building I've ever worked with.
This is the shittiest equipment I've ever worked with.
You're the shittiest repair man I've ever worked with.
Are we clear now, asshole?

211 Name: Yuri !!1cLNgH+L : 2014-08-28 19:09 ID:05EGbWAq [Del]


212 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-29 18:36 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I feel you completely I wish I can hug you. *hugs* I had plenty of times my family wanted me to be agreeing with them in their arguments but when I say I'm staying out of it. They come at me calling me a pussy ass, what the fuck is wrong with me and fucking agree with me or I'm doing this to you. Do people go through that other than me? You have to agree how annoying that is and you just don't want to argue too. I swear those times I feel like throwing them out the window or telling them to shut the fuck up already....

213 Name: CeltysCat : 2014-08-29 18:39 ID:Y1L2AziJ [Del]

This. Fucking. 1999. KDS. fucking IBM or some dumb fucking company piece of shit. 15 year old computer with Dial up. earthlink internet. is threating my school work. and. my grades.


214 Name: CeltysCat : 2014-08-29 18:44 ID:Y1L2AziJ [Del]

And my dumb fucking boyfriend who is now angry at me and ignoring me more because I was so tired of acting okay for being ignored for Leauge and other video games for literally hours on end and having him ignore me for other things and putting Football, Wrestling, Track, Video games, Netflix, And football on tv before me that I finally blew up once in my life in this whole damn relationship when he ignored me and is angry at me now for not going to his game yesterday even though he has never been to a singal theater show Ive been in in our relationship. I have no ride. My Mom works till 6:30. I have literally no money. You call theater and acting gay but if I say one thing or make one little joke Im a bitch who doesnt understand it?

215 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-30 11:33 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>212 -hugs-

When there rest of the family was here, I steered clear of their crazy ass arguments (unless there was a risk of it going sour, in which case I'd intervene and distract them). But my brother moved out years ago, and my mom is separated from her boytoys, so I'm the only one here to be bitched at now :T

216 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-30 11:33 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

When the*

God I can't type today lmao

217 Name: Yuri !719V2SSC1E : 2014-08-30 12:32 ID:05EGbWAq [Del]

>>215 I am the crazy ass arguments. I just leave when those crazy shit heads that I have to call family start their fucked up fights. When I come back, they are always talking about who fucked up my childhood the most and who's to blame for why I'm like "this" today. And I have no fucking idea what "this" is. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME, SO STOP BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER.

218 Name: Alphard : 2014-08-30 18:16 ID:YMj7vi8F [Del]

Going to school!!!!! I seriously feel like my summer was so short, and now I'm seriously stressing over it!!! Huh... My school has different teams, and my best friend is in another team so I won't get to see her anymore. She's like the only friend I had that didn't ditch me and hang out with other people and not talk to me anymore. :(

219 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-30 21:07 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

News Board requires some information guys..Links and description
The Countries Board Requires reading..
Missions Board..what the fuck. Only requirement is to view all threads..
Leave my phases out of this :P
And to those of you who are smartasses...well..fuck you.

220 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-31 03:27 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

People who claim they have been here for " years " yet they make rookie mistakes irritate the hell out of me.
Theres one (you know who you are) where he/she states,
theyre not new, theyre just testing their key mod.
1. whats a key mod? (someone please explain? -__-)
2. If they werent new, then why post it on the intro board?
they shouldve have been aware about the testing Board ...right?? if you visit the random Board then you should fucking know theres a board specifically made for testing matter what..if you are just belongs in the testing board..Test can someone miss that??

221 Name: Yuri !719V2SSC1E : 2014-08-31 03:37 ID:05EGbWAq [Del]

Why the hell would you care if someone was pretending to be new? Just dont give a fuck. Let them have their fucking ego and wander around creating random threads. At least they aren't trolling. THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS . They just want to make our lives miserable. GET a life. GET THE FUCK OFF THE INTERNET

222 Post deleted by user.

223 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-31 03:52 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

" Why the hell would you care if someone was pretending to be new?"
Are you talking about my post? (>>220)
or are you just ranting about something entirely different?

224 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-31 06:54 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>Let them have their ego and create random threads

Haha no.

>At least they aren't trolling

It's worse.

>They just want to make our lives miserable

I hate whiners. xD

225 Post deleted by user.

226 Name: God : 2014-09-01 00:15 ID:kkXAKvqj [Del]

I hate everyone on the personal side thread. May you all drown in a pit filled with oil.

227 Name: Yuri !719V2SSC1E : 2014-09-01 11:21 ID:EpM0TwAP [Del]

>>223 I was talking about your post, buddy.

228 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-09-02 05:08 ID:x4/yxYJS [Del]

Fucking table legs of doom that come out of nowhere; those things are the bane of my existence.

>>226 We love you, too

229 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-02 05:23 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>220 Pretty sure a KeyMod is for guns.

230 Name: Tsen : 2014-09-02 17:03 ID:hIoUgC2e [Del]

I fucking hate getting up for school. I'm a fucking teenager; I LITERALLY CANNOT BE AWAKE BEFORE NINE O'CLOCK LET ALONE PAYING ATTENTION TO YOUR SHITTY CLASS. My circadian rhythm makes it nearly biologically impossible to be asleep before 11:00PM and awake by 7:30AM. And do you assholes really think I'm capable of processing advanced functions in mathematics FIRST FUCKING PERIOD IN THE MORNING when my brain is still producing melatonin and making me want nothing more than to pass out??? Fuck the Canadian education system.

231 Name: Roxanne : 2014-09-05 18:43 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I WANT TO STOP BEING TOLD HORRIBLE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE BEING HUMAN SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!! IF I'M AS BAD AS THEY TREAT ME THEY KNOW NOTHING! I DON'T WANT TO CRY ANYMORE FUCK PPLS FEELINGS, ITS BS THAT PPL HAVE TO SUFFER FOR THIS UGLINESS! I just want to stay calm. Like I'm just feeling so enrage I just can't collect my thoughts sometimes. I just want to gain something to put my problems away. I pray but so far nothing not even a small job. My brain is just rumbling like my appetite. I'm just gonna watch something funny now. *Sigh* I feel slightly better like I can breathe but not my brain yet is receiving the oxygen.

232 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-05 20:28 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

Oh okay.
Please read all comments TWICE. Seeing as how your post didnt quote what I previously stated correctly.
>>224 This. Everything is basically summed up in this post.

