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Purpose of Existence? (3)

1 Name: Stella : 2014-03-17 14:19 ID:4c/P3t0A [Del]

This may seem depressing or sad to others but think- what is the point of existence? People on Earth have no actual goal to work towards. As of right now, as a high school student, I am stressing my ass off, dealing with many personal things, for what reason? Why do I care what kind of job I get? I'm going to die anyways. Why treat my depression and anxiety? I'm going to die anyways. Something to think about. (BTW- I don't really believe in life after death, so that probably influences my views.) What do you think? Do you agree with me?

2 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-17 15:05 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]

That's the whole point: there's no point of existing. Have you ever wondered what think the dog when it wakes up? Nothing about how he's gonna pay his stuff or what job needs to be done I'm sure.

The goal is to emancipate to a big problem: money.

As soon as you have enough money to not worry about it, then you have free time to amuse yourself, educate yourself, even pamper yourself. Life is short for a minuscule creature like human. We created time and since, we are afraid of not having enough of it.

Why just enjoy the little things while we can, as long as the priorities are resolved: money, taking care of your family....

It's why it's important to do a job you enjoy, you're gonna spend too much time in it, and be really depressed if you don't have fun while working.

You're not depressed you're just realising you live in a bigger world than your universe: family, friends, hobby,....

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-17 15:24 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 to live is to live. Yes death takes us all in the end but why should that matter? It's not the end or the beginning that matters, it's the middle that truly counts. You could make a difference in other people's lives, you can find love, you can do the things that you love. Getting a good job just means you'll get to be able to do more things that you love and see more of the world, it may not seem like such a big right now but trust me, it'll matter to you one day so make sure you work hard now so that you won't regret it later. I hope that helps ^^