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Newly homeless teen (36)

1 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-24 17:16 ID:B3mv5eoN [Del]

I'm 16 and newly homeless. I won't go into detail on why I am homeless and before anyone tries to tell me to go home I can't so don't bother telling me to.
Now if anyone could give me some helpful tips on how to get food or where to sleep I would really appreciate it.

2 Name: Haiiro : 2014-02-24 18:16 ID:p3p7VAuM [Del]

maybe you could stay with a friend?

3 Name: Fazeon : 2014-02-24 18:36 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

Well... I suggest finding a hotel... or finding some sort of transportation to get you to a family member...

4 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-24 20:25 ID:B3mv5eoN [Del]

I don't think I can go to family they'll send me back and that's not a good option for me.

5 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-24 20:34 ID:B3mv5eoN [Del]

I'll try a friend tomorrow it's already night I managed to find a store that stays open 24/7 I'm gonna hang in the book section till morning.

6 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-24 21:44 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

stay with a friend!! :) or maybe find a Dollar who lives close to u and is willing to let u stay? or find a place that lets teens stay for free or a low price. here, i found this web that has house locations across the country so maybe theres one close to u:

7 Name: AliceBossell : 2014-02-24 21:52 ID:VCL/3v04 [Del]

What state you live in sigh?

8 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-24 21:58 ID:IK1qIPoH [Del]


9 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-24 22:21 ID:IK1qIPoH [Del]

I just got a hold of my friend from grade school she said She would pick me up and i could stay with her for a while. She's about 4 years older than me and her parents are almost never home so I should be able to stay there for a while.
Now I just have to decide where to go from there.

10 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-24 22:25 ID:IK1qIPoH [Del]

Man I really wish it was summer right now it's cold out here.

11 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-24 22:34 ID:IK1qIPoH [Del]

Anyone know of a really good state or city for homeless kids?
I heard California is good but idk for sure on that.

12 Name: claes : 2014-02-24 22:51 ID:oXVEvQi7 [Del]

awww i hope you find somewhere, ya its warm here in California. there are a lot of abandoned places that are meant to be fixed but i guess none has gotten around to it, it would be ok to sleep there i think

13 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-25 00:46 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

Go to Oregon.
I was homeless in Oregon.
Hoped on a fishing boat for a few months and made enough to eat and travel.

Being homeless is pretty cool if you do it right.

14 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-25 03:45 ID:ZJ2BUp38 [Del]

>>12 It's still illegal to be a squatter.

OP, get a job that doesn't require you to have a home.
Do odd jobs to make money and stay at hotels, or make friends and stay with them.
The most important thing about being homeless is to keep going.
You can't stay in one place for too long or else you'll start running into problems.
Travel and do odd jobs.
You'll be alright if you have wit and skill.

15 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-25 15:11 ID:IK1qIPoH [Del]

Well my friends parents aren't coming home until next week after that I think I'll head to ..... I guess eighth Oregon or California.

I know it's illegal but if I can't find a place it's better than a park or the woods staying in those places is how u end up murdered.
But I'll try to find a store that stays open 24/7 instead of those places.

16 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-02-25 18:19 ID:Lii27dWK [Del]

>>15 Actually, I dunno about your area, but here in NJ, we have a lot of "legit" homeless towns in the woods. Though one of them recently got shut down because it got too much publicity. And in general, it's not a great idea to stand around in 24/7 places for too long unless they're large (like a Walmart-sized place or something). The owners / employees will get suspicious after a while and call the cops on you or kick you out.

Anyway. My brother has basically been homeless for years. He made friends with the pedicabbers out in Arizona and has been borrowing other people's pedicabs on days they're not working to make a few bucks. He got a girlfriend after moving off to Chicago and (as far as I know) lives in her apartment / friend's houses.

It's not a lifestyle for me at the moment, buuuut it's possible. Very possible. (And I should be saying, "but you're underage, you horrible person!" but tbh, it's not my place to say anything since I don't know your situation. It'd be wrong to judge you when I don't know if you're just being a selfish brat or if you are in legitimately bad circumstances.)

Also, unless your parents are abusing you or something (or are the ones who kicked you out), you might want to send them a letter or text explaining why you left and what you're doing. Otherwise they'll probably get the cops on your ass after you've been gone long enough.

17 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-02-25 21:21 ID:F7qsG+ex [Del]

How do you have internet access if you're homeless do you mind me asking?