233 Name: Cade : 2014-09-06 09:09 ID:OjpbQRRd [Del]


234 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-06 14:06 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

I just generally hate people now.

235 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-06 15:35 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

That moment when you realize that some of the color shit on the Suggestions Board comes from another fucking site -.- like..
Bitch no. We are the fucking Dollars...let us be.

236 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-06 20:20 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

Whats with all the people who dont understand the concept of bumping?
Theyre bumping useless threads and or bumping threads that are already at the top of the Board...Did i miss something? a trolling? Ugh...idfk

237 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-06 21:44 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>235 >>236 Chill :T

238 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-06 22:30 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

I try, Barabi. But the number of ignorant people is overwhelming v-v

239 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-07 11:00 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

Warning: This post is designed for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.
If im trying to work and youre constantly talking to me, i will kick you in the fucking throat. If im texting and youre running your mouth, even though its PAINFULLY fucking obvious im not listening and youre making me type what youre saying, i will fucking drop kick you off a fucking balcony. If you go through my stuff one more time, i will slap you with a chair made of steal that just happens to look like a fucking blade. If you snap your fingers at me....even once...even if youre just playing..I will destroy you..
~Equinox's rants.

240 Name: Aria : 2014-09-07 14:10 ID:cZhmGp0J [Del]

I absolutely hate the fact that I can't buy a used book for some of my classes, because
a) they have access codes to do the assignments online that you have to pay for, and are REALLY expensive, or
b) the only way I can purchase the access code is through my book store, because it's specially designed one for your school and you cant find any cheaper ones online.
I am just a student with no paying job, and I can't afford to constantly buy stupid access codes, because these greedy people want more money in there pockets. ughhhh.

241 Name: Ellara : 2014-09-07 22:27 ID:TdA8hJTL [Del]

I have been a dollar for a very long time now. I have been giving advice and seeking help. But I never receive the help I need. Its getting crazy. I mean I have problems I truely would love advice on and not have to leave the security of my home. I have problems, and I am scared to ask for professional help. So I seek help from people who may have my problems as well. I'm sorry if this isn't much a problem in I am just throwing word vomit but this ticks me off at times.

242 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-08 13:27 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

If one more guy pulls this shit I'm just not going to reply to male friend requests. What the fuck.

You don't pull someone into a private chat and pretend you're discussing something interesting only to blatantly ignore what I'm saying by rambling on with terribly overused hook-up lines and later respond to any good points with, "Oh sorry if I'm not paying attention, I'm just so horny right now."

Every single conversation I've had with a guy on that site has the same pattern. Introductions, chat, conversation, compliments, failed discussion, 'omg i so horni'. What are they, fucking twelve year olds? They obviously aren't since they're age verified, but goddamn they have the maturities of a kid in primary school who first discovered humping pillows and needs to 'slyly' convince their parents to buy them new ones.

Most of the chat requests stopped (thank jebus) when I changed my avatar to a guy and hid my gender/age, but still. What in the actual fuck is this shit? It's not even a dating site. I'm not even in dating rooms. I have "here for friendship/chatting" clearly marked on my profile. I use a little kid avatar. How does any of this make it seem like I'm interested? God. Fuck off.

243 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-08 20:20 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

When im drinking coke (can) and i take my eyes off of the can for a few minutes or just leave it by itself..its like...i cat trust it anymore..The images that go through my mind are : me taking a sip and suddenly a spider gets into my mouth..
i swallow some ants
or swallowing something worse..
i absolutely fucking hate that fear of mine..ughhh! fuck you nature.

244 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-08 23:19 ID:VjJQClTt [Del]

>>243 someone could've spit in it. >;)

245 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-08 23:39 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>243 My stepdad was working in the garage and accidentally picked up the wrong beer can to drink out of. Turns out it'd been in there for months and had chunks of godknowswhat in it. He said it was like swallowing spit that's kinda hard and filmy and just


He was puking in the sink for at least twenty minutes afterwards. I can only imagine how bad it was.

246 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-09-09 07:16 ID:iSAMj9O6 [Del]

>>245 Oh my God,that's terrible Dx I don't even want to imagine it...

Back to the topic:

I hate fake friends and how much and how easily they can fuck you up.

247 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-09 08:45 ID:SuhWVBwA [Del]

>>245 I'd probably die right there, or die from puking so much.
That's real, I'm sure.

I hate the fact that it's almost winter because Colorado doesn't get a fall this year.

248 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-10 17:30 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

AGGHH FUCK WHY DID I READ THAT?! _ _ just just die.

249 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-10 18:25 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>246 >>247 >>248 I bet you guys'd be more careful about throwing your cans away in the future though ;)

I think I'd rather find a spider in my coke than that eh Equis? ;D

250 Name: Hikari : 2014-09-10 19:50 ID:+/bR73tF [Del]

>>241 Ellara what's wrong? This isn't really a good site to get advise on, but you can rant to me if you want. X3

251 Name: Hikari : 2014-09-10 20:02 ID:+/bR73tF [Del]

Okay, I need to rant.

So, my biggest fear is eye surgery. And the other day, I was looking in the mirror, examining the plaque on my teeth, when I noticed that my right pupil was bigger than my left pupil.

Me being an idiot, I immediately freaked out.

I went to the optometrist and they said that there was nothing blatantly wrong with my eyes, but they did see a difference in my pupil size, so they referred me to a specialist.

Then I found out that my second cousin had died, and I was all emotionally messed up.

After wards the person who was cooking that night twisted her ankle, so I went to cook. After I was done, I was dishing up food, and I was still thinking about all of that crap, when someone got mad at me for taking too long.

I just kinda lost it then, and teared up and crap. And it was awful, and I never cry where people can see me. And I was irritable the rest of the night and stuff.

So yeah. Not really a rage post, but a rant post.

252 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-09-11 21:41 ID:k0Knbacn [Del]

If i had to choose...the spider. ._.

253 Name: Baka-san : 2014-09-12 08:38 ID:P2sA3o9v [Del]

This might sound childish but I HATE it when my friends grab my glasses (my grade is very high that if you're a few meters away from me, I cant distinguish your face), and say "How many fingers am I holding up?" Srsly that sh*t just riles me up.

254 Name: SmileyFaceShoes : 2014-09-12 13:49 ID:YlLV8HhS [Del]

I hate it when one of my best friends gets angry at me over silly things, and then doesn't talk to me for 2 days, and never talks about what I did to get him mad ever again.

