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Alevels (exam stress) (6)

1 Name: Smblade246 : 2014-03-12 20:57 ID:bk/7vO7h [Del]

Life at the moment sucks now, got so much stuff happening and exams all over the place, well the mistake was studying psychology as this subject has a massive workload and I'm also retaking a unit which sucks really bad, need to do good in my Alevels so then I can go to the university of my choice, my other subjects such as art and sociology isn't a that much of a problem, it's just psychology, why in the name of Freud does this subject have so many things to learn!

2 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-03-12 21:00 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

im in IB psychology high level and i know what you mean, theres a lot to memorize and consider. try writing an outline, flash cards for vocab, and choosing just a few experiments to remember :) and Freud is an asshole and a lot of his theories were proven wrong, dont listen to him. hahaha some were right though.

3 Name: Smblade246 : 2014-03-12 21:03 ID:bk/7vO7h [Del]

Don't you think Freuds psychodynamic explanation is extremely weird? The psychosexual stages is very ridiculous to learn and his theory about the Oedipus complex, wow really freaky stuff there.

4 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-03-13 08:26 ID:s7INuyYW [Del]

I never did psychology but try writing your notes in funky colours or write on a coloured pad this can help you remember things. Also exam tip if you feel yourself getting stressed take off your shoes, not wearing shoes is often associated with places you find comfortable like your home and can help trick your mind into thinking you are in a place you find calming.

5 Name: Hakaron : 2014-03-13 16:18 ID:qHzlv3yL [Del]

The psychology is theory for understand the human. So i ask the question what is the human ? haha

6 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-13 23:32 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I've done a general psychology course before, it was okay, I didn't really like it. Studying was hard and there was a ton of stuff. But just look up studying techniques and methods and try your best to stay calm and get all of the material down. Good luck!