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HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! (30)

1 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-24 16:07 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

HELP there is some crazy girl at my school an she injoys hitting people for fun runs like naruto an woun't leave me alone.i just you know i can't tell her off becaues i'm a pasafist.(i didn't spell that right).please help.
P.s she likes anime i have nothing agenst it i love anime but she's CRAZY with it!!!

2 Name: Fazeon : 2014-02-24 17:20 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

Well why don't you talk to her about it? You're fed up with this right? Tell her you don't want to be treated like this. Don't be rude about it, but tell her in a way that she'll get it. If she starts pulling out the card where you're being too mean, tell her it's for her own good.

Are you sure she doesn't have any disabilities or anything? this could also be a problem.

3 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-24 18:29 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

no she's just crazy an it's not any thing like that.see me an my best friend sit in the gym an wait for gtm class to start an she comes over to us an get's in are conversations.then hit my friend in the head with a manga book an said maka chop.but i don't think she is a bully becaues she doesn't go around messing with kids but i'll tell he i'm not scaried i just am shy an if i can't get out of a bad spot with words then i use mind games then violences.(i don't like to fight)

4 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-24 21:48 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

its sounds like shes one of those dumb girls who act like they are an anime girl cuz they "think its cute" or fun to act that way. except anime is anime for a reason, every thing is exaggerated, no one acts like that in real life. She needs to get that. maybe just tell her "please cut it out, its not cute"

5 Name: Sou!Ww9Me2u6TE : 2014-02-24 23:29 ID:vpGnEhtO [Del]

Just try avoiding her, and if she comes up to find you just tell her nicely that she shouldn't do those things and that they hurt.

6 Name: FREDRIQ !RL45.ivl72 : 2014-02-25 07:23 ID:u5aU8/Bj [Del]

I know ow that is, many people can't handle being different, so they go out of their way to seem based about it. Just ask her to please stop, and if they doesn't work, Snitch. Only way i can see how to pacifist do it. unless you talk to here friends about.

7 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-02-25 08:45 ID:yA8vfQp1 [Del]

Try to tentacle rape her. Trust me, gets 'em every time.

8 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-26 17:07 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

thank you all i will try my best an i did snitch.people call it dumb but i smile an say i'm a information broker. an >>7 i don't think that's possiable but i can mind rap people by telling them wise things an smart stuff.i confuss so many people that way.

9 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-26 19:59 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

zero 2, dont snitch on your classmates. i despise people like that. that was low. its not being a "information broker." stop trying to be Izaya.

10 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-27 15:20 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

i'm nothing like izaya i only snich when i think i have to like if i see bulling yes i will snich i only do it for good not to start fights or for some giggles.i did what i had to an if it means you despise me so be it.i'll just add you to the list of people who hate'll count as everyone.

11 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-27 18:46 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

except she wasn't bullying you.

12 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-27 18:50 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

no but she was bulling others.i fight for the good of everyone.even if i don't like humans every human an animal comes befor me.if there deeds are for the good of everyone.i hate feeling useless so i try my damnest to help.

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-27 19:26 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

You fancy yourself the hero don't you. Do you always do that? Then when you get rejected by others, or called a snitch, or end up all alone, you can say to yourself, "Its ok, I'm in the right. I am a good person. Everyone else will understand some day. They'll see. I'm different. I just have a great sense of justice and I know what is right." Does someone fancy them self the wounded hero. But in fact, there is a small part of you that needs to feel that way about yourself. Or you have nothing left. You want to continue playing in your little game. So you continue to play, alone, no matter how lonely it makes you.

15 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-27 19:37 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

you have it all wrong it's simple really i try not snitch i try not to stick my nose in thing.i don't think of my self as a hero it'a the opposite.i think i'm a bad peron an i have done one can really be good or bad.i ask myself this befor i do anything thou.i ask what is really good what is really bad.i will admite i'm alone i'm always sad an i hate's not a game it's how i try to find ways to live.people waste there lifes an i try not to waste mine.i am only alone becaues i'm scaried.i'm scaried i may hurt some one by screwining saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing.i hate when people yell an scream.i just don't like when people figth but it can't be helped people are mean by nature.but i don't regret anything.what i say is true so i woun't apologize.

16 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-28 16:44 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

these are my thoughts don't like so sorry.

17 Name: Asuka : 2014-02-28 18:42 ID:YOcO0+TJ [Del]

>>11 bully or not , it does not matter.

>>15 >>16
Hating yourself, i dont think so, if you really think so you would not even care about raising up your own problems. No one has the righf to say they hate themselves, when it is a fact that humans do most things for themselves. At your second last comment that i read you said you did not regret and you wont apologise , then why did you apologise in the end. For the fact that people know their status and reputation they recreate their own scene to defend themselves, this would allow ones reputation to ascend. Thats not wrong , but I think thats what makes the world live

18 Name: Person : 2014-02-28 19:15 ID:AC9CVPaS [Del]

>>14 That's really harsh! Zero didn't come here to get criticized from you! Zero just wants some help dealing with this problem! S/He made his choice, and you shouldn't criticize him/her on it! If you don't have something nice to say, STFU and GTFO.

19 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-02-28 20:28 ID:8gUpSnG1 [Del]

I think Zero 2 is being a pussy, needs to nut up and realise that some people in the world are just annoying, and move on.

So simple. So effective.

20 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-28 20:28 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

>>17 your worlds are i respect that.i don't care i just want to stop the problem.but i see your veiw of >>18 thank you

21 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-02-28 20:30 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

>>19 you have courage.i guess you maybe right.but i don't think you could move on forever things catch people get hurt.

22 Name: Ummo : 2014-03-01 06:48 ID:chFAjolt [Del]

Well maybe you're being a tsundere XD

But For realz though if you don't like her then don't give her the attention she begs for or talk to her normally.

23 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-01 17:57 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]


24 Name: A Larger End : 2014-03-02 15:08 ID:jZa98rcG [Del]

pacifists are allowed to tell people off your just not allowed to start a fight that's all, tell a teacher hopefully they will tell her to calm down. If that doesn't work ignore her she probably wants attention, and if THAT doesn't work give her some tough love by telling her she's creeping you out by being to crazy.

25 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-03 07:36 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

your a very blunt person aren't you.

26 Name: Norakah : 2014-03-03 08:18 ID:b/8uxtpf [Del]

Fuck her and i am not making fun or so i mean it truly

27 Name: A Larger End : 2014-03-03 10:16 ID:6aXbHbKW [Del]

>>25 who are you referring to? If it's me then yes I am extremely blunt

28 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-03 16:59 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

>>27 ya it's you .hey >>26 better way of talking we have kids on this site.

29 Name: THE TALIBAN MAN : 2014-03-04 12:04 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

the problems very simple you should expect it by now so the best advice i can give you is to doge or fight back if you grab her hand before it makes contact and make yourself look like a threat it gets to people psychologically is you do that your all set i cant say doing nothing or telling others will help because in full honesty it wont in the slightest and if its just a nerdy otaku that wants to pretend like shes something that doesnt even exist and takes things too far i know exactly how you feel my fiance is a cosplayer and she drives me insane with it so stay alert and good luck

30 Name: Zero 2 : 2014-03-04 18:12 ID:hnSeXkRm [Del]

thank you very much >> must be a smart boy/girl