Recently we played the game Unturned together, it's like a Minecraft version of Day Z. He died, so I grabbed his backpack, which increases your carrying capacity, to pick up a bunch of stuff nearby then drop them in a pile in the center of town.

He came running by, tried picking up all the stuff he dropped and asked where is bag is. I told him I had it, and that I was running over to him to give it back. He shot me in the middle of the street. So I told him I was gonna get him back for that. I crawled all through the town, waited until he was busy doing something in his inventory, ran over and punched him to death.

He told me that now he's just gonna hunt me down. I told him I was sorry, but he just said no. So I took a gun he had on him when he died, and waited near his stuff. Killed him two more times like this... He hasn't said a word to me the past two days because of this.

255 Name: H : 2014-09-14 13:00 ID:+/bR73tF [Del]

I hate it when friends act like they are way better than you, and act extremely condescending. Most of the time they probably don't even notice it, but it ticks me of.

256 Name: Scurvy : 2014-09-15 20:35 ID:k/3UlfY9 [Del]

The way certain people act really pisses me off.

257 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-16 06:14 ID:i4/z0747 [Del]

I hate how innocent I actually am. Like, I recently sent a friend an email that completely came off sounding like I wanted a picture of his dick. But I didn't see that in the message. Cuz all I wanted was a picture of him (hadn't seen him in a long while). So now, here I am, banging my head into the wall, once again drowning in a vat of self-hatred, because of an email that came out completely wrong. And there's just NO WAY to fix it. Unless someone here can hack and delete the message from his gmail.

258 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-16 18:10 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>257 I did that once when I was younger. Luckily it was still in the outbox the next day. I ended up sneaking into my friend's house, going on their computer (where she saved her password), and deleting the e-mail. Buuut I'm not that sly; I got caught and explained myself, blah blah blah, but all that mattered was that the email was gone.

Ahhh, the good ol' days.

259 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-16 18:11 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>258 But I don't mean that in regard to a dickpic. More about an email that just came out terribly wrong.

260 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-16 22:18 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I'm officially adding soggy peanuts to my non-existent rage list here. It's one thing if it's in ice cream or something, but if it's stale and wet tasting right out of the shell, there's something terribly wrong.

261 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-28 19:00 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

Spend 16th birthday at my mom's job to help her out. Spend 17th birthday at the hospital after my mom fell drunken down the stairs with her friend.

And now they want me to spend my 18th cleaning out the old house. I did 90% of the manual labor work (minus taking the boat apart) only to get bitched at for not doing everything fast enough. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS WHEN YOU TAKE A FAT NEET AND TELL THEM THEY'RE IN CHARGE OF MOVING EVERY PIECE OF FURNITURE AND HEAVY BOX AND BOAT PIECE TO THE YARD SALE THEN AROUND THE HOUSE TO THE CURB? DID YOU EXPECT MY BODY TO BE FUNCTIONING AT THE END? I'm so physically strained that I can't walk straight and am shaking profusely and just what the fuck. Not to mention that I was extremely sick for the first half of the day due to my terrible menstrual cycle (which also hits every birthday) and could barely hold any food down, and I get heat exhaustion really quickly and it's the second hottest day of the fucking season here, AND I'M THE ONE GETTING BITCHED AT?

Now you not only want me to do more of that on my birthday after EXPLICITLY asking to stay and finish it tonight - and you refusing because you "don't feel like it"? NO, fuck you. She has an army of people helping out at the house, and there's not much left for me to do in the first place.

262 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-28 19:03 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I was considering staying home and playing Terraria all day, but fuck that. I want a birthday for once. So instead, I'm going to sleep over a friend's house and have a goddamn movie party. You people can take a pipe up the ass and bitch all you want, but I'm not wasting my one and only 18th birthday doing your manual FUCKING labor.


Thank you. That is all.

263 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-09-28 23:24 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

Right now I really hate my GPA. 3.0000 It's never been that low before! How can I go on at this school?! I really hate my college prep class, because it says you can't put that you like stuff that's like fantasy (which apparently includes anime) in your application. Like how am I supposed to be the president of the anime club and not mention that in my application. Why am I stressing when I'm only a 9th grader?! I hate that, too. The stress. My Homeroom teacher said that on our graduation day, they call out every college you got accepted, too. How am I going to look being accepted only to one if that happens?

264 Name: Kyle : 2014-09-29 09:43 ID:kGkuVnhD [Del]

I really hate people and people who only judges you they sucks , thay are always comparing , what good can come up with such comparisons...
For me its a bother

265 Name: Takara!!dOFnbQCJ : 2015-02-09 23:28 ID:wC4gnY7K [Del]

pls pls pls don't bring up past me if you're just gonna argue with me abt things i did back then. if you're gonna get angry at past me i'm gonna expect you to laugh with me, not continue how stupid i was being back then.

266 Name: Flora&May : 2015-02-09 23:40 ID:NmhdyYaF [Del]


267 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-02-10 00:37 ID:YMS3G6E4 [Del]

I HATE when I'm trying to converse with a person, I start an enriching topic to help start the ball rolling and the other person is literally, 'meh'. COME ON if you want to talk, at least pretend to be curious and discuss....even if you don't know what I'm saying then just ask

268 Name: Alternate : 2015-02-10 01:45 ID:PyfYu0b8 [Del]

I absolutely FUCKING HATE IT when I think something is really cool and I wanna share it with my mom because I actually WANT to socialize with her and she just pretends like she cares and then tells me to do something else. Like for example, I read a cool article about space or science online and she's like "oh. Cool. Now go do this." It just pisses me off to the point where I don't want to talk to anyone anymore because i feel like no one wants to listen to what i have to say!!

269 Name: Alternate : 2015-02-10 01:48 ID:PyfYu0b8 [Del]


270 Name: Akira-chan : 2015-02-10 02:36 ID:iwYqFhX2 [Del]

I haven't done something like this before, but here goes... >_<
I hate it when I'm with my group of friends and when they talk to each other, they act like I'm not even I don't even exist....

271 Name: D>> : 2015-02-10 11:15 ID:jc8+GEX3 [Del]

I hate people.

272 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-24 15:41 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>271 This sums it.

273 Name: Gin Tenshi : 2015-02-24 18:01 ID:dDygYAqP [Del]

I hate how the "real world" steals your innocence. In college, I did everything. Stand-up comedy. Made my own gaming club. Traveled to California on a whim with next to no money. I was always told I can be and do anything, even though I came from a poor family in kinda a shitty town.

