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Should I tell? (15)

1 Name: Alice~ : 2014-02-23 21:35 ID:nrOG6Wc5 [Del]

So I have this friend and she cuts, it's pretty serious in the fact that not many people know about it. I found out by "Accident" she has this secret Instagram account in which she posts pictures of her cuts or just depressing posts, at the time I didn't know it was her (though I had a feeling it was by some of her posts) so I sent her a private message saying that stuff I go through in my life and how I knew how she felt, I didn't get a reply for about two weeks and one day she texted me that it was her Instagram account. I've talked to her about her depression over text but I don't think it gives much of an effect on her. I have asked how she was doing and she always gives a simple shrug. Now, she's not depressed all the time, in fact she's quite happy at school, laughing with her friends she gets more depressed when she's at home. And her best friend told me about a year ago that her step father isn't the nicest guy, so I'm kinda linking things together but I'm not going to press her or ask her about it. I know she wants help, but she isn't persistent on it. Like she's not running around showing her scars to everyone yelling "Hey guys I cut!" Its more subtle, like through her Instagram account. She's not saying its her but she makes certain posts. And she posted on her art account (not her main account-yes she has a lot of accounts) that she was depressed. She covers her scars all the time anyways, she always wears long pants and a sweater-even when were doing gym. Now, I'm thinking of just telling the counsellor next time I see them, I don't see them often I've only seen them twice for my own problems. Or I can just make an appointment and while talking to them about whats going on with me, just slip out whats happening with my friend. I can talk to her all I want but I'm no counsellor and I can't give her the professional helps she needs. She might hate me but if it means her life...Do you guys think I should tell?

2 Name: AnInfoBroker !TzIhFQeLZE : 2014-02-23 22:50 ID:O+v+fZll [Del]

If you can't for anything then tell someone. Its not gonna get better and its just gonna get worse. I learned that from first hand experience. I almost killed myself because no one told anybody I was feeling depressed. So to be safe tell someone before it could get that bad.

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-23 23:40 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I agree with what >>2 said, you do need to tell somebody else, a trusted adult is the best way to go, the counsellor sounds like a good idea. Depression is a tough battle to win on your own, even if she doesn't believe she needs help she really does need it, you're a great friend for helping her out (I thought that I should at least tell you that,) I hope this helps in some way, good luck!

4 Name: Alice~ : 2014-02-24 01:08 ID:nrOG6Wc5 [Del]

Thanks you guys! I defiantly will tell the counsellor. I wouldn't want her at all to try to harm herself in anyway anymore or put her very life in danger, and you guys are right she needs help from an adult.

5 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-24 01:20 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

Rat her out.
Having a secret instagram to post your cutting pics on is fucking stupid and nothing short of attention whoring.

I say if she wants attention, give it to her.
Give her attention by telling on her.

6 Name: Alice~ : 2014-02-24 01:27 ID:nrOG6Wc5 [Del]

Personally at first, I did think she was doing it for attention, but then I realized she really wasn't. She wants people to notice, yes. But because she wants help, not attention. I have a feeling that her step father has something to do with it, and I can tell my friend does suffer from depression. My brother went from being depressed to bipolar so I know what the symptoms are like. I get where your coming from though, I've had a lot of attention seekers in my school like that, but sometimes it's serious. In this case it is.

7 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-24 01:37 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

I think that if you post emo shit on Instagram along with pictures of your are doing it for attention.

I also think it's possible to be an attention whore and still want help.

Also, how does one go from being depressed to being bi-polar?
You realize that bi-polar disorder is a type of depression, yes?

Your friend is an attention seeker.
Get her help and get her to stop being an idiot on the internet.
When you guys are adults, she'll thank you.

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12 Name: Asuka : 2014-02-24 03:13 ID:7OD5cJiF [Del]

I personally think being suicidal is a real dumb thing,the only things someone would get from it is a bunch of "nice" and "caring" people to symphatize for the fact that these people are gullible enoug h to think that they are the minority that reaches their hand out to pathetic humans. More so ,they might just use your dear friend as a way to tell others that they can "relate" t o that.

C'mon wake up, who would post pics on the virtual net to show people their depression if they are NOT attention seekers. In my opinion , it disgust me to see someone disregarding their own life. Think about it do you think it is just simply a way of posting and sharing.The only reason I can think of is the fact that no one tried their best to tell your dear friend to face reality, no person on the net will CARE a damn about the life your friend went through, most use it for their own benefits.

I think you should do what you want, you know its serious yet you would not tell anyone . Is it to harsh on your friend or you.

p.s. I really feel sickened by the fact that humans are weak and pathetic however I know that as long as its over and done with humans can also be strong.

13 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-24 07:37 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>12 Are you me?

14 Name: Asuka : 2014-02-24 07:47 ID:PjBDcuv3 [Del]

Erm no I am ME =_=
U got a problem with the fact that I might have a similar opinion, did I offend U . I'm sorry then 😄

15 Name: Human : 2014-03-11 18:59 ID:Tzxnuxmm [Del]

Dang I saw this post super late.

To really agree on it suicide isn't the smartest thing to do. But sometimes the pressure around a person may just suppresses her so much that she decides on suicide because there seems to be no other choices. Like how I slapped myself before and hurt myself more, though not to the extent of actually leaving a wound cause my conscience holds me back.

Personally I think she has a secret instagram is to seek attention for help. The thing is when a person wants help she/he doesn't just go up to a person and share all those stories of her and be like "I need help." It's not an easy thing to do saying about your family background, it's also related to a person's sense of privacy and uncomfortable-ness of sharing her personal stuffs.

It's that complicated feeling of wanting to tell and at the same time not wanting to tell. She cuts herself and post it on secret instagram as a hint of "I need help," yet not bravely onto facebook and be like "I need help I'm cutting myself-blablabla." It is often that people nowadays also have a sense of feeling that "if I post this out people will think I'm just seeking attention" and after a struggle, for choices maybe, this friend of Alice decides to have a secret instagram. And as she seeks help, it means that she knows that suicide is not a good thing too.
Ah, yeah, being bi-polar. People may seem all joyful and cheerful but it may be because they're around people, friends, anything that can bring the slightest bit of happiness to the drowning sense of emptiness that one may held inside of her because of the depressing thoughts and facts that she's holding within. So when she gets lonely, those thoughts and ideas come back, almost to haunt her or so to speak. And it's almost like she falls into her own dark world again. (There's a saying that The sunnier a person the longer the shadow." not that it applies to everyone) If you use me as an example, I nearly use school friends, and any other cheerful existences as a type of drugs. Yes I have been thinking of death for a long time and thankfully I have friends there that is truly there for me to lean on and rely on that actually prevents me from cutting myself.

I typed too long >_> sorry for the grammar mistakes
Anyway, yeah, tell the counselor but also do your best to understand that friend, Alice. Cause there are times when those people won't understand her pain and feelings and only a true friend like you can become her chair for her to sit in (is that a weird metaphor) anyway you get what I meant. ^.^ Have a real conversation with her that can releases her pain, and use it in a truly-wished-to-help attitude not a "pity" attitude. And support her! XD (<--most important) Hopefully this helps. Sorry if I offend anyone with my own opinions.
