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What is a warrior? (61)

1 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-10 18:52 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

i have heared this fraze over an over but still can not understand.what is a true it someone who kills the bad?is it someone who protects the good?someone with shiiny metal's or a plack?what is a warrior.i always thought a warrior is some one who can stay strong no matter what happens or what others think of them.a warrior to me is some one who staies true to there self even thou times, people or ways of life change.what do you think?do you agree or disagree?

2 Name: 3xMatryoshka : 2014-03-10 20:29 ID:yJ6hZ3fA [Del]

Well, the technical definition would be someone who fights battles or in a war. Keep in mind, though, that it doesn't have to be a physical battle. A battle with an illness, a battle trying to fight through unfortunate circumstances... Anything, really.

3 Name: FREDRIQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2014-03-11 13:35 ID:u5aU8/Bj [Del]

"The warrior spirit is a condition of the heart.2The Air Force
describes it as tough-mindedness and tireless motivation. A warrior
is someone whose strong character enables them to make sacrifices
for the team and achieve their long-term goals.Warriors defend
something valuable – their personal honor. Having a warrior spirit
means that you make a promise to yourself that you will not lie,
cheat, or steal, even if everyone else commits those wrongs."
~C.A.P. Learn To Lead Book One.

4 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-03-11 13:48 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

a warrior is one who goes to war. this is different from a soldier, which is one who fights for a cause or country. which is also different from a mercenary, which is one who fights for money, and a military contractor is someone who is hired from a contracting company by a government

5 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-11 19:45 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

you all have a giid point but you rnot really awnsering it.what is a warrior?i was told by a very old an wise teacher "once you find the soul of the warriro you can be able to understand.not throw hard ships not throw war an not throw must find this awnser.if you can then you have become a warriror yourself".so like a idiote i went looking for ghost then it hit me a warrior is some one who has the will stay true to ones self no matter what happens.

6 Name: dollers : 2014-03-11 21:52 ID:p5GvYBjc [Del]

a warrior is someone who is willing to be strong even when he/she feels weak,a warrior is someone willing to protect the weak and stand up against 'bully's'

7 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-03-12 10:01 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

no, no, no. a warrior simply is one who goes to war. simple as that, and yet very complex. for example, all soldiers are warriors but not all warriors are soldiers

8 Name: Ari!!dDDs5Idj : 2014-03-12 15:56 ID:KnOfROPs [Del]

A warrior is someone who never turns their back on their cause, even when the chances look slim. They diligently devote themselves for what they think is right, and their loyalty is usually first, their lives second. Watch Hakuouki for some inspiration ^.^

9 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-12 16:12 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

>>8 omg some one who understands me.let me guess saito.if so then we have the man idea's want to be friends.

10 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-03-12 20:55 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

a warrior is someone who fights with all their heart for something they truly believe in.

11 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-03-13 09:51 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

you all romanticize what a warrior is. i've already said it, a warrior is simply one who goes to war. hence the name WARrior. >>8 that describes a loyal soldier, someone who fights for a cause, country, or person

12 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-13 15:32 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

>>11 just becaues you go to war does not mena your a warrior.there are people out there who go to war for fun an blood lust.

13 Name: Hakaron : 2014-03-13 16:16 ID:qHzlv3yL [Del]

Haha what is a warrior was the question ?

It's easy even when you cannot walk anymore when you are hurt you don't sleep enough it happen something bad to you or you lost somebody important a warrior stand and is not giving up for what ever he aims. His goal is importanter than his life, because failing or quitting is not an option.

14 Name: d : 2014-03-13 16:19 ID:RGh7PyF3 [Del]

try looking up in the dictionary

15 Name: Splair : 2014-03-14 04:39 ID:aE92Ya2i [Del]

A warrior is a person who experienced in or devoted to war and they can also be someone who is basically in any kind of conflict (Like a battle in beating cancer).

Thats just the dictionary definition though... you can take it to mean quite a few other things I guess...

16 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-14 05:42 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]

A warrior is someone willing to sacrifice what he already has for a greater outcome.