But then I graduated from college and all that shit went away. Now life is filled with rejection after rejection, people telling you aren't good enough for them. You get down on your knees and beg for jobs, hoping to make enough money to make rent, and when people wonder where that happy starry eyed kid went, why you don't take time to enjoy the good things in life, you have to tell them it's because you are spending every waking moment just to survive.

I would kill to have the happiness I felt before graduation back, back when life was an adventure. I would do anything to get it back. I would do anything to have one day without someone telling me how not good enough I am.

I'd burn this whole backward class based society to the ground if I could.

274 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 18:50 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

I hate people who take shit too seriously on the internet, eg SJWs and Magnolia.

275 Name: AikahisakatuHogo-sha!tlzjQjHf9o : 2015-02-24 18:54 ID:DBhGWLbG [Del]

I hate anything that flies except for birds, and planes.

276 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-24 19:03 ID:yGnul9ji [Del]

>>274 No. NO. NO!

What're you doing!?!

Why have you not created a hate thread in my honor?!

277 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 19:05 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

>>276 Because this is a thread where we talk about shit that we hate and I was being honest.

278 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-24 19:12 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>277 lol I think you haven't been here long enough, so you don't get it. Either that, or you suddenly care about the rules.

But whatever; I'm still adding this as a tally. If I'm lucky maybe mids will join so I can have another.

279 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 19:22 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]


Assuming that you're tallying the amount of times I say something nasty about you, let's see if I can get to ten in one post.

280 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-24 19:26 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>279 Nope. Doing it wrong. Gotta make several posts. It's a bit weird since you're deciding not to make hate threads, but I think I can count this anyway. So I have 1 from the past...I think. And 2 from you so far.

281 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-24 19:27 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

Oh wait. Now I have to ask the older members if it counts if it's the same person. Fuuuuuuck... In the meanwhile, just do it, and I'll come back tomorrow to ask.

282 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 19:33 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]


283 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 19:34 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]


284 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-24 22:16 ID:LQVtk7AB [Del]

>>283 Not sure what you think is happening, but it's a running joke that a member is a 'real' member or it's an accomplishment when other people make hate threads about them.

285 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-24 22:19 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>284 Shhhhh! What're you doing??

286 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 23:26 ID:D9A0iSGf [Del]

>>284 m8, I'm performing a ritual to summon the internet policewoman called 'Magnolia'. Apparently she keeps tallies of all the times that she's been slighted by people on the site, so I thought I'd try to get to ten. I don't think you know what the deal is, because there isn't a hate thread and starting one would be putting me into the abuse territory of things.

tfw Magnolia makes a detailed post stating that she can't figure you out and attacking your responses to topics
then uses a sockpuppet account to call you a hater because no one else will back her up (3 mins delay when you take like 20 minutes to respond to other threads my ass)


287 Name: Hakaron : 2015-02-24 23:40 ID:SL5MMrjT [Del]

I hate you !! Fucking Sleep ever robbing my time :/

288 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-25 03:43 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>284 He still didn't get it.
>>286 Sock puppet account?

289 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-02-26 00:59 ID:yvEZp/CQ [Del]

>>286 Oh, you think I'm a sockpuppet account?'s possible, but she'd have to not only change her ID but then change it back too. I guess it's possible.

The tally is usually of threads made solely to bash a member. It is really funny seeing someone make a thread to rage at you, to be fair.

Of course I don't know what the deal is, that's why I prefaced my post with "Not sure what you think". I thought you thought she was going to try and ban you or something.

Also, I hate AMD's vague fucking info on CPU TJ Max levels. Intel is "105, baby!". AMD is "uuhh...probably shouldn't be going above 55 very often...60 is pretty high...". Fuck that shit.

290 Name: Mag : 2015-03-03 08:13 ID:kqC90yAv [Del]


291 Name: Mag : 2015-03-03 11:00 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>289 You know, I just realized, but if you would only post your damn picture, this wouldn't be a problem.

292 Name: YoloLord : 2015-03-03 16:22 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

>>289 Mate the name of the poster before was 'Anonymous', and I don't need to see a photo of your ugly mug so please don't bother. The way that the 'ID' system works is that every single time a unique user visits the site they are assigned something called a 'cookie'. The cookie is unique and it is stored by the browser and it has some relevance to the server that stored it. It could be used to identify a user's session for instance. Now what that means is that you could simply use a different browser or delete the cookie to 'change your ID', so sockpuppetry isn't difficult to perform. I don't even know why you bothered to defend yourself 2 days after I argued with internet policewoman here and I also find it hilarious that 'Magnolia', who's changed her name to 'Mag' like the community would recognize her (maybe *you* scrubs would) feels like she has the weight to make threats. Maybe she has the weight in real life literally, but if she really does, then that's interesting because I was under the impression that everyone is treated the same on this site. I wasn't aware that there was a small clique of users who have connections to the administrator who can enforce and create rules at will, but I suppose that would make sense.

293 Name: Mag : 2015-03-03 16:48 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>292 about.

I do believe, you're thinking too hard on this. Inu's been a member long before me. What I said was a joke because he's reluctant to share a picture.

You especially looked into Mag too deeply. Sometimes others do the same when they're too lazy to type out the full username and trip.

And making threats? Not sure what you're talking about. If it's about that argument with Babs last week or the week before, I already explained to Babs and Leigha that I don't make threats. She making the wrong assumption almost repeatedly in every augment we had. We came to an understanding and moved on. If you're talking about this incident, I have no idea why you're hung up on it. If it's something else, feel free to explain. Or just look like a babbling idiot. Whichever one.

294 Name: Mag : 2015-03-03 16:55 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>293 bleh.
** She kept making the wrong assumption almost repeatedly in every argument we had.

295 Name: YoloLord : 2015-03-03 17:00 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

>>293 Good lord you are half baked. I don't even understand the third sentence. And no, you do make threats. You mentioned your tally thing like you had some sort of power to throw around and that is a threat. And bitch, I was completely fine with letting how much I despise idiots on internet forums acting like internet police go, but you and 'Inuhakka' dragged up an argument with me from ages ago. And how do I look like a babbling idiot Magnolia? Is it because I am completely rational in believing that you would literally frame or doxx someone because of how you mentioned before contacting 'older members'?

296 Name: Mag : 2015-03-03 17:05 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>295 You know... I take back what I said.
You are way more fun than Azazel.