18 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-02-25 22:23 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]


19 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-02-26 02:03 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

>>17>>18 Smartphone?

20 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-02-26 07:22 ID:yA8vfQp1 [Del]

>>19 Probably, or an internet cafe.
I was 'homeless' for about a week before. All I had was my phone, dead.

21 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-26 08:36 ID:hxM1U0dh [Del]

Im using my phone

22 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-02-27 13:36 ID:o8n4KzSk [Del]


Library, you twats lmao. Free internet and computer access. Books. Warmth. Bathrooms. It's the best place to be for internet (and the day) when you're homeless.

23 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-02-27 18:37 ID:AbSTkYdg [Del]

>>22 First hand experience?

24 Name: Sigh : 2014-02-27 19:46 ID:IK1qIPoH [Del]

Good thing I love the library.

25 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-28 06:32 ID:6fj0hycu [Del]

>>22 This.
It's like you guys have never been poor.

OP, seriously pick up on odd jobs.
Homelessness is pretty close to being free.
You have no prison to call you own, travel and see the country.
You have been given a wonderful opportunity.

26 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-02-28 07:43 ID:yA8vfQp1 [Del]

>>25 wuts poor

27 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-28 07:56 ID:6fj0hycu [Del]

>>26 A freedom from modern enslavement.
Also, ur mum.

28 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-02-28 08:06 ID:8gUpSnG1 [Del]

>>27 Let's not be heading down that path.

29 Name: Moonlight : 2014-02-28 12:56 ID:Fibgsk2W [Del]

Given that you are not given a chance to return home, the easiest way that you can provide for yourself, would be to make a new friend that is willing to help you.
if you cannot do that, find someplace sheltered from snow wind and rain, and sleep there. It could be a tube slide at the park, the bathrooms at a gas station, or an abandoned house, just never leave your things, or they may get stolen.
Food:Stealing is morally wrong, but if it comes to that, it IS important to know how to not get caught. sneaking in on a picknick that a family is having is a good one, jsut dont take everything. Limit what you take, only what is necessary. Go into a grocery store and slip some sliced ham under your shirt, just make sure there is no price tag. Do what is necesary, and ONLY that.
I hope i hepled you.
God Bless <3

30 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-02-28 20:46 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

>>22>>25 Come on guys, I made a perfectly logical and simple suggestion that turned out to be correct. Why the jabs?

OP, this is gonna sound oh so stupid but: Go to a church, talk to the pastor. I'm serious. Friend of mine rooms with a guy who's constantly housing the homeless. By that I mean my friend gets home from a day at work and there's some dirty fellow he's never seen before asleep on the couch. I know first hand how bigoted Christians can be, but I swear there are some real ones who are willing to take people in, feed them, and help them get on their feet. I've even heard of ones where members own businesses and if they find out somebody there needs a job they just hire them, on the spot.

Maybe not your cup of tea, but it's worth a go.

31 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-02-28 21:50 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

What I dont get is why skepticism about the entire situation was completely bastardized. Sorry for thinking it'd be a little silly to go on a social forum when being self proclaimed homeless rather than trying to make ones situation better.

32 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-03-01 10:41 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

>>31 I'm with you there. In general I just treat this board with the mentality of "better safe than sorry" and treat things as real until obviously not.

33 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-03-01 11:45 ID:9cO2H1Z0 [Del]

>>31 Tbh, OP doesn't sound like he's bullshitting, but I agree that talking on a forum when you have no place to go isn't the brightest thing to do.

34 Name: Jabberwocky : 2014-03-01 13:01 ID:ksdg9WZY [Del]

I don't know if someone's already said this, but I heard someone lived in a Kmart for a whole week once just as an experiment and no one noticed. They said that they slept on the beds in the furniture section and ate some of the store's food and an employee only noticed once and they didn't even care. So I'd say to find a big store like that. I also heard that San Francisco is a great place for homeless people and they have community meals on the streets and stuff like that

35 Name: Chreggome : 2014-03-02 00:36 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>31 I wasn't bastardizing your skeptisim, sleep-o.
I doubt OP is telling the truth, but it's a good question.

36 Name: A Larger End : 2014-03-02 15:03 ID:jZa98rcG [Del]

If you have the money pay for a gym membership it's warm and has showers and maybe you can ask someone for some food, since your young they may take pity on you and give you food or money to buy food.