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What should I do? (5)

1 Name: Tsukasa : 2014-02-24 18:02 ID:+5AhzgFd [Del]

This is my first post on here and I'm sorry if there has been one like this before... ^^;

Okay so recently I have been thinking about how I've been treating others. And I noticed that I haven't been kind.

It wasn't much of a surprise, because I've been so annoyed for the past few weeks. I am pushing people away, I hate when others touch me, and I haven't been appreciating things (Like gifts and kindness) I haven't found a reason why I'm like this... I'm never busy and I have no problems with anybody. Believe me I'm one of those people who is always lighthearted and can forgive easily.

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-24 21:11 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 it might be suppressed rage, you need to find a way to control your actions and feelings, think everything you do before you do it, that might help. I used to be mean but I realized that I had to change, it's a tough process and takes time, keep telling yourself to be nice and go for it! ^^

3 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-02-24 21:25 ID:VoshWpe5 [Del]

We all go through fits of this, Tsu. You're just one of the lucky ones who notices it and wants to fix it. You'll be a little nicer once the short phase is over, but if you want to avoid pissing anyone off, just be very wary of what you say / do. I tend to just flat out avoid people when I get like this so that I don't get into a confrontation or seen ungrateful.

4 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-24 22:43 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

I don't think anyone is completely aware of how their actions affect others. I think that you might not be in the wrong in these kind of situations. If it's something like pushing people away and not liking people touching you then I think that it's up to you not them. I hate the idea of having to get close to people that you aren't meant to or can't. It just means that you put on a mask and try to become the person that they want you to be rather than just being you. You should be able to choose who you get close to.

With appreciating things I don't think that's actually a choice. If it doesn't mean much to you and you don't really care about it either way then there is no point in pretending to be happy and grateful for it. I think that now days saying thanks has lost it's meaning and it's become more of a ritual or protocol than actually being thankful. That's why people just say thanks to everything independent of what they actually think. In my opinion I think it's best to be real and not put on a mask. So if people are getting offended or you're coming across mean when you have good intentions and just have a different perception to them then that's fine. It's not your fault, nor should you have to change because of it. That's just my opinion so I don't know if that would actually solve anything. I hope I helped XD

5 Name: Tsukasa : 2014-02-25 11:35 ID:+5AhzgFd [Del]

Thanks, all of you.

I think I understand what I should do now. I should avoid throwing fits and just be me. It's best if I stay close to the ones who know me better. I will think before I do things, and I won't be pretending to be happy. Although there is no real reason why I've been like this, I can always be patient and wait this one out.