297 Name: YoloLord : 2015-03-03 17:06 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

>>296 You know that someone has lost when they don't reply with anything that actually disagrees with what you are saying. Good game.

298 Name: persod!VQKJgiezS6 : 2015-03-04 01:57 ID:PmM5G5xk [Del]

i um

299 Name: Ceskasi : 2015-03-04 04:23 ID:IHsoeAYV [Del]

I really hate it when I read a good conversation/debate/fight from only a few days ago and I wasn't able to input something. Nonetheless, I enjoy reading them.

300 Name: JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-04 05:39 ID:hsQKFXTe [Del]

Ranting, the world sucks, the people are annoying, life as always being blamed because factors, and discovering conspicties (however you spell that word)
I cant give a damn anymore, due to a wonderful passing out for half a fucking day.

301 Name: Anonymous : 2015-03-04 14:20 ID:iskDNZ66 [Del]


302 Name: Infinite : 2015-03-04 18:48 ID:851K1VLL [Del]

I cannot agree more haha people suck heaps.

303 Name: captain : 2015-03-05 15:19 ID:0QKCmU6M [Del]

I wish I could replace people with dinosaurs. Everybody likes dinosaurs. If there were dinosaurs there would be no reason to moan here. Because I would be happy or dead

304 Name: Love : 2015-03-05 16:15 ID:jYijcVW2 [Del]

>>303 I don't think happy's an option.

305 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-06 16:45 ID:NYM2iO04 [Del]


306 Name: JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-09 05:12 ID:9nDosPkQ [Del]

I like how humans are fucking morons, and how fucking disregard-at they are of respect and guidelines. (Extreme sarcasm)

307 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-09 07:08 ID:h3qWxlCB (Image: 490x328 jpg, 78 kb) [Del]

src/1425902917429.jpg: 490x328, 78 kb
>>306 *pats back* Care for some brownies?

308 Name: AKira : 2015-03-09 07:49 ID:u7dlrcuC [Del]

Rant subject: School

I hate how you accidentally bump into someone!! Like I know it's an accident and all, at least have the decency to actually say sorry!!! You shouldn't just look at them for like 20 seconds and like roll your eyes and walk away!!!!!!!! I mean, like I always say sorry when I bump into someone. And that leads to another thing I get so frustrated about.... You say sorry, but they get mad an start -BEEP- about it!!!!! seriously, I already said sorry, gosh, what a load of -BEEP- and when your talking to someone and this -BEEP- 'popular' group walks like on the middle of the -BEEP- corridor and decides to -BEEP- walk right dead set on the middle of your and friend's group!! like what in the actual -BEEP-?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? Seriously dude, there's something called -BEEP- Excuse me!!!! OMFG!!! showing a tiny bit of common manners wouldn't kill you, if it did I wouldn't -BEEP- mind. And HYGIENE. Have you ever heard of it?!?!?! I swear my classmates seriously don't have it anymore!!! Going to the toilet and not washing your hands... umm mate I think you need to -BEEP- wash your hands. And how people scratch their.... yeh, that's why they're called PRIVATE!!!!! OHMAGAWD!!!!!!!!!!! Picking their noses and eating it?!?! seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!? That's disgusting!!!!! I mean you can pick your nose but please apply some sophistication!!! Don't pick your nose and look for it like for a -BEEP- eternity and eat it and like savour the taste and wipe on your -BEEP- uniform!!!!!! and lastly.............


To sum this up I don't like people without manners, hygiene and who judges people that they're 12 BECAUSE THEY'RE SHORT AND YOUNG LOOKING!!!!! *clears throat* thank you for making this thread :D it made me feel heaps better <3


309 Name: JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-09 08:08 ID:rFwSMJhn [Del]

>>307 Sure, why not. Hell let us drink some alcohol to drown the sorrows away!
Ah if only i can drink without getting wasted so quickly...

310 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-09 08:48 ID:ffJbJmJ9 [Del]

>>309 Haaa! Lightweight!!
I've always wanted to try brownies and wine... Guess I have to wait till payday.

Complaints: I need more money. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the two part-time jobs are not enough. If I had just chosen a place that was $500/month... If I had just been more careful and not been scammed out of $700. If only my mom had better finances to help me at least get the ball rolling. I may have to move out next month and find a new place...
I need another job, and I don't know how I'll be able to juggle all of this shit while attending college, even IF it's online...

Man, I wish I was living in Georgian suburbs. Hell, all I need to do is move up North and I can do a house share within my budget, but it's not guaranteed I can get a job up there like I can within the city... It's sad and pathetic living here.

311 Name: Arima Kishou : 2015-03-09 13:10 ID:o6XBQo1a [Del]

I want to give my thanks to the person who wrote this thread. So my rant subject is about school,people,friends,etc.

Hmmm. Where should I start. I think I should start with my classmates. My classmates are copying each other's works, cheating on tests, like it is "erasures are wrong" but they'll correct the erasure when checking. I don't like them that much. I'm the top student of the class and the school year will end soon after 2 weeks, I think. I wonder how will these people do in this remaining days of classes that's why I'm going to do my best and beat the hell out of them (not physically). I'm not a violent person, I always give my punch in ideas, and many others. I'm going to seclude myself from them this summer vacation and I'll make the biggest comeback ever as a Senior. Also, I hate these "poser" people who tries to act smart, like taking a picture of their math works,physics,etc. I can solve a problem in 5 minutes but there is always someone better than us, and this someone can solve the problem in just "2 minutes". I'm kind of jealous because they're really intelligent but I think they have spent most of their time to make it just 2 minutes that's why they are better than me. I want to be better,too. There are also people who are fake who will hug you on the front and stab you in the back. I hate it when they do that and I'll look as the bad guy when I'm going to say I hate them because of their attitude. I've become a quiet person, I started reading books, watching anime, reading manga, researching,etc. because I think socializing doesn't fit me. Socializing is tiring. I love solitude. We all need solitude to bring out the potential we have inside us. I hate my ex and her friends,current boyfriend,many others who are connected to her. They already forgotten what they've done to me, and let me stand on my own. That's why I'm stronger than before and I'll beat the hell out of them (not physically again, of course). So, what's left hmmmm.. Oh I see. I've already brought out the monster (anger) inside me. Thank you for creating this thread! :)

312 Name: FeministWarrior : 2015-03-09 17:56 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

If every single man was killed, then the world would be a much better place without their misogynistic raping ways. #IHateMen #KillAllMen

313 Name: JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-09 20:42 ID:9nDosPkQ [Del]

>>312 You must not have a happy past.