A soldier is simply following the orders of a superior and make sure his country or family is protected: it can be at war, as it can be humanitarian cause

But the warrior can be found in all of us. It only depends if you're ready to sacrifice, knowing it's for better.

5 said it with the teacher's example: you can go to war, like you don't have to, you can understand the necessity of it, or the necessity to avoid it.

As civil person, a warrior is simply someone who has values and enough discipline to respect those values, family, friends, self improvement,....

17 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-03-14 09:57 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

Yes it does. WARrior. its in the name! and dont tell me i dont know what a warrior is. I am one, and now Im in the process of becoming a soldier, so dont you dare tell me im wrong

18 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-14 10:35 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]


You're wrong? ;p

Maybe just the fact thinking warrior goes only to war is reductive: find the Maoris or samurais, it's a whole culture of the warrior and it implicates more than just going to war.

A warrior could be also a way of life.

I agree on your definition of a soldier though, but as said previously, every soldier is a warrior, but not every warrior is a soldier

19 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-03-14 13:01 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

no! warriors are different from soldiers and such. you're not listening!

20 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-14 15:47 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

>> 19 an >>17 alrigth i understand now sorry of saying that.i guess i was thinking like a old man.i guess a warrior is really what you think on is.don't take me wrong.i think it's great your a warrior but i guess some people think a warrior is some one who is strong some think it's there way they have lives or what the've done then theres who go throw ranks as so.sorry if i affrended you.

21 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-14 16:47 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]

Don't be sorry, it's good to see different opinions of a question that is quiete philosophical at the end. Roanoke has a different perception than me, bah it's always interesting.

What do you end up you? As your opinion? I'd like to know if you had any progress on that question :)

22 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-14 16:47 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]

Don't be sorry, it's good to see different opinions of a question that is quiete philosophical at the end. Roanoke has a different perception than me, bah it's always interesting.

What do you end up you? As your opinion? I'd like to know if you had any progress on that question :)

23 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-14 17:20 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

>>21 well i have learn everyone has diffrent idea's some may disagree but some agree an i still belive in the same things that old samurai,wise man an others say.but i think if i have to pick a master it's saito hajime off hakuouki an he's a left handed swords man like me.(i know it's anime)but i feel like i can understand him.we both earn for people to knowlege us on are fighting style an takes us in like normale people.not odd monsters who aren't able to do anything.long story short i think a warrior is some one who takes all the pain an saddness in an turns it in to something good.i've been kicked out of dojo after dojo becaues i woun't hold my sword i think if you sttay true to who you are your a warrior to me.sorry it was so long T-T

24 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-15 03:30 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]

Stop being sorry :p

That's a good point, I like it, and thanks for the names. I'm gonna read about him :)

25 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-15 11:14 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

>>24 alright i'll saito is a pretty good guy but you have to look up hakuouki first.there are sooo many saito's out thanks for the chat.

26 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-15 18:01 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

hey >>24 are you like a teacher or something?becaues you sound like one.

27 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 10:03 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

any other ideas.anybody becaues i feel alone.T-T maybe my idea's are not thought out anymore with kids now adays on there phones.i hate phones so much.

28 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 16:41 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

I think the definition of a warrior changes from person to person. To me, it's someone who has a set of priorities, and will fight to keep them. Most importantly, to protect those that are relying on you, even if you have to give up your own life. Secondly, to make life better for everyone (humanity in general) through any means necessary. And lastly, to be chivalrous to everyone I meet. Those are the priorities I hold most dear, and because I'm willing to fight for them, I consider myself a warrior.

29 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 18:19 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

well i think you are to

30 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 18:30 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

ヘ(≧▽≦ヘ)♪ Well, you know, if you say so....

31 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 18:45 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

you seem really cool to,.

32 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 18:55 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

You're gonna make my ego soar way too high if you don't stop..

33 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 19:11 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

who said it was bad to have a high ego sounds like e-go.waffles:)

34 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 19:16 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

You're right, now that I think about it. Feel free to continue singing my praises.

