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1 Name: HEEEEELP!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-02-27 15:04 ID:RiCJc9Ij [Del]

Guys I am in a hurry please reply;

The problem is;

I have a friend not a best friend but only FRIEND.
He is a guy and he is a nice person; but no one talked to him. So i decided to talk to him and we became FRIENDS.

A few days later, he started getting bullied by both guys and girls.
I felt sorry for him (God, why am I a good person, damn it!) I asked the reason to girls.

The POPULER QUEEENLY group said "he STARES at girls legs very OBVIOUSLY."

They were right, he did. But that wasnt a good reason to bully him. I dont know; he hasnt done anything physically so it was unfair to beat the hell out of him.

So I went to him and told him the reason why thy were bullying him. He said nothing and went home. This happened today btw.

So guess what? One of the guys messaged me saying "what the hell did you do you bitch!"

I told him to calm down and tell he reason why he is so angry before cursing at me and he said sorry.
"You told him why we beated him!! Why?!! Arent we your friends huh?!! HE STARES AT MY GIRLFRIENDS LEGS!!! You!! Whose side are you on fuck you!!"

Then I asked him where he learned that; and omg what a suprise, it was my FRIEND.

I felt scared. Then he calmed down and we talked normally.

After a while i asked him really scared;
"Who else knows this?"

And his reply made me cry;


That is my problem guys!!
I have no friends at school; NONE.

All of the guys & girls hate me and i feel like crying!!

The QUEENS(aka bitches) leanred it so BOOM. I AM DEAD.

No one will like me now.


I dont want people to bully me, i have had enough of it!

Please help me...


I never want to do sth good for anyone!!!


So guys my problem shortly is;
I am scared what i will have to face tomarrow. How should I act? I told 2 of my classmates that i said it accidentally and they said 'that was wronf of you' and 'fck u'

Guys? Any ideas please? Please dollars?

2 Name: HEEEEELP!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-02-27 15:07 ID:RiCJc9Ij [Del]

By FRIEND i refer to the pervert guy; they learned it from him. I meam me saying their reason.

3 Name: Fazeon : 2014-02-27 15:29 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

>>1 This is the kind of thing I hate. With a burning passion. Are you sure he isn't just staring at the ground? Do you know if insecure? These types of things could probably cause him to do this. Or he really is just like that. I would just help him through this, honestly. Don't just stay from the sidelines. He is your friend, right? And when those popular girls start thinking that you like him, state to them first that hurting him makes them no better THAN your friend here. Basically, they're stooping lower than his level. So stand up for your friend. At the very least, help him bare with it.

4 Name: AnInfoBroker !TzIhFQeLZE : 2014-02-27 16:20 ID:UPXqemP4 [Del]

How the way everyone at your school reacted, I myself, wouldn't want to be friends with any of those douche bags.
So what he starred at a girls legs. Don't dress like a whore and where tiny skirts if you don't want to be goggled by guys!!

5 Name: Fazeon : 2014-02-27 17:09 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

This guys does bring up a point.>>4

6 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-27 18:44 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

fuck you >>4 that is the view that makes people say "she deserved it" or "she was asking for it" when a girl or guy is raped. just because someone dresses like a slut doesn't mean its ok to be disrespectful. wearing a tiny skirt doesnt mean its ok to goggle, it just means she likes to dress that way. just because someone dresses a certain way, they shouldnt have to fear being attacked, raped, and then blamed for "asking for it" thats utter bullshit!! think before u say shit like that. everyone should have the freedom of dressing how they want and feeling safe.

7 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-02-27 19:54 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

>>1 Don't hate him. Don't you dare. He's been routinely treated atrociously. These people are behaving despicably towards a human being and you're saying you want to be with them and hating someone who's probably just trying to stick up for himself. Telling someone why people have an issue with them is a very hard thing to do, but it is the right thing. If you want someone to become a better person then issues need to be stated so they can be faced and improved. And y'know what? Sounds like your "friends" are the ones who need to be told how bad they are.