Ahhhh, i just want to hit someone...put their head in a wall...I wonder what ways i need to take for that door...
Insanity is such a great thing, being open minded and all, yet close minded at the same time.

314 Name: FellbeatKnight : 2015-03-09 21:17 ID:8NAaSS9z [Del]

I hate people when they chew food.
I hate it when my stupid fucking neighbor can't keep his music down at night. And so all I get is 5 hours a sleep.

I hate the sound of quick typing.

I hate all bodily sounds in general.Sneezing, Sniffling, chewing, spitting, swallowing, sucking, blowing, licking, farting, vomiting, sometimes crying, etc.. except screaming.

I want to beat my roommate to death with a baseball bat. A very small part of me feels this way. Overall I think he's a good guy. Best roommate a homeless fellow can have.

Fuck what else do I hate?

I hate how I always forget shit. Or how I can't remember shit.

I hate my teacher, classmates, and my family. I want to see them burn.

I'm done for now.

Wow!Just few things that come out of the mind of my vicious doppelganger.

Did I mention that I hate the sound of chewing food?

315 Name: Arima Kishou : 2015-03-10 07:14 ID:morSeAI9 [Del]

I'm here again to take out my negativity inside me so that I'll not sink like a boat.

Why do people around me always bring me down? It's like I don't want to be with them. Like, it's a group activity but they have brought me down. I know it is a team work but we have to improve our individual strength. They must know that they are not the only one participating in the activity, it's a group activity so if a person in that group fail, the whole group will fall. We can make up with the mistakes we made, and we can also avoid making mistakes. All they had to do is to memorize their script and bring out the best they can when we're already in the activity. About group works again, MATH! Why do people always give all the problems to solve in Math to me? I'm not that good in Math but I'm not that bad,either. But it's still a GROUP ACTIVITY! We have to give the loads to everyone not just to a person. Nah, I'm done. Thank you.

316 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-10 18:55 ID:dClWQjKa [Del]

>>313Insanity is such a great thing, being open minded and all, yet close minded at the same time.

Huh... That was deep... I'm gonna take that 'n put it in a book.

317 Name: Loke : 2015-03-10 20:59 ID:z5MLaHta [Del]

Finally! people who understand how annoying the human race is!!! and that are a little bit crazy!!! i have found my people!

318 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-10 21:25 ID:dClWQjKa [Del]

My mom's nice. She's almost always there for me.


The best play in high school, my cruise to the Caribbean, paying me back the thousands I lent you on time, helping me after I got scammed, I'm depressed and need a friend and you say you'll call me...and you never do.

And now.

If you're going to say you can lend me rent money on this date...


You know how fucking bad I look giving rent nearly ten days late?!?

This may be the last month I ever need financial help from you, please, stop failing me for fuck's sake.


319 Name: Natomi-Chan : 2015-03-10 21:57 ID:KXwgPiS5 [Del]

What I hate?
Loving someone so much but knowing they will never be happy with you. I have the world's biggest crush on this girl but I'm far too shy to tell her. So she just keeps dating allot of random people, I know I'm not her type at all and she will probably never love me as much as I do her. It's a terrible feeling because we are friends but I can't text her often, I'm scared to mess things up.

320 Name: Leena : 2015-03-11 05:41 ID:FwLD3AU0 [Del]

Cheaters. I fucking hate cheaters in a relationship, ESPECIALLY when they don't even seem their capable of it.

321 Name: itsrainingagain : 2015-03-11 10:02 ID:1SEq6cLr [Del]

>>320 wholeheartedly agree with ya

322 Name: Arima Kishou : 2015-03-13 11:56 ID:Lvd5PvT5 [Del]

>>317 I love humanity but not our stupidity. Sometimes, good people make bad choices but it doesn't make them a bad person at all. We have to let their stupidity slide. Some people don't know what to do with their lives, they are frustrated with it so they started doing things without knowing the consequences. I guess we have to guide them to the right path. Thank you. Good day,pal! :)

323 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-13 13:34 ID:h3qWxlCB (Image: 1440x1666 jpg, 576 kb) [Del]

src/1426271671247.jpg: 1440x1666, 576 kb
>>310 >>309 Told you I would.

324 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-13 18:35 ID:TjVmQWNG [Del]

>>323 Bruh, I wish I could have some. The only thing I could find is some Brandy. The honey one, and it smells and tastes like paint thinner.

325 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-13 18:43 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>324 you made me spill my wine. You poor thing!! XD

326 Name: MIME : 2015-03-14 10:31 ID:Cqjvll30 [Del]

When you've been waiting for bae to text you... (OnO)and you still get nothing 2 hours later. *throws button phone across the room*

327 Name: Arima Kishou : 2015-03-15 14:01 ID:morSeAI9 [Del]

So, I want to release all of the negativity here again. Nah, my classmates only want high grades that's why when we're in the end of school year they didn't learn something. Damn, these people ain't taking this seriously. What's up with the grades when you don't know what you learned this whole school year. They must be ashamed of themselves because of spending a whole school year to learn nothing. They spent time,energy,and money but they gain nothing from it. I wish these people will take this seriously. Also, the girls who are overly feminist. I hate it when women says men are the worst thing in the world. They say we're the worthless people. Maybe, we will just let it slide because they have bad experience from their past relationships? Nah, I don't know anymore. Btw, thank you again!

328 Name: Umi : 2015-03-15 17:40 ID:Fhia/UNv [Del]

It annoys me how people ask me "why are you so down/mean/cold?"
I'm not an asshole, but it's hard to retain your good-hearted self after being treated poorly COUNTLESS times through your life.
It's like people never heard or been through bad experiences.
As a matter of fact, I grew up with people making me feel like shit about my appearance , intelligence, and me going through periods of loneliness. It did hurt. So now why do people expect me to be the same person? Ugh. I'm talking especially about depression. I'm not depressed , but it feels like an illness so invisible to everyone. People would be so surprised if it wasn't so easy to hide. While I do feel a bit crazy sometimes, it's only fair that I turned out this way isn't it?

329 Name: Bookin it JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-15 21:18 ID:RW7+/mao [Del]

In competent people and blindness to options and surrondings.

