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Being put down (7)

1 Name: Agorain : 2014-02-19 22:22 ID:RjouFpUU (Image: 500x191 png, 91 kb) [Del]

src/1392870121510.png: 500x191, 91 kb
Okay, so I guess I'm being bullied?

There's this girl. She brags and brags and brags. I don't really care, except that she personally seeks my friend and I out to brag and tell us we are no good. Drawing, for example. Her drawings in her oppinion are "The best thing ever." While, she looks at ours- and let me tell you, my friend is the best artist I've ever seen- and tells us that ours looks "Dead and flat. Awful." Compared to hers. It doesn't bother me that she does it to me. But to my friend... That angers me. I don't want to hurt her, or anything like that, but is there anyway that I could maybe make her feel empathy? Please, just a little help.

2 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-19 23:38 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

The best way to do it I think would be to simply be open to her about. I don't know if you've said anything about it but I think that you will be surprised about what things people are unaware of about themselves. Don't say it in a mean or exaggerated way but just make it clear what's going on. If she just gets angry and defensive and becomes irrational then there isn't much that you can do. Some people are just stubborn and mean but don't blame them either way because their situation and past is different to yours so, for all we know, we would be the same as them. But make sure that both of you are rational and calm when talking about it. I hope this helps. Let me know what happens

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-20 00:31 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 you can't make others feel empathy. And it's most likely not an empathy issue anyway, she probably has an inferiority complex and puts others down because she's worried that if she doesn't then people will put her down instead. There are a lot of people like that, so you need to overlook her insults. Instead you could compliment your friend more and tell them to ignore her insults too. I hope that helps :3

5 Name: Akagami : 2014-02-20 06:27 ID:35lIKCzQ [Del]

Some people are late in learning empathy or so I experienced and read about. Personally I don't think kindess usually works on bullies. You either wait it out and ignore it or act aggressive and show that you'll fight back. Verbally or physically. It might sound like dumb advice but sometimes bullies are really simple and child like. I've been on both sides so that's what I go by anyway.

6 Name: TK-San : 2014-02-20 06:48 ID:34PMOXxl [Del]

Try to just ignore her. That's the best and easy wayout. If She keeps on bothering you, then you should just ask for help. I really don't know exactly how old are you, but if you are in class, just ask a teacher or the principal some help. When I was at school, I also was bullied, It won't stop until you take some attittude. Ignoring is a good one, but It's not everyone who can do that. In my case I used to threaten the ones who bullied me, once i'm a big guy after all. But I had a friend who used to ask for help from parents or school, and it also worked for him.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-23 16:03 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

just tell her that it's a matter of opinion which drawing is better and that her opinion doesnt really matter. If she insists that her drawing is better just say "i think my friends drawing is better because of her use of (list off different drawing techniques and skills like texture, shadow, blending, negative and positive space, etc) where as your drawing lacks (list off what she lacks)" this girl doesn't believe you, ask other people "which drawing is better this one(show them your friends drawing) or this one(show them this girls drawing)"