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I need help with my friend... (4)

1 Post deleted by user.

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-23 23:50 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 a broken heart can actually be the worst and hardest problem of all, how long has she actually known the guy (not how long she dated him,)? It's even worse because she hasn't had average problems to toughen her up. Instead of really telling her that she's being immature, help her heal first. I don't actually know how seriously that guy actually meant to her, she might have even thought of him as "her true love", so what she might really need is a distraction. She might be using cutting as a way of taking her mind off of the heartbreak. Bring over some ice cream and her favourite movies, get her mind to a safer place where she doesn't need to cut anymore. Later on you can tell her that guys break hearts, it happens, but it's nothing to kill and/or harm herself over.
I hope this helps! :3

3 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-24 06:11 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>1 I think that saying that she has a privileged life is only from your perspective because people want or care about different things in life. What she is after probably has nothing to do with the normal things in life that you would class someone as "privileged" but things like love and friendship or loneliness and depression.

Rather than telling her that she's spoiled and should be happy talk openly to her about why she needs him so much and try getting to know her on a deeper level. People need love but getting desperate is bad. She might want a real, true friend who she can be completely open with and trust and rely on. If she doesn't think that she can get that from you or her other friends then she might think that getting a boyfriend is her best bet. And also you don't know what they did or talked about so they might have had some kind of strong connection that you wouldn't understand unless you were in her shoes. There might be more factors that you aren't seeing that contribute to this.

My favourite quote is "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" - Plato. Try being as understanding as possible of her situation and pain.
I hope I helped. Let us know what happens.

4 Name: Asuka : 2014-02-24 07:43 ID:PjBDcuv3 [Del]

I seriously hate suicidal people, yet I think your way of thinking is wrong. Unlike everyone else , everyone has their own sentimental value placed for certain objects and certain activities and so on. Hence , no one can assume 100% the value of something in ones mind.