There a whole world out there, yet we, beings, can get tunnel vision.
But with the right mind and mental training i believe we can overcome that.

with magic, shit be easier, but limited. Eventually as time go on, we get tech.
So Magitech.
BUT NOOOOOOOO, Fucking humans wanted the easy to grab shit and focus entirely on that shit.
There barely much people that knows fucking magic, if they are lots, they probably in fucking hiding anyway.
So yippy ka yay fucking fuck fuck humans ass shitty ass maggots.

330 Name: !!LTL6hFw4 : 2015-03-16 07:59 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>329 I'm the BBS' resident wizard.

331 Name: Really JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-16 20:42 ID:7s8gJYQS [Del]

Fuck this phone for being a piece of shit of handling text to highlight and get rid of and shit with touch screens
Fuck text language as well, fucking shit post it when needed
Not a huge fucking wall of,"Lol U Got Rekt, Wana Si da Vid? Lel, Si da Rektage"
Hell i dont even know what that shit is surpose to be type out as.
Fucking fuck fuck shitty ass short hand text words.

332 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-03-30 11:35 ID:NTFB3WVn [Del]


333 Name: my name jeff : 2015-03-30 12:22 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

i hate you all

334 Name: Harusa : 2015-03-30 12:56 ID:zJQyrrhl [Del]

I hate how whenever your in a hurry any and everyone just deliberately gets in your way and walks as slow as a hamster inside a fucking wheel! You don't wanna be rude so you don't say anything and just try to move around, but then that 1 person, THAT 1 DOUCHBAG, knocks into you on purpose.

335 Post deleted by user.

336 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-12 01:46 ID:jFBnDl7U [Del]

The title on part 3 and 4 is 'The Things You Hate More and More' and I'll stick to that context. I hate the duplicate threads, eventually I just got tired of them. You don't know how much I let out a long sigh whenever a thread with a reply counter of 1 appeared on top of the Main board. I can't bring myself to use the sentence enhancer and proved my point even though it's needed to let them know that its not okay to post half-baked threads, I just couldn't.

Way to go fellas, necroposting a 6 year old thread felt grate!

337 Name: omverse : 2020-05-12 04:01 ID:cH/Us3OU [Del]

i say lets hang out again next week - you show up the next day.

i say lets split the bill - you insist on paying every-time

i say im not comfortable with you always buying me things - you say 'you can get it next time' but next time never comes.

i say life is actually pretty great right now - you keep saying your worried about me

i say i think i'd like to be alone for the day - you come over anyway and say its for my mental health.

i say i don't want to drink any alcohol - you bring it over anyway

i say fine, ill have one beer - you pour liquor into it

i feel like shit the next day and need rest - you show up with more alcohol

i pace back and forth wonder how to interact with you anymore - you sit on my couch and stare at your phone for 10 minutes

i become enraged and start yelling at you - you're dumbfounded

i'm hating life right now - you say 'it gets better'

i tell you to shut your fucking mouth, and some other incoherent rage vomit comes from my mouth - you say 'we all have our demons to battle'

i tell you to get the fuck out - you leave

hour goes by, I realize you left a bunch of shit here, food in my fridge, clothes, other personal possessions, empty bottles. how did this stuff even end up here?

I wonder about how you dont ask anymore if i want to hang out. and if you can tell I want to be alone, then you keep repeating stuff like 'i'm bored, what are you doing tonight?'

I spend most of my time at home and you knows it - that means when you are free, I am free. That means my time is your time. That means as soon as you're off work, I'm available, no matter what.

I wonder why you don't listen to the things I say, about my real needs, if you are so concerned with my mental health.

I wonder all this time you've had an agenda. i'm an escape for you, a project to fix, and i'll owe a better life to you. i might be desperate enough to be fooled into needing you and that seems to be just the path you want me on.

i text you to come get your shit - you say you'll get it later

i say ok...

i realize I've just relinquished control again within an hour - text you again

i say go fuck yourself, your shit's on the curb - you show your true colors.

hey peeps. dont let people try to buy your time or think they've earned the right to disrespect you. dont think any one except you knows whats best for you. toxic people will do their best to convince you that they're good for you.

338 Name: Matto : 2020-05-12 19:18 ID:gJNczKVD [Del]

What do I hate? A lot.

* People believing everything they've seen social networking.

* Seemingly intelligent people surprising you with weird conspiration theories.

* People getting lost in their hometown without the help of google maps.

* People bumping into me because the smartphone was more interesting than the surroundings.

* Telephones in any way, shape or form.

* "It's new, so it must be cool!"

* Overrated movies.

* "I just graduated from college, so I know EVERYTHING!"

* Most people.

I could go on... *yawn*

339 Name: Matto : 2020-05-12 22:48 ID:gJNczKVD [Del]

>>337 Oh...

To be honest, from the few things you mentioned, I'd say the one you mention has a serious problem with alcohol. Pouring liquor into your beer? Or you saying I don't want to drink yet still arriving with booze?

I'm far from being a saint with handling alcohol, but that would go pretty much over the line for me. (along with a few other things you mentioned, but that's the most drastic thing which springs to my eye).

340 Name: Worm : 2020-05-13 13:34 ID:uChB6iJf [Del]

I hate the way he treats me when no one is watching

I hate how he is so impatient and immature about life - Why can't you wait for anything??? Why do I have to tell a grown ass man to be patient?

I hate his short fuse: I'll do anything, literally anything and he explodes in a rage!

I hate how he is so judgemental towards others: Not everyone who has a desk job are lazy snobs, you don't even know anyone with a job like that you jerk!

I hate how you think you're always right. Even when you're very clearly wrong!

I hate how you talk to your family: so terrible with insults and yelling.

I hate how you don't understand, and you don't want to try to understand.

I hate when I'm telling you my feelings and you say "I don't care."

I hate how you will get angry at me because I'm upset at you for treating me wrongly.

I hate how you take things too far.

I hate how you refuse to listen.

Sometimes I want to fucking bash your skull in. But I still love you.

341 Name: Caruto : 2020-05-14 22:20 ID:Y2FevaZ3 [Del]

I hate when people with high authority or people that works for someone with high authority, tries to rule something that you created it gets on my nerves.

342 Name: Anonymous : 2020-05-15 12:46 ID:T9ntR+5t [Del]

I freaking hate the Debate Room of It's filled with disgusting perverts who talk about fucking a pope and getting syphillis. They call it debate but they're just biased people who talk about stuff that no newcomer would understand and would kick or ban anyone who even tries to start a debate in which they don't favor their opinion. They're hella annoying. They seem to be old members and familiar with each other so they don't bother welcoming any new member and anyone questioning their room would be attacked instead. They're normies who get offended easily. Most chatroom members hate that room and I'm glad they do. Even I don't go there. What angers me is how the title is misleading for so many new members.