>>6 11/10 not interested in debate but literally nobody brought up rape but you. The point was being LOOKED at. You don't frame a picture and hang it on your wall if you don't want it to be seen. >>4 said so in an entirely stupid way but there's no need to be so uptight and jump to all the rape culture rubbish. You didn't even say a word to OP. Come on.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-27 20:15 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

>>6 Although I understand your point, did you read how they acted? Did you read how they bullied this kid? Man, you can't blame a guy of he does that. If he does that, he does it, but if he respects others, doesn't harm them, etc. then it shouldn't be that BIG of a problem. Don't get me wrong here, what he's doing isn't right, but really? They're taking the matter this far? This is too much. Also, I honestly don't care what a person wears, but if they're gonna wear something that exposes them even more than regular clothes, GUYS LOOKING OVER YOU IS A GIVEN. So. Unless you're expecting to be stared at... Don't wear clothes like that. And don't pull the "freedom of dressing whatever you want and feeling safe card" on me. You KNOW these kind of clothes attract this kind of attention. You KNOW what society thinks of these clothes. And you KNOW that guys are gonna start drooling over it.

And also, why are you comparing this to a rape situation?
This isn't even close to that. Besides, these people BEAT a kid for this. Don't compare.
>>1 Talk to the guy, tell him it ain't right to do this kind of stuff. Take him to a therapist or something of the sort (someone clarify a person who could fix this problem) so that he could stop doing this. There are better ways to figure this out. They didn't have to hurt him. Hell, you don't even know if this kid went through something traumatic that made him do this.

9 Name: Fazeon : 2014-02-27 20:21 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

>>1 Do what >>7 Said. Do not, under any circumstances, break your friendship with him. Its a symbol of trust, and you need to respect that. You detaching yourself from him is bad. Help him out. That's what friends do.

10 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-02-27 21:46 ID:dH2M+IAP [Del]

>>6 As a girl who dresses extremely modestly, I have to agree.

There is a degree where you're asking for it, yes. If you're wearing a skirt so short that your underwear can be seen without you leaning down with a strapless belly shirt that cuts down to a V and is so small the only connection in the front is a button, then yes, you need to suck it up when a guy looks at you.

But from the way OP sounds, I don't think this is the case, seeing as he said looking at her 'legs' and not 'vagina', which would be the case in that costume.

I wear floor-length skirts and loose shirts and *still* have to deal with perverted fucknuts like this on a regular basis. I can understand why the girl got so fed up and why the guy was sticking up for her. Maybe the kid didn't deserve to get beat up, but I don't see how the girls are in the wrong here. What, just because they're popular? Your jealousy does not define guilt. Anyway. Moving on.

>>1 You have a few reasonable options here. You can 1) put up with it, ignore everyone, and wait until it goes away. 2) Verbally fight back whenever they complain about how much they hate you, hopefully letting you get your initial friend back. Or, 3) throw them under the bus by talking to a teacher (tell them about the fight and sexual harassment); it won't help you make friends, but at least they'll have a legitimate reason to be pissed off at you now.

I normally don't suggest just "putting up with it", but I personally think 1 is the most reasonable thing to go for in this case. Let it be. Their hormones will calm down in a month or two and get over it.

11 Name: HEEEEELP!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-02-27 23:24 ID:RiCJc9Ij [Del]

Guys i cant trust him, as you said friendship is trust but he gave me away. Thats why i hate it.
And of course they are all douchebags and i hate them
I am just scared of their bullies...

12 Name: HEEEEELP!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-02-27 23:34 ID:RiCJc9Ij [Del]

Oh also,
I never plan on being his friemd ever again;
He stabbed my back. I mean i am a good person and i just helped him. But by telling EVERYONE that he learned the reason from me; its unforgiveable.
I kind of hate him.

But it still feels sad seeing him all lonely but... i kind of think that he deserves it by the way he acts...

13 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-28 01:21 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>11 and >>12 you could be looking at this the wrong way. He probably didn't even know why he was being bullied (maybe, benefit of the doubt,) and when you told him maybe that just pissed him off that other people would think that way and such. Just an idea, I don't know the full story so I don't know for sure. But I think you're overreacting, be his friend. You shouldn't be friends with those other popular people, they aren't worth it. And no one ever deserves to get bullied. Ever. Give him another chance, this whole thing is probably just a misunderstanding so go and talk to him about it and say that you were hurt because he "told on you."
Staring at legs may be creepy but that's an awful thing to get bullied for, cut him some slack.

14 Name: Asuka : 2014-02-28 08:20 ID:PjBDcuv3 [Del]

>>1 You are totally overeacting
What do you mean by bully, I mean srsly look at the situation , he might be like "oh YOURE my friend" or "Oh You were HELPING, Nah never knew"
Backstabbing is part of life
Plus if they hate you, why not try to explain.
I suggest you stop freakin out over how youre dear fren betrayed you. It is fine to NOT forgive him. ( Staring at their legs, well they should really try to tell him the truth and stop bullying him , it spurs him on if they do ) I think you should be wary of the people around you. Thats in my opinon of course.