35 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 19:20 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

alright la da da da your cool an other should think that way to.i can't sing only draw.-_-

36 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 19:29 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

-_- You should get on the chat, it would/will be fun

37 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 19:30 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

how are you talking about?

38 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 19:34 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

I mean, you should get on drrrchat with me, so we can talk without spamming the personal board.

39 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 19:51 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

sorry but every time i'm on there my computar is like it turns broken like something.i got a idea do you have a quotev profile.

40 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 19:52 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

i can't really everytime i do my computare starts to act up then i have to restart everything.but do you have a quotev profile?

41 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 19:54 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

I do now

42 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 19:57 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

lol cool.i'm zero on there with the weird pic of a anime person with blue hair.

43 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 20:01 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

How do I search for people?

44 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 20:04 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

omg i'm sorry wrong account.i forgot i got ride of my account but we can talk on my friends story she don't care.just go to the story called My art work.she made a account just like mine an we can talk on her has a cover image of a girl with black an white hair.

45 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-16 20:09 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

dude what ever you do don't follow her she's nut's

46 Name: EastN : 2014-03-16 20:23 ID:jd11L+yK [Del]

There's way too many possibilities. What's her user name?

47 Name: beatnik : 2014-03-16 22:09 ID:p5GvYBjc [Del]

a true warrior is confident and is not afraid too take risks whenever he/she sees a issue

48 Name: beatnik : 2014-03-16 22:09 ID:p5GvYBjc [Del]

a true warrior is confident and is not afraid too take risks whenever he/she sees a issue

49 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-03-17 07:36 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

>>20 hey, sorry i got a bit angry. i just hate when people group soldiers, warriors, mercenaries, etc under one name

50 Name: Talon : 2014-03-17 08:35 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

a true warrior is a man or woman with absolutely no fear one who is willing to sacrifice his own life for the greater good to protect others one who is a leader you don't need skill you just need to step up for what you believe in and stand your ground that's what makes a true warrior that's what makes someone truly strong.

51 Name: Ventus : 2014-03-17 10:23 ID:v2QK3K8t [Del]

I agree with everything you said except the lack of fear. Without fear you're not brave you're just stupid. Fear isn't a bad thing it keeps you safe and tells you what actions are likely to be dangerous. What matters is overcoming fear to do what is right. Having fear and overcoming it > not being afraid

52 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-17 13:23 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]

Hey up, zero2 if I was a teacher, would it be a bad thing?

Or even a thing to consider in mind?

Being a warrior is a just a great concept, like the gentleman, it's something you can't reach but yet, you can tend to.

And it's always good to learn from the ancient, you see others perspective, it excites the imagination and the perspective.

53 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-17 14:43 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

>>52 no i think it would be cool if you where a teacher.

54 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-17 14:45 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

>>46 her user name is Zero an she talked to me last night when you where on the page with the profile pic of a girlw ith blue hair an purple back ground you go pluse she is crazy.we can chat on her page thou.

55 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-17 15:10 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]

Nah I'm not a teacher, just a person who thinks too much and like reading

56 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-17 15:55 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

you sound like me.-_-.but some people think people like me are weirdo's but hey my law is if your normale your

57 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-31 20:33 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

any ideas the new generashion could tell.

58 Name: Sonamue!dtw/vt/yZw : 2014-03-31 21:29 ID:OpaRuN8h [Del]

I always thought a warrior was someone who waged war, mentally or physically, maybe for different reasons and causes...

59 Name: MidnightWinter!RiAzRyvbjw : 2014-04-01 07:27 ID:bEbgfQAa [Del]

for me a warrior is someone who fight for what they believe in even if everyone is against them.
like LGBT who proudly carries themselves despite most people hating on them, they are warriors in their own way..

after all life is a battlefield in its own way, everyone has to fight or struggle at some point.

60 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-04-01 12:49 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

Thank you! See, Sonamue knows what they're talking about

61 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-04-01 21:21 ID:sfQwQTyX [Del]

hmm i think i'm comeing closer to a awnser but still i don't know or have any real ways to connect it all.