343 Name: Matto : 2020-05-15 14:40 ID:gJNczKVD [Del]

Never tried out that Debate room.... but it doesn't sound interesting.

344 Name: lanaya : 2020-05-16 03:16 ID:BzC6Y/jO [Del]

omg! same here, i hate the debate room too. they freaking annoying duhh

345 Name: Anonymous : 2020-05-16 07:24 ID:AUbanaCy [Del]

I'm glad people agree. Also, lanaya I think I've seen you on Discord.

346 Name: Worm : 2020-05-21 18:54 ID:R3py3nld [Del]

Visited the debate room and there was no debate ._.

347 Name: Anonymous : 2020-05-24 07:59 ID:zoLyhUeK [Del]

>>346 Told ya.

348 Name: Donna !3GqYIJ3Obs : 2020-06-05 15:35 ID:5tCrbDLw [Del]

I hate it when the people you admire and thought were your friends show their true colors and break your trust.

I hate it when I try to be positive and try to help people with their problems, because of their unwelcoming continuous rants, but they hurt me terribly instead.

I hate when people don't respect my opinion and judge me biasedly.

I hate having trust issues.

I hate my younger self for cutting my wrists and leaving deep scars on me.

I hate being sensitive and getting offended easily.

I hate having emotional breakdowns.

I hate how a few hurtful words from your closed ones can cut me deeply.

I hate keeping up with people's high expectations.

I hate trying to fit in and act nice to people I honestly despise to avoid a toxic environment.

I hate how horrible humanity can be.

I hate being alone.

I hate having no one to confide with.

I hate when people misjudge me and never listen to my side of story.

I hate when people leech off of me and how toxic people never leave me alone.

I hate when people's actions can drive me to an end where I break down and start blaming myself for everything.

.... I'm never giving up to such worthless pieces of shit.

349 Name: Anonymous : 2020-06-17 15:20 ID:nnKWVaRA [Del]

It's been so long since I've felt this much anger, I can't stand this anymore, I feel like I'll blow up at any second, why can't they say anything clearly making it under being "polite" when in reality it's nothing but hypocrisy, I feel like I might kill someone right now. This doesn't work with me, say what you wnay clearly or kys.
Constantly acting as an open minded person, asking me to share what I think, to express my opinion, just to call me stupid, immature and stubborn. In my eyes, you're the one who's all that, why do they have to take everything as arguing? We're discussing, I say my opinion, you say your, if you have points that are different than mine you share your point of view, I do the same, I'm not looking for you to understand or to change what you think, I just want you to accept my opinion, you don't have to shatter it and force yours on me then act all noble and great.
I don't blame you for your flaws, at least not lost of them, we all have ones, I don't expect you to be perfect, but why can't you stop being so blind, you never were as perfect as you thought you were and you're only becoming worse because you're stuck in a past that's gone and no matter what you do it'll never be the same, because we're not the same and we're never going back that.
I changed so much during one year, everyone noticed it, more importantly I noticed it, I no longer feel like I'm suffocating or like I just want to disappear as much any more, I got so much better.
Can't you appreciate that I at least feel better now?
Why do you always ask for more, why do you criticise everything I do. Why do you keep claiming that you know me the best, if you did you'd know that this affects me and I'm not as cold hearted as you think, if you really knew me then you wouldn't have kept doing this, unless you didn't care about my feelings, or unless you cared more about yourself, and if so why'd you expect me to care more about you?
I thought I finally got rid of these childish thoughts, but they come back to me every now and then. At least I no longer think of every thing that you did that hurt me like before whenever something like this happens.
It's not that I don't want you to change, I do want you to get better but you don't get it, you're doing it the wrong way, you're changing for the worse, as you always say there's always a better way to achieve something, and you're using the wrong way every time.
And the other person is not any better, I don't get how selfish, inconsiderate, self centered and entitled you are, not to us, you're great with us, but to her, especially since this concerns her health, I don't even get how your brain works why are you not talking to her why are you not apologising, what are you waiting for?
Just why can't people be straightforward with what they think/do/say this is so tiring, why does everyone how to get offended and twist my words like they want, misunderstand and then get angry at me even though I explained what they got wrong? This is so tiring.
And why can't I talk and find new people online like before it's like everyone is just looking to have inappropriate conversations to abbe or you just keep seeing the same old people you've been seeing for so long and you can't get along with.
I don't want the virus to end because I don't want to leave home and deal with all the trouble that comes with it.
And you, are you really my friend or not? Do you care about me or not? I understand your parents are strict and all that, I really try to not be oversensitive about his but I just can't, I ask you too go out with me or for us to hang out only for you to constantly say no, that your parents didn't allow you and stuff, but then you go both to another friend's engagement and wedding? I know the latter was so hard for you to go to you couldn't even stay enough toe at the cake, but then I see you posting on Instagram's story pictures of you going out with your friends? I don't know if that was your uni but it didn't look like it. It's just that, we've known each other for so long and now I feel like you don't want that, honestly ever since I told you I'm going to a different uni I felt like you got distanced, because you can't go out I visited you in your uni instead, and you told me to visit you again, even though you wouldn't stay for ectra time in the uni for me, and even though you won't skip a class to spend time with me which is alright, I wouldn't want you to miss them, and even though its only one hour that I got to talk to you in, and we coudkbt even do so because you had your other friends with you? Maybe I just wanted to spend time comfortably alone with you after we haven't seen each other for so long, like your friends wouldn't even stop talking about guys or talking about people behind their backs, though I appreciate you sitting with me on another side. You acted all friendly and told me you're glad I came and told me to come more in the future, but when I asked you to come later you avoided replying then told me it'll be hard and you'll probably not be able to see me even though you told me your schedule before and you're supposed to have two breaks at that time? I don't want to be too sensitive but this is how I am, why do people always assume that I don't care about anything at all.

350 Name: Anonymous : 2020-06-17 15:24 ID:nnKWVaRA [Del]

I took this as a rant thread rather than rage, I hope that's alright? I tried deleting what I typed but it didn't work.

351 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-06-17 21:47 ID:q9hD0iaF [Del]

>>350 life rly b like dat sumtimes, dont worry too much about it on Personal board.