15 Name: This asshole : 2014-02-28 09:10 ID:chFAjolt [Del]

Well let me just say that it was dumb for you to become Friends with someone because you felt sorry for him or her. In my opinion you should have minded your own business and let other people deal with this thing, you know someone like your guidance counselor maybe? I know this comes off as me being shallow but it's true. Now you have to deal with the assholes around your school and not only that but you have to do something with you maybe unwanted friend. It's good that you tried to help this guy out but don't do it because you feel sorry for the dude but don't do it because you feel sorry for the guy. My advice for you is that try to be strong and confront with your friend.

I'm not saying that you should stop helping people but please stop feeling sorry for someone unless you are able to actually help them out. What I'm trying to say is that don't make other people's problems yours or make your problems the problems of others.

Sorry for being an asshole but what you did was dumb.

16 Name: This asshole : 2014-02-28 09:17 ID:chFAjolt [Del]

Oh yeah I forget to tell you that are you even sure that the dude was a perverted freak it might be rumors and bullshit if you ask me. If he is a perverted creep then try to at least talk to him about it and if his not then you should confront a counselor in your school then because this is down right bullying but let me warn you that telling on them will increase the hate they have for you.

And lastly are you guys REALLY friends? You guys might be having the illusion of being friends because you guys helped each other or something. Also you might be exaggerating too much.

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Moonlight : 2014-02-28 12:51 ID:F6NR+MV+ [Del]

No matter what a person may or may not be doing, no one deserves to be beat upon. Thats immoral and ultimately wrong. I know it can be troubling and difficult to stand up for others when they too are in the wrong, or when you yourself can become a target, but doing the right thing will always turn out better,and make you feel better about yourself.
There is also a chance that just maybe, you will make a special difference in that persons life, and maybe save them...

19 Name: HEEEEELP!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-02-28 13:07 ID:RiCJc9Ij [Del]

We have been friends for 6 years.
Thats why I felt really bad when he was getting bullied.

I mean the bullies are really bad in my school and thats why im scared! They grab your hair and bang your head onto the wall and throw you on the floor then they strt kicking you. After that they put you in a recycle bin and kick the bin while u r inside. They do this EVERYDAY.
>>15 & >>16
Yes you are an asshole. I mean PFFT, who helps people when these things are done! Duh, dude dont talk without knowing or seeing what they do.

He said sorry and apologized for making me left out by others.
He is a good friend and no, its not an illusion.
Today at school they said bad things about me (u know what i meant) and i just wanted to cry!

I have a really great friend in my class,her name is Briana and she is one of those populars.
however she stood up for me and said this all is stupid.

Then she started telling everyones bad sides
also i even learnt that one of the bullies were wearing a pink boxer with red hearts on it.

Well so everyone was ashamed and people were blushing like hell.

Everything is normal now thx to Briana...

But really; she didnt need to tell the boxer thingy... i mean i was happier... haha jk lol

Well so everythings back to normal; thx for your advices everyone!!


20 Name: beatnik : 2014-03-19 11:56 ID:p5GvYBjc [Del]

hmmm.... if he is a perv than i'm glad you told him,it will kepp him out of a whole lot of hot water if he reconize3s this and trys to for you,just wait this willl most likely pass and someone will want to hang out with you until then attend a class at your local church or something of the sort,the people most like wont know you an dyou can start fresh or just hang out alot with family

21 Name: THE TALIBAN MAN : 2014-03-20 08:14 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

in full honesty if a girl feels uncomfortable about him doing so keep in mind there are people that feel socialy akward and that doesnt tend to help the girls were just trying to stick up for others in there own way talk to both sides get him to stop and the problem is resolved he should maintain eye contact at all times but still that isnt a reason to use physical force both sides are wrong here and both need to be delt with accordingly use diplomacy i havnt read any of the above comments but keep in mind where everyone stands some people only know violence and some have mental disorders that cause them to be a pervert like that but if so he should talk to a therapist get a new type of medicine that will help him and talk to them letting them know the problem is resolved and have him appologize they will insult him at the time but just endure dont comment back they will say he isnt worth the time and walk away 97.06% of the